Hale - BR120 H364 1684

( ss ) is eleaive and for life, and not patrimonial or heredi- tary : An Office meerly of Confidence, Science, and Qua- dcation, &c. See the refl. Page. 185, i 86. The Cap and Surplice Pince theybe things in their Nature indifferent, and yet by force held Superflitious, and that the Queftion is between Science and Confiience, it feemeth to fall within the compafs of the Apoflles Rule, which is, that the Itronger do defcend and yield to theweaker, &c. [lege cætera] The rather becaufe the filencing of Minifters on this occafion, is in this fcarcity ofgood Preachers, a punithment that lightethon the people, as well as on the party. And for the Subfcription, it feemeth tome in the Nature of a Confefíion, and therefore more proper to bind in the Vnity of Faith, and to be urged rather forArticles ofDo- tirine, than for Rites and Ceremonies, and Points ofoutward Government.For howfoeverpublickConfiderationsand Rea- fons of State may require Uniformity, yet Chrillian and Divine Grounds lookchiefly upon Unity. See what he faithpag.x 91. for A. Bill-lop Grindals way of Le&ures to youngMinifters, to teach them topreach well. And p. x92 ofthe abufe of Excommunication. An Animadverfion of the Tranfcriber. Qu. Why was thisgreat manfo much againfi Bifhops depu- ting their proper work to Chancellours, CommiJJaries, Offici als ? &c. Aní. It'scalk to conje&ure,. I. Tho'he thought theaccidental Modes of Church-Go- vernment mutableand humane, yet molt Chriftians with him judge, that. the F enti:-rl of Church 0ffce are of Di- vine Inftitution,and thcrefo efixed on the proper Officers: Andthat no Lay-man ;nay by Deputation adminifter Sa- craments, or the Church k eyes. . II And