Hale - BR120 H364 1684

(45) are defumed from it, butto chew theboldnefs and miftakes- of them that have mifapplied or abufed them. I anfiver, That thefe Mifapplications and inconfiderate Ufes of Scripture-phrafes by them, though it be juftly reprovable, yet it is far more intollerablein him. Though their miftakes were weakand foolifh, yet theywereferi- ous in thofe very miftakes ; but this man induftrioully and defignedly makes the Expre/on ridiculous and con- temptible. z. Their Abufes of Scriptures and Scripture phrafes will not at all juftifie the like in him,though in a- nother kind, and to another end ; he might have learned to have avoided the folly and inconfideratenefs of the o- thers, and not have multitiplied it in himfelf by a worfe Method of abufe. Certainly, who ever he was that made thefeConferences, Idare fay he hath no fuch patternofwriting from the A- poftlesor Fathers. The neareft Copy that I know of it, is the A and though he feems a man of Wit and . Learning, and poffìbly would belome body in theworld, I dare fay they that cherish him in the mainof his defign are afhamed of his fcurrility, and with it had been (pared, . and fo perchance may he be when more years have bet- ter confideration. The mifchiefs that come by this man- ner of writing arevery great and many. r. It makes Differences irreconcilable.When Differences Civil or Ecclefiaftical in Judgment or. Practice happen,. gentlenefs, foftnefs,: mildnefs, and perfonal refpe&fulnefs quiet thePäliions and Spirits of the adverfe Party, gain upon him,get within him ; and when the perfon is thus won, and over-matched with Sweetness and Kindnefs, and perfonal. Jealoufies andPrejudices removed, Perfwafi- ons and Arguments grow prevalent, come with their full weight,are entertained calmly, and confiderately, and in fenfibly gaingrounds evenupon the judgment: But I yet- never_