TO THE HIGH AND MIGHTY MONARCH OVR DEARE AND DREAD SOVE~ 'RJfiCj0(__L01(V, lAMEs, 'BYTHECjOOV provrdence ofGod, Kmg ofGreat BR ITAI NE, FRANcE and IRELAND· the mdfl.rvorthy and ' ' ')" moll: able Defender ofthe Faith, and moft: grac-ious Patron ofthe Church; t.AO Ptaceand H~tppi11t/fo. Moft gracious Soveraigne : _ . Cannot fo over ~love this ilfue ofmy own brain, as to hold it worthy of your Ma~ jeil:ies judicious eyes ; much lelfe of the higheft Patronage under Heaven : Yet now,my very dmy hath bidden me look fo high ; and telsme it would be no lelfe then injurious, if llhould not lay down my work,where I owe my fervice; and that I fhould offend if! prefumed not; Befides, whither {hould the·rivers run, but into the Sea ~·It is to yourMajefty (under theHigheft) that weowe both tbefe fweet opportunities ofgood, and all the good fruits of thefe happy opportunities,: If we lhould. not therefore freely offer to your Majefty fome prxnietiall handfuls ofthat crop,whereofyon may challcHge the wJ10le harwft,howcould we be but fhamele{ly U11H;i¥~!&rWTcan,; not praife my Prefent othefwife then by the' Wuth 'i:lf tl:iacheart fi·o which it proceedeth:Only, this I ~1ky raf; tl]at fei~. dome any man bath oifered to your Royal! hands a gte8:t!:t bundle of!11S own tboughts(fome whereof,as it muft needs fall om ~mongft fo inany, have been confeffed profitable) A3 nor
\ The Epijlle 'Dedicatory. ·-- ~---nor perhaps more variety of difcourfe : for here {hall your I · Majefty finde Morality, hke a good handma1d, wmtmg on Divinity; and Divinity, like fome great Lady, every day in feverall dreffes ; Speculation interchanged with experience ; Pofitive Theology with Polemical!; Textual! with difcurfory ·Popular withScholafticall. . I ~an not di!femble my joy to have done this little good : And ifit be the comfort, and honour ofyour unworthy fervane, chat the God of heaven bath vouchlafcd to ufe his hand in the lea!l: fervice ofhis Church; How can it be but yourCrown and rejoycing,that the {;·une God bath fet apart yeur Maj~fty, as aglorious in!l:riunent offuch an univerfall good to the whole Chri!l:ian VV orld~· It was amad conceit 1 of that old Herefiarch, which might ju£l:ly take his name from madneffe ;That an hugeGiant bears up the earth with his lhoulder; which he changes every thirteeth yeare, for eafe; and with the removall caufes an Earthquake. Ifby the device he had mea.nt onely an Embleme of Kings (as our ancient Mychologi!l:s under theirSaint qeorge, and [hrijlopher, have defcribed the Chriftian Souldier, and good Paftor) he had not done amiffe;for furely, the burthen ofthe wholeworld lies on the lhoulders ofSoveraign Authority; and it is no marvel! ifthe Earth quake in the change. .As Kings are to the VVorld,fo are good Kings to the Church: None can be {o blinde, or envious, as not to grant, that the whole Church ofGodupon earth, refts her felfe principally (next to her flay above) upon your Maje!l:ies Royall fupportat.ion ; You may truly fay with 'David, EgoJuflineo columnaujm. VVhat wonder is it then, ifour tongues and pens bleffe you; ifwe beambitious ofall occafions,that may tef:tifie our cheerfull gratulations of this happineffe to your Highneffe, and ours inyou: VVhich, our humble prayers unto him by whomKings raigne, !hall labour to .continue, till both the Earth and Heavens be truly changed. The unll!orthiejl ojjour Majejlierfltvantr, Jos. HALl.
THE SEVERALL TREATISES contained in this Book. Epillles in fix Dccads. Thrtt YIIRmrs. ------ Sermons. Page1 65 95 U5 143 155 IS7 107 ll9 >17 ~r;~--•57 ··--...269 3·-187 r. Pharifaifme <Mal.5•lO. 371 1. ThePaffionSermon. ini•hn r9.30 _ 387 3· 4· The ImprefcofGod: lntrv•Strm•ns._5I· in Z~<h. 14 . 10,54°5 . . Z•· .14t3 5. AFarewell Sermon to the Fam1lyof Pnnce Htnr7. in Rtvtl.uoJ. 4'3 6. An holy 1 Sam.11.24,>5. 435 7· The deceitof Appearance.inT•hn7.~4. 451 B. Thegreatlmpoftor.inltr.t7·9· 461 9· The bell :Bargain, in Pr~vtrb,, 3·•3· 473 >o. A SermonatS. Haggaio.9. 483 u. ThetruePeace.Makrr.Jf.ii.]>.I7• 495 12. N1ah's Dove. i• r Cor, 12.4. 509 Acommon Apology againfi the Brownifrs. one Bilk. 5 27. A fcrious Difl\vafive from Popery. 587 No Peace with Rome. Ont BIDk. 605 f2!!.!vdu? Or,AcenfureofTravell: 63 9 The Righteous Mammon. in 1 Tim.~.17. 66 3 ~1 , 687 I! The honour oftheMarried Clergy. In thrtt B10ks.- •· -~7,0 1·---739 1 A lhort Catechifme. 763 Contemplations c.
' I ---------------------~------------------~ Contempbtions upon the principall pl!fagcs of the old Tdbmcnt. Contempbtions, rh~ firfl Volume. Info!ir Books.--~ ::=====8;~5 11 3·-·---- 0 4· -----825 ( ' ·----849 . · ) >·----S69 Contemplauons, the fecond Valum< .r. [o!lr Books.----) 3 .----88] ( 4.----905 ir.-----935 Contempbtions,chethirdVolumr./nrhrttllooks.--.-- 2.----961 3·----985 . ~I.--IO f5 . !.----- 1043 Contemplauons,thefomth Volume. In fo:m s .. kr .--- 3·----tC6] I 4·----1093 C I . fifi I '>'·-----•113 ont<mp nuons,the c V~ ume. In'"'' llooki.---( z.- --u 45 C I . fi f'·------!IJI ontemp :mons, the tx:t Volume. In twD Bosks.---- ~·----i~09 I . hI "V I ' {'·---u6r Contemp auons,t c :tu. o ume.IntwiBDDIC!.---- · .• . . '·----13~7 ..
-, MEDITATIONS AND V OWES, DIVINE AND MORALL, Serving for directions inChrifl:ian ·and Civill PraEl:ice. I I L [enturies. By J OS, HALLo Imprinted at LoNDON, 1647 •
I 'L (\..I.._ '\ J \\ ( \ 1 \ .... . ' r I ' )f") ··)? ... _ '-/ ' ~ 'I 11 J f,r ·' .'X;l
c THE FIRST CENTVRIE OF MEDITATIONS AND VOVVES, DivineaRd Moral!. a N Meditation, thofc, which bcJin h.avenly thougbts,and prokcutc them not , arc like thoCe which kindle a fire under grewwood, and leave ir, fo foonas it but begins to flame; kefingche hopeofa good beginning, forwantoffeconding it wichafutable proceeding: when I fee my fdf to meditate, Iwillnotgiveover,tiiiicome toanitfue. lt bath been faid by feme, that the beginning is as much as themidddl; yea, more then all: but I fay, the ending is more then the beginning. • D Th<re is norhing(but Man)rhat refpcCleth greatne!fc: Nor God; not death; nor judoemenr.NotGod:he is no accepter of perIons. Nor nature: we fee the fonnes of Pri~ces born as naked as the poordl:and the poor child as fair,wdl.favoured,llrong, witty,as the heir ofNoble•. Not difeafe, death, judgemen"' they ficken alike , die alike,fare alike afrer dearh. There is nothing (bdides natura !I men) of whom good. ndfe is nor refpcCted. I will honour greameffc in others: bur for my fdf,I will elleem a dramofgoodneffe,worth a whole worldofgrearnc!fe. 3 As there is a foolifh wifdome,forhere is a wife ignorance;in not prying into Gods Arkc; not enquiring into things nor revealed. I would fain kno\v all rhat1'.11<ed, and all that I may: I leave Gods fccrets to is happy for me, char God 'makes E me ofhis Court,thoughnot of his Councell. 4 As thtre is no V3cuity in nature,no more is there fpiricually. Every ve!fell is full; if not?fliquor,yrcofair_c:fois the hea_rr of man;rh.o~gh(by n~cure)it is empty of grace, yet n 1S loll ofhypowfio,and mtquuy.Now,as tr IS filled wuh grace,fo it is empty of his evillqualities;as in ave!fdl, fo much water as goes in, fo much air goes out: but mans heart is anarrow-mouthed ve!fcll,and receives grace bur by drops; and therefore takes along time to empty and fill.Now,asthcre be differences in degrees,&one heart is netter to fulne!fe then another:fo the bell ve!fdl is nor quite full,while it is in the body; becaufe there are llill remainders ofcorruption. I will neither be content withthat meafure ofgrace I baye,nor impatient ofGods delay, hut every day I will endevout to have ooedropadded to the rell:fo my !all day !hall fill up my velfell to che brim. B 5 Satan
Meditations and Yowes. Cent. J. 5 A Satan would feem to bemannetly and reafonable: making, as i£ he would be con. tentwith one balfe ofthe hearr, whereas God challengeth all or none: as (indeed)he bath moft reafon to claimall,thatmadeall. But this is nothing but a crafty fetch of Satan·for he knowes,thatifhc have any part,God will havenone: fo, thewhole fal - leth t~ his lharealone.Mybeart (when ftis both whole,and at the beft)is but a ftrait and unworthy lodging for God:ifit were bigger and better,I would rderve it all for him.Satan may look in at mydoores bya tentarion: but he lhalljnot have fo much as one chamber-room fet apart for him to fojourn in. 6 I fee that in naturall mGtions, theneereraoy thing comes ro his end, the fwifter it movcth.I have fcen great rivers,which at their firft rilingout offome hits fide,might B be covered with a bulhell; whicb,after many miks, fill a very broad channell 1 and drawin" neerto theSea, doe even make a little Sea in their own banks: So the wind at the fi~ft rifing,as a little vapour from thecrannies ofthe earth, and palling forward ' 1 about the earth, the further it goes more bluftering and violent it waxeth. A Chriftians motion (after he is regenerate)is made narurall to God-ward:& therforethe neerer h.comes to heaven, the more zealous he is. A good manmuft not be lilie Htze· ki.u Sun,that went backward;nor like Iofh••hs Sun, that ftood I! ill; but D•vids Sun;' that(like a Bridegroom)comes out ofhis chamber, and as a Champion rejoyceth to run his race: only herein is the difference, that when he comes to his high noon, he decline h nor. How ever therefore the mind(in hernaturall faculties) followes the temperdture of the body,yet inthefe fupernaturall things lhequite crolfes ir.For with C t.ecoldeft complexion ofage,is joyned in thofethat are rruly religious,theferventell >.<ale and atkClion ro good things: which is therefore the more reverenced, and bet· er acknowkdged, becaufe it cannot be afcribed, to the hot fpirits ofyouth. The Devill himfelf devifed that old fianderofearly holine!fe;A young S•int,•nold Devil/: SometiQJes you~g Devils haveproved old Saints;never the contrary: bur true Saints in youth, doe ahvayesprove Angels in their age. I willllriveto be ever good; but if I fiwuld not finde my fdf bcft at la!l,I fi10uld fear I was never good at all. 7 Confent harteneth fin;whicha little difiike would have daunted at firii.As we fay, There would beno theeves, ifno receivers : fo would there not be fo many open mouths todetraCl and fiandor,ifthere were not fo many open ears to entertain them. D If I cannot !lopanother mans mouth from fpeaking ill,! will either open my mouth m reprove it,or elfe I will ftop mineearesfrom hearing it1and let him fee in my face, that he bath no room in my heart. ~ . 8 I have oft wondered how fifhes can retain their frefi1 talle,& yet live in fait waters; fince I fee that every other thing participates ofthe osture of the place wherein it abides. So,the waters palling thorow the channels,vary the favour with the veiQes offoile,thorow which they,fiide.So,brutc.t!lEarures,tranfported from one region to.aoother,alter their former quality, and de~enerate bylittle and little. The like danger I have feen in the manners ofmen, .c<;Jriyerling with evill companions in ~orrupt places: For,be~destha~itblcm~ ·our'iepu~ati~n, aa~ makes us thought E 1\l,though we be good;1tbreedsm us an tnf~ble declination to 1ll;and works in us, ifnot an approbation, yet a Ieffe difiike oftiiOie·tins, to which our earesand eyes are fo continually inured. I may have a !Dad acquaintance: I will never have a wicked companion. • /1 9 I? E<peClation,in aweak minde,makes an evill greater; and a good, le!fe: bUJ,oifi'a refolved mind,it digefts an evill,before it.come :and makes a future good,long before pre!ht.Iwill expeCl the worft,becaufe ltmaycome: the beft , becaufel know it will come. 10 f Some promife 1•hat they cannot doe,as Satan to C_hrift1fome,what they could,bur moan not todoe,as the fons of l•e~b to the,ilts;fome,what they meant forrhe time,
Meditations and Yo'T!II'e!. att,er.lrcuca~r.asLahan to Ja<Dh;fome, what they do alfo give,but unwilling· H<~••d,Jorne,.wh,at they willinglygive,and after repent them,as lDjhOA ~o the G•- So great diftru!l: is there in man,whether from his impotence,or fa1thlc~nes. in other things,fo in this,I fee God is not like man: bUl 10 what everhe p~om1fes, approves himfelfmoll faithfull,both in his ability and performances. I w•ll there· fore ever truftGod on his bare word;even with hope, befides hope, above hope j a. gainft hop: 1 and onwards I will rdy on him for fmall matters ofthis life : for how thallI hope to truft himin impollibiliries,ifi may not in likelih~ds~~ow thal.l !depend on him for railingmy body from dufl,aod faving my foul; 1f I m1ftruft h1m for acruft ofbread,towards my prefervation~ II Ifthe worid would makeme his Minion,he could ~ive me but what he hath.And bath he to give~ but afmoke ofhonour,a thadowofriches,a found ofpleafures, offame;which when I have had inthebeft meafure,I may beworfe, I cannot :I can live nowhit longer,no whitmerrier, no whit happier. Ifhe profe!l'e hate me, what can hedoe, but difgrace me in my name, impoverifi1 me in my eftate,aflliC! me in my bodydn all which,it is eafie,not to be ever the moremiferable. I havebeen too long beguiled with the vain femblances ofit : Now henceforth, accounting my felf born to a better world,I will in an holy lofrine!l'e bear my felfas one toogoodtobeenamoured ofthebeftpleafures, to be danted with thegreateft miferies ofthis life. I2 I fee there is noman fo happy as to have all things;and nomad fo miferable,as not ro have fome. Why· thould I look for a better conditionthen all others ! If! have fomewhat,and that ofthe bell things; I will in thankfulndfe enjoy them, and want the reft with contentment. 13 Cdnftraiot makes an eafie thing toilforrte; whereas again, love makes the greateft toile pleafant.Howmany milesdoe we ride and mn,to fee one filly beaftfollow ano· with pleafure! which ifwe were commanded to meafure7 upon the charge of a , we thould complainofwearine!l'e. !fee the folly ofthe g:~oft men, that their lives miferable,&their aC!ions tedious,for want oflove to that th~y mull I will firft labour to fettle in my heart agood affeC!ion to heavenly things:fo Lord thy yoke fl1all be eafic, and thy burthcn light. ,. · '4 I am a fl:ranger even at home: ther<fore ifthe dogs of the world bark at me,I nei· care norwonder. ; , '5 It is the greauft madndfc in the world, to bean hypocrite in religious profellion. , Men haterhee,becaufe thou art a Chriftian, fomoch in appearance. God hates th<e becaufe thou art but in appearance: So, while thou hall: the hatredof both ~hou haft no com.fort ofthy felf.Yet ifthou wilt not begood as thou feemeft;I bold 11 bett<r to fcem 111 a.s thou arr. An open wickedman dorh much hurt with ootorioijs fins; but an hypocnte doth at laft more fi1ame goodndl'e, by feeming good. I had roth<r be an open wicked man,then an hypocrite :but I had rather be no man then 1 eitherofthem. ' 'r6 . . W~en I call down mine eyesupon'my ~aqts,up6n my fins, upon my miferies; me thmks thould be worfe,noman fo •!I as 1; my means fo nlany, foforcible, _almo~ violen·; my progrdfe fo fmall,and mfenfible; mycortuptions fo ftrong; my mfirmltles fo frequent>nd remed1lelfe; my body founanfwerabk to my minde. But when I look up to the blellingsofthat:God hathenrichedme withal me thinks I fhould foon be indu"ced to to think none more happy then my felf:God i~ my friend, a~d my fltber:the world not my mafter,but my llaye: I have fiiends not many,bu~fo tned that I dlte truft t~em.:an eft~te norfuperfluous, not needy, yet neererrodefett, abundance: A calliog,•fdefp1fed ofmen,yet honourablewith God : a body not B • fo
Meditations t~nd Yo-wes. Cent. I. 4: 1--.;...-1 fo ftrong,as roadmit fccurity, (but often checking me in occafion ofpleafure) nor A yet fo weak,as to affiia mecontinually:Amind not fo furoithed with knowledge,that I may boaft ofit; nor yet fo naked,that I 1hoold dcfpair ofobtaining it : My miferies afford me joy, mineenemiesadvaotage; my account is caft up for another world. And ifthou think I have {aid too much good ofmy fi:lfe , either I am thus , or I would be. . 17 The worldlings life is (ofall other) molldifcomfortable. For, that which is his God,doth not alwaycs favoor him:that which1hould be,ncvcr. J8 There arc threemeffengers ofdeath; Cafualty,Sicknelfe, Age. The two firft arc doubtfull;fincc many have recovered them both:thelaft is certain. The two firft are B / fuddcn:the la !I leifurely and deliberate, As for all men, upon fo many fummons, fo efpccially for an oldman,it is a1hame tobe unprepared for death : for where others feetheymaydie,hefeeshemuftdie. Iwaslongagoneoldcnou~:h to die: but ifi live ull age,I will think my felftoo old to live longer. 19 I will not care what I have;whether much,orlitde. lflittle, my account 1hall be leffe;if more,I 1halldoc the more good,:md receive the more glory. 20 I care not for any companion,but fucb as may teach me fomewhat;or Iearnfome- " ·hat of me.Both thefe 1hall much pleafureme1(one as an Agenr, the other as aSubje& to work opon)neither know I,whethermore•For though it be anexcellent thing C tolearn;yet !learn,but to teachothers. ll Ifearth(that is provided for mortality,and is polfeffed by theMakers enemies)have fo much pleafurcin it, thatWorldliogs think it worth theaccount oftheir heaven: fuchaSunnetoenlighrenir, fuch an beayento wall it about, fuch fweet fruits and flowres to adorn it,fuch varietyofcreatures , for the commodious ufe ofit : What muft heaven needsbe, that is provided for God himfelf, and hisfriends! How can it beldfeinworth, then God is above his creatures, and Gods friends better then his enemies!I will not only be content,but dcfirousto bedilfolved• .. It is commonly feen,thatboldnelfcputs men forth before their time, before their 0 ability. Whereinwe have feen many, thar(like Lapwings, and Partridges) have run 1woy with fome part oftheir 1hell on their heads: whence it follows,thatasthey began boldly,fo rhey proceed unprofitably, and conclude not without fi~ame. I would rather be haled by force ofothers togreat duties, then ru1h upon them unbidden. It w~« better aman 1hould want work, then thatgreat works !bould want a man an· fwerable to their weight. . ,3 1will ufemy" friend as M1{ts did hisrod: While it wasa rod, he held it familiatly ia his hand: when once aSerpcnt,he ran away from it. •4 . I have feldome feen much oftentation,and [ljuch learning met together.The Sun, E rifing,and decltning makes long !badowes; when he is at higheft, none at all. BeliHes that,skill when it is toomuch !hown,lofeth the grace:as fre1h coloured wares,ifthey be often opcned,lofe their brightndfe,and are foiled with much handling. I had rather applaudmy felf for haviog much, that I 1hewnot; then that others !bouldapplaud me for 1hcwmg more then I,have. 25 An ambitiousman is the greateft enemy rohimfelf,ofany in the worldbefides: for he frill torments himfdfe with hopes,and defires,and cares:which he mightavoid,if he would remit ofthe hcightofhts thoughts, and live quietly. My ooly ambirion 1hall be,to refrin Gods favour on earrb,and to be a Saint in heaven. · z6Thcre
Cent. I. Meditations and VorPes. A .6 There was never good thing cafily come by. TheHeathen man could fay, God fds knowledge for fweat;_and f~ he doth honour forjeopardy.Never any man bath got either wealth or lcatmngWith cafe. Thereforethe greatefi good muft needs be moftdifficult. How {hall I hope to get Chrifi, ifl take no paincs for him ~ And if in all otherthings the difficulty ofobtaining,whets themind fo muchthe more to feek; why {hould it in this alone daunt me~ I will~otcarewhat I.doe, what I ~uffer, fo_I may win Chrifi.If me~ canend~re fuch cumng,fuch launcmg,and fearchmg of thw bodies, to prmrachm1ferable hte yet awhile longer1 what p110 {hould I rdufe for eterniticf '7 B If I die theworld!hal!mitfe mebut a little;I !ha! miffeitleffr.i Not it me, becaufe it bath fu~h fiore ofbetter men:Npr I it,becaufeit bath fo much ill, and I !hall have fo much happineffr. 28 Twothinos make a man fet by;Dignity,and Deferr.Amongfifools,the firfi with· out the fecoti'd is fufficienr:amongfi wifcmen,the fecond without the firfi.Let me de· fervcwell, though Ibenotadvaoced. Thcconfciencc ofmy worth fiJallchccrmc more inorhers contempt, thenthcapprobationofothcrs can comfort mc,againfi the fecrctcheck ot my own unworchincfs. 29 The befi qualities doe fo cleave to their fubjetls,that they cannot be communicaC ted to others.For whereas patrimony & vulgaraccount ofhonour follow the bloud, in many generations;Vertue is not traduced by propagation,norlearnilg bequeathed by our Will to our heires;lefi the givers !hould wax proud, and the receivers negligeot.I will account nothing my own,but what I havegotten;nor that mine own,becaufe it is more ofgifrthendcferr. . 30 Thenonly is the Churchmoll happy,whcn Truth and Peace kiffc each other;and then miferable,when either of them balke the way, or whenthey mret and kiffenot. For rrutb,without peace, is turbulent: and peace, without truth,is fecure injufiice, Though I love peace well,yet I lovemain truths better.And though Ilovcall truths well,yet I had rather conceal a fmall truth,then difiurbe acommon peae<. D 31 An indifcrcet good all!ioo, is little better then a difcreet mifchiefe. For in this the doer wrongs only the Patienr:but in that other!, the wrong is done to the good aai. on: for both it makes a good thing odious (as manygood tales arc man•din telling) and befides it prejudices a future opportunity. I will rather let paffe a good gale of wiod,and fray on the !horq then lanch forthjwhen I the wind will be the contrary. 32 TheWorld teacherh me,that it is madoeffc to leave bebinde methofe goods that I may carry with me : Chri(\iaoity teacheth me,that what I charitably give alive, I carry with me dead: and experience teacheth me, that what lleave behind , I lofc. E I will carry that treafure with me by giving it, which the worldling Iofeth by keep ing it:fo,while his corps lhlll carry nothin~ but awinding cloth to his grave, I ll!.lll be richer under the earth,then I was above 1!. Eve_ry worldling is an hypocrite: for wmle his face naturally looks upward to hea. ven, hn heart grovels beneathon earth' yet if I would /admit of a•y difcord in the ID ward and outward parts; I would have an heart that !hould look up to heaven in an holy contemplation ofthe things above, & acountenancecall down to thccarth in humiliation.This only diffimilitude is plcafing to God. · ' The heart ofman is a !boreword,a ra!afi fubfiance t fcarce enough to give a Kite one mcal,yet great in capacity, yca,fo infinite in defire,that the round Globe of the B3 world
j 6 ' _ . . MedittJt.ions aWl l'owes. Cent. J. ---- world cannot fill the three corners ofit. When it defires more, and cries,Give,give, A I will fer it over to that infinitegood,where the more it hath, it may more,and • fee more to be defired : when it defires but what it needeth, my hands lhall fooc fa-' ~ tisfie it. For, ifeither ofthem may containit, when it is withoutthe body 1 much more may bothofthem fill it,while it iswithin. · 35 With men it is agood rule;Totry firfl,& then to to ~rufl: wi<h God it is conrr:~,ry; I will firfl troll him (as moll wife, omnipotent, mercifull) and try him afterwards. I know it is as impoflible for him to deceive me,~s not to be, 36 As Chrifl wasboth a Lambe,and a Lion: fo is every Chriflian, A Lamb',for p:~ tieiJ,Ce in fuffering, and innocencyoflife: A Lion, for boldndl'e in his innocency. I would fo order my courage and mildndl'e, that I may be neither Lion-like in my converfation,nor lheepifh inthe defence ofa good caufe. 37 Thegodly fow in t<ares, &reap in joy. The feed. time is commonly wa~erilh, and lowriog.l will be contentwith a wer fpring, fo I maybefureof acleer andjoyfull Harvefl. 38 Every man hath an Heaven andand an Hdl.Earth is the wicked mans Heaven;his Hell is to come:onthe contrary, the godly have their Hell upon earth; where they arc vexed with tentations,and afllillioos,by Satan and his complices : their Heaven is above in endlclfe happinell'r. !fit be ill with me on earth,it is well my torment is fo fhort,and foeafic: I will not be fo covetous to hope for two Heavens. C 39 I Man,onhis death-bed,bath a <louble profpcll; which in his life- rime the intcrpo. firion ofpleafure and miferies debarred from him.The'good man looks upward, and fees heavenopen,with Stevt~, and the glorious Angels ready to carry up his foulc : The wicked man looks downward, and fees three terrible fpc&acles 1 vwb, j11dg· mtnt,Htfl,one beyond another,and all tobe pall'ed thorow by his foul. I marve!l not thatthegodly have been fo checrfull in death, that thofe torplents, .whofc very fi~ht hathovcrcome the beholders, have ("eemed elfie to them. I mlf ell not that a wtckcd manij fo loth to hea~of death; fo qcjcll, when he feelcth ficknelfc, and fo defpcratewhen he feeleth the pangs ofdeath; nor that cvery B•l••m would fain die thc death ofthe righteous.Henceforth I will envy none,but a good mm: I will pity D nothing fo muchas the profpcrity ofthewicked. · 40 Not to be aflli&ed, is a ligne of weaknelfe. For,therefore God irnpofeth no more on mec, becaufehefces I can bear no more. God wjlloormake choyce ofa weak Champion. When lam flronger, I willlookformore: and when I fuflain more, ic lbll more comfortmc,rhar God findes me llrong,thcn ir fhall gricve a1e tll bc p :cffcd with an heavyaflliClion. 4t Thatthe wicked have peaceio themfelvcs,is no wonder : they are as fure as Ten· taiion can make them.No Ptince makes warrewith his own fubje&s. The godly are llill cnemies; ther<fore they muftlook to be alfaulred both by ftratagems & vio· E lence.Norhing fhall more joy me,then my inward quiet~dfe. Aju!l \Yarreis a thou. fand times more happy,then an ill conditioned peter, , . 4• Goodnelfe is fo powcrfull,thadtcan make things limply cvill (namely, our fiQs) goodto us:nor good in nature,but good in theevcnt;good,whcn tliey are done , not good to be done. Sin isfo powerfull,that it can turn rl;te ,holiefl ordinances of God intoitfelf: but hcreinour fin goes beyoqdour goodnelfe 1 That finne defiles aman or action oth<rwifegood; bur aU the gPQdnelfeofthe world cannot juflifie one fin; as the holy llefh in theskirt, makes notthe bread holy thattoucheth it; butthe or.· clean touching an holy thing, defiletl\it. lwillloarh cvcty evill for,it own fake.: I willdoegood,butnottrufltoir. .. .. 43 Fooles
Cent. L. A .43 Fools meafuregood adionsby the<Went :<tier th~y-are done,wifemen before-hand, by judgment upon the rules ofreafon ana faith.Let me doewell1let God take charge ofthe fuccetfe.Ifit be wdlaccepted,it~s well;ifnot,mythank is with God. 44 . He was never good manthat amends not.For,tfhewerc good,~e mufbneeds delire to be better. Grace is fo rweet,that who-ever tails,muft needs long after m'<>re, and if he defireit,he will endevour it; and ifhe doe butendevour, God will crown it with fuccef!'e.Gods family admitteth ofno Dwarfs(which are unthtiving, and ftand at a flay)butmenofmeaf"res.Whatever become ofmy body,or my eftatc, I wille· verlabourto find fomewhat add.ed to the ftattrre ofmy foule. B 4~ Pride is the malt dangerous of all fins·.For,both it is moll infinuative( having crept into Heaven and Paradife)and moll dun;gerous where it is.For,where all t>therTenta. tions are about evil!,this alone is converfant only about good things; and one dram of it poifons many meafures ofgrace, I•w[lhot be afraid more of doing good things amitfe then ofbeingproud when I have w~ ll perfvrmed them. 46 Not only commitlion makes afin. Aman is guilty ofall thofc fins he hateth not. Ifl cannot avoidall,yet I wi!! hate all. 47 . ' Prejudice is fa great an enemy eotruth, that it makes the mind uncapable of it. In C matters offaith,I will ~rft lay a fure grpund,and then beleeve,though I cannot argue; holding the conc!ufion in fpight oftho pr~miffe: but in the other lefJc matters;I will not fa toreftall my mind withrefolutioo, I wilJ.not be wi!!ing to bo better in. formed. Neither will! (Jy in my fdfe, I· will hold it,therefore it !hall be truth: but this is truth,thertfote I will hold it.l Will,not,ftrive for .vi<ftory.but,for truth. t L~~· 48 1 "' .. Drunkenn~tfe and CoV,qtoufpc(l'giJ~iflycli refemqle one another. For the mpr~,a mandrinks, the more he fhirll«!t: 4nd,tht more h~h~th, fti!l th« more he C<>Vet;th. A.nd for theireffeds, liefidcs other,b.oth t>fthem have the power oftraD!forming .. man into abealt;and of41l other boa(J:s,inlo a ft~ine. The former is eviaen\ tQfcnf<,, rheother,though more obfcure, is no mort: qUeltion~ble. The!'()yetous maQ. i}l ~\VO D rhings plainly refembletha [wine; That he everro<)ts,il;ltbe eatttJ, D<>tfo J,Ouoh .as looking towards heaven:Thlt heneverdothgood ri!! his death, In defiring,my rule fhallbe neceflity ofnature,or eftatc. In having, I wil! account tha! my good, \Y,hich .doth me good. ·I 49 I acknowledge no mafter ofRequefts in Heaven,h~t ono1 Chrift my Mediater. I know I cannot be fa happy as not to need him; nor fo miferabie, that,he lhould contemnme.I will alwayes ask,and that ofnone but where Iam fure to fpeed;btit where thereis fo much ftore, tllnt when Lhave had the moll; I fha!l leave no lellc b;hjnde. Though n~rober!dfe drops ~in tho.Sea1yct ifal!Clbe t~ke11 <;>ut of ir 1ir bath fo myfh the ldfe,though infcnfible:but.Goc!,boca_ufc he is infi~ile,can ad!Qit oj nodiminuiiorl. E Therfore ate men niggardly,becatifethe.mor(thty givo1rhclelfe they have:but thou, Lord,maieltgive what thou Wilt,withou~ abatemeot ofthy. ftore.Good praicru;1ever came weeping home:! am fure I !hall rcceivttithe~ what I ask,Qr,what I fho~l,l~sk. ~<> ' ' I fte that a fit booty many timts mhk~~:i rheefl and,many wou¥! be proud1iftbey had but the commoncau(esofth•ir ncighbau(s. 1, account this n0 ne ofthe leaft fa. vouts ofGod,That theworld gd<s no bctterforwitd with m~:Fo~,I feaF ,ifmy eftatt ~vere better to the world,it might lle worfe to Gbd.rAtit is an happy necetliry that mforceth to good;fo is that next happy thathindtrs from evi!l. ,. It is the bafeft love of allothers,thatis for a benefltlfor bertin we love noranother fa muchas our felvcs. Though there were no helJvcn, 0 Lord ., I woukl lovethee: Now -
8 Meditations and Vowe.r. Cent. I. - Nowthereisone, Iwillefteemit, Iwilldelireit; y<tftilllwilllovetheeforthy A goodndlefake.Thy fclfis reward enough,though thou broughrc:ft no more. 5• I fee men pointthefield,anddcfperately jeopard their livrs (as prodigall of thdr bloud) in the revenge ofadifgracefull word againftthemfclves; while rheycan be content to hear God pulled ourofHeaven with blafphemy, and not feel fo much as a rifingoftheirbloud.Wh.ich argues our cold !ove to Go~, & ourover-ferv~nt afktlion to our felves. In mme ownwrongs,I w1ll holdpauence laudable, but 10 Gods injuries,impious. 53 Jtiun hard thingtofpeak well; ·but it is harder to be well filent, foas it maybe free from fufpition ofaffettion,or fullennelfe,or ignorance:dfeloquacity,and no~ lenco,would be anote ofwifdome. Herein I will not care how little, but how well. He faid wdlfor this,Not that which is much,iswell;but that which is well is much. 54 There isnothing more odious then fruitlelfe oldage. Now(for that no tree bears fruitin Autumn<, unlefTe it blolfome in the fpring) to theend that my age may be profitable,•nd ladenwith ripe fruit; I will endevour that my youth may be ftqdious, and flowred with the blolfomsof learning andobfervation. ·; H Revenge commonly hurts both the offerer,and fulferer:as wefee in the fooli!h Bee (though in allother things commendable, yet herein the pattern offond fpightfulnelfe) which in her anger invenom<th the tle!h, and lofethher fting, 3nd fo lives a C Drone ever after. I account it the only valour,To remit a wrong1and will applaud it to my felf as right noble and Chriftian,that I might hurt,and will not. 56 ° He that liveswellcannotchufe but die well.For,ifhedie fuddenly,yet he dies not unpreparedly: if by leifure,the confcience of his well-lead life makes his death more comfortablc:But it is fddome feen, that bewhich liveth ill,dieth well, For the confcience ofhis former evils, hisprefent vain, and thedpeCtatioo and fear of greater' forakeup hishisheart,that he cannot feek God. And now it is juft with God, not to be IOught,or not to be found, hecaufe he fought to him in his life time, and was repolfcd.Whereas therefore there are ufually two main cares of good men, to Liye wdl,andDie well: I will have but this onc 1tolive well. · •57 With God there is nofree man,but his fervant,though in theGallies:no llave,but the fmner,though in a Palace:none noble but the vertuous,ifncver fo loafely defcended: none rich, but be that pofTetfeth Go:d,even in rags:none wife, but he that is a fool to himfelfand theworld : none hafPY, but be whomthe world pities : Let me be frec,noble,rich,wife,happy toGod, palfe not what I am to theworld. 58 D When the mouth pray<th,man heareth;when theheart,God heareth.Every good prayer knocketh at heave for ableffing:but an importunate prayer pierc<th it (though as bardas bra!fe)andmakes a way fork felfinto theears ofthe Almighty.And as it afcends lightly up, carried with the wings offaith; fo it comes ever laden down E again upon our beads. Inmy prayers my thoughts !hall not be guided by my words, but my words !hallfollow my thou&hts. S9 Ifthat fervant were condemned ofcvill, that gave God nomore then his own, wbichhehadreceivcd1 what!hallbecome.ofthemtbat rob God of his own~ If God gain a little glory by me, I !hall gainmore by him. I will labour fo to husband the ftock that God bath left in my hands, that I may return my foul betterthen I received it;and tha~ be may take it better then I return it. 6o Heaven is compared to anhill; and therefore is figured by olympw, among the · Heathen; by mount Si111, in Gods Book: Hell contrariwi!C, to a pit. The afcent to . the
Cent. I. Medit~ti~nl ~nt/. /!.~f1S. 9 A the one is hard th~refore,and thed<fce~t ~o.the ?ther calicand headlo?.: and fo a~ if ---- ~veoncc beginne to fall, the recovery tsms>!l dlllic,ult: ~dnotonc; (o qtany) ftatcs till he comes to the bottom<:! will ~c con~tnf to P.aqttan .bio\y,anq fl)'cat in climbing up to beaver.: as, contran~y,, [ wt!l be w~cy,?t fetpogthe fir~ q~~qo\V~l'l!aJdl?; wards the pit. For , as there 1s a lAcDbs La9qer totp,l:u;aycn,fo t ere; are bhndc, ~jurs that goe winding down intd dcath,w~~rcof each ma~c.s. 111ay for.qtl}e~ FrotD;thc ~i jeet is raifcd an ill fuggclhon: fugge!lton.<jpwcs on dehght, dehght confcnt, con!<nt endevour, endevour praaice, pratticc cuftomc, cuftomc excufe, <XRUfe defeoce,dc. I fence obftinacy, obainacyboaClingoffin, boafting, a,rcpro!J~tF r,~r~ I ~Yill wa,cq I over my waies: anddoe thou Lord ~arch,that I may avoid t efirftdc;gr!'es i of fin. And ifthofe overtakemy fratlty, yetkecp me that prcfumptuous fin~ pr<;v,J,!l B not over~. Beginnings,arc with more eafe and f~fety qc;dined , w,hen we a~e fr.qc 1 \ then proceedings,when we have begun. · 61 It is fitter for youth to learn,thenrea~h; and fo~age to teach, then lc;¥n: aqd_yet litter for an oldman to learn then to be ~nor,ant.Iknow I !hall nc;vcrknowfu mqch, that I cannot l<arn more; and I hope I all never live fo long, as till Iqe too ol, learn. 6z 1never loved thofe Salamanders, that are never well but when th~y a(ein the fire ofcontention. I will rather fuffer a thoufand wrongs, then offerope: I wi11fuffer an hundred, rather then returnone: I will luffer maqy ere I will camplait) ofone,a!ld eodevour to right it by contending. I haveever found, thattll ftrive with my fuperic our, is furious;with my eq~all,doubtfull;'with my inferiour, fordi.d and bafc; w_ir);l any,full ofunquietnclfc. The prai!e ofagood fpeech ftandcth : !ords & matter: Matter,which is as a fair an:! wdl-featm'd body;Ekganceofwords,wl}ich is as aDl'3t an~ \fd fa!hio9edtgarmcnt.Good matter,fiubber,c,d up in ruq"'~nd ~arcleffe wor9~,is m~de Io1hfom,to the hearer; as a good body miS-!hapeo,with un.h'!fldfqope clotbes. Elegancywithout fouodneffe,is no better then a nice '{:uJity. ~lth(l,u~h tbyrefore the moft bearers are hke Bees, that goe all to the flowers, ne.~crregar iog the good herbs (thatare ofas wholefome ufe, as theother offair lhew : ) yet let my fpeech ftriveto beprofitable; plauliblc,as it happcns:bcrt;rrhecoat be 'l'}s-!,r\1~1} rlje body. D 64 I fec,that as black and white colours tothe eyes,fo is the vice anq vertueofothers to the judgment ofmen.Vice gathers the beamsofthe light in one;thattbe eye m1y fee it and be intent upon ii'Ycrtuefcatterstherq abroad;and therefore hardly admits ofaperfeCt appreheofion.Whence it comes to palfe, thot (as judgement is according to fenfe) we do fo foon efpy,and fo euneftly cenfure ~man for one vict;lettiog pa!Te many laudable qualities uodifcerned,orat leaft unocknow. ledged.Yea,wheras every man isonce a foolo,and dotb that(perhaps)inone fit ofbis folly,wqich be!hall at Id fure repent of(as N .. !J, inone houres drunkcnneffe, uncovered thofe fecrets, which were hid li<hundred ycers before)the world is hereupon ready to ea!! in queftion all his former integrity, and to exclude him from the hqpc ofany future amendment. E SinceG?d bath gi~en me tw~ eyes_;the onf! !ha! be buy~d _;lbout the prefen~ fault,that I fee, wttha deteCIJ~g commtferauo!'; the other about the commepdabl.c;g~dities of the offender; not wuhout an uqparuall a,pprobation of rh~ m. So !halJ I doe God n<;> wrong, in robbing him ofthe glory ofhi~. gifrs, mixed with infirmities: nor yer,in the meantime,encourage Vice; while {,doedillinllly referye it for adne proponion ofhatred. 65 . God is above man;thc brute creatur<s unper him;he fer in the midft.Left he !hould be proud thot he bath infinite ~rcatures under him, t)!at One isinfinitedegrees above ~tm. I doetherefore owcawcumo God , mercy to the infer~our creatur<s; ~nowmg,tl~at they arc my fellowes, in rclpcd: of creation ; whereas there is no proportion betwtxt me andmy Maker. 660ne
10 Meditations and Jfowes. Cent. I. N A One faid,It is g~ to inurethyyouth to fpeak wdl,for good f~eech is m~ny times drawn intothe alfethon: But, I would fear, that fpeaking wellwtthout feehng, were the next way to procure an habitua!l hypocrilre.Let mygood words follow good •.f. feelions; notgoe beforethem. I w1ll thereforefpeak as Ithmk : but w11hall, I wdl labour to think well;and then I know, I cannot but fpeak well. When I confider my foul,I could bep:Jud,to thinkofhowdivinea nature & quality it is:but when I caft down mine eyes to my body(as the Swan to her black legs) and fee what loathfome matter itfues from themouth, noftrils,cares, pores, and other paffages, and how moft carion-like ofall other creatures it is after death; I am jufily afhamed to rhink,thar fo excellenta gueft dwels but ina meercleanly dunghill. B 68 Every worldlingis amad man.For,befidcs that he preferreth profit and pleafureto Vertoe,the World to God,Earth toHeaven,Timeto Eternity; he pampers the body, and flarvesrhe foule. Hefeeds on Fowl an hundred rimes, that it may feed him but one< 1 and feoks all Lands and Soasfor dainties, not caring whetherany,orwhat ropaft he providoth for his fou!e.He cloaths the body with all rich ornaments, that it may be as fair without as it is filthy within 1 whilefl his foule goes bare and naked, having not a rag ofknowkdge tocovet ir. Yea, hecares not to deflroy his foule , to p!eafethe body, when forrhe falvation ofthe foule, he w111 not fo much as hold the body fhortof the leaf! pleafuro.Whatis,i(this be not,a roafonable kind of madneffo~ Lotmornjoy my foule no longer, then I pref<rreit to my body. Letmehaveade- C formed,l<ane, crooked, unhoalthfull, negleded body ; fa that I may finde my fuule found,flrong,well furoifhed,well difpofed both for earth and heaven. 69 .Afo was fick but ofhis feet,farre from the h<art:yet becaufo he fought to thePhy· fitians,not to God,he efcaped not.Htztki•hwas fick to die:yet becaufe hetruflcdto God,not to Phyfitians, he was reflorod. Meanes, without God, cannot help: God, without meanes,can,and ofr<n doth.I will ufe good meanes,not refl in them. 7~ Amans befl monument is his vertuous adions. Foolifh is the hopeofimmortality, and futurepraife,by the coft offenfcletfe flone ; whenthe Paffenger fhall on!y fay, Here lies a fair flone,and a filthy carkaffe.That onlycan report thee rich : but foro- D ther prai!es, thy felfmufl build thy monument alive 1 and write thy own Epitaph in honefl and honourable a6tions. Which are fo much morenoble then the ocher,as living men are better thendead flones:Nay, I know not if the other be not the way to worka perperuall fucceflion ofinfamy,whiles the cenforious Readtr, upoo occafion thereof,lhallcomment upon thy bad life:whereas in this,overy mans heartis aTomb, and every mans t6nguowriteth an Epitaph uponthewell-behaved.Either I will procure me fuchamonument, to beremembred by; or elfe it is better to be inglorious, rhen infamous. 71 Thebafefl things areever mofl plenrifull.Hiflory and experience tell us,that fame kind ofMoufe brcedeth 1 ~o. young ones in one nefl:whcreas tbe Lion,or Elephant E bear<tb but one atonce.I have everfound,The leaf! wit, yeeldeththe mofl words. I;. isboth the furefl and wifefl way,to Speak littleandThink more. 7• An evill man is clay to God,wax to the Devill.God may flamp him into powder, or temper him anew; butnoneofhis meanes can melt him. Contrariwife, a good man is Gods wax,and Satansclay: he relentsat every look of God, butis not flirred at any tentation.I had rather bow then break, to God : but, for Satan,or the world, ! had ratherbe brokenin peoces with their·violence, then fuffer my felf to be bowed unto their obedience. • 73 It is an eafie matter for a man to he careleff"e ofhimfelf; and yet much eafimobe enamour(d
Cent. I. Meditations and Yowes. :11 - A 73 Tt is an ealie matter for a man to becarcldfeofhimrclfc;and yet much ealierto be enamoured ofhimfelf.For,ifhe be a Chri!lian,whiles he contemneth the world ~rfeC!ly,it is hard for him to refetve acompetent meafure oflovc to himfelf:ifaworldJing,it is not poffible but he muft over-love himfclf.I will ftrive for the mean ofboth; and fo hate the world,that I may care for my fdf: and fo care for myfdf, that I be not in lovewith the world. 74 I will hate popularity and oftentation (as ever dangerous; but moft ofall in Gods buGnelfr)which who foaffe.:t,doeas ill fpokefmen;whowhen they arc fent to wo~e for God/peak forthemfelves. I know how dangerous it is to have God my Rival!. B 75 &rrh affords no found contentmenr.For,wbat is there under Heaven nottroublefome,bcJides that which is called pleafurc? and, that,inthe end, I find moft irkfome ofall other. Myfoule fl1all ever look upward for joy,and downward for penitence. 76 God is ever with me,ever before me.! know,he cannot but over-fee me alwaies; though my eyes beheld thatifeehim not:yea,hc is flill within me,though I fed him not:neither is there any momenr,that I can live withoutGod.Why do I not therfor~, alwaies live with him~ Why doe I not account all hours loft,wherin I enjoy him not~ 77 Thertis no man fohappy as the Chri(tian. When he looks up unto Heaven, he c thinks, That is myhome:rhe God that made it,and owes it, is my father: the Angels, more glorious in nature then my [elf, are my attendants : mine enemies are my vatfals.Yea,thofethings which are the terribleft ofall tothe wicked,are moft pleafanr to him.When he hears God thunder above his head, he thinks, This is the voice of my father.When he remembreth the Tribunal! ofthe laft judgement, he thinks, It is my Saviopr that !its in it :when death,he efteerils it but as the Angell fet beforeParadife;which witl• one blowadmits him to <ternal joy.And(which is moftofall)no. thing inearth or hell can make him rtiiferable, There is nothing in the world worth cnvying,but a Chritban. 78 Asman is a little world: fo every Chritlian is a little Church within bimfdfe. As D the Church,thcrefore,is fometimes in the wane, through perfecution, other times in her full glory & brighrnctfe: fo let me expeC!my fdf fomtimes drooping under Ten. rations, and fadly hanging down the head for the want ofthefedingofGods pre. fence;at other times c•rried with the ful fail ofa r<folute atfurance,toHeaven:knowing,that as it is a Church at the weakeft ftay,fo thallI, in mygreateft dejeClion, hold the Child af God. . 79 Tentauons on the right hand,are more perillous then thofc on the l<fr; & deftroy a tho11fand,tothe oth<rs ten: as the Sun,more ufually,caufeth the traveller to call: off his d nak,then the wind.For thoti:: on the left hand mifcarry men bm nvowayes: to d•tlruft,and demall ot God;morerare tins: bur theother to all the reft, wherewith E mens lives are fo commonly defiled. Thefpirit ofChriftians is like the Englifl1 Jear1 whereofwe read, that it is fired with water, quenched with oyle. And thefe two profperity and adverlity,are like heat & cold:the one gathers the powersof the foul together,and makes them abler to relitl,byuniting them:the otherdiffufes them;and b)/ fuch feparation,makes them ealierto conquer.! hold ittherfore asPraife-worrhy with God,for a man to conremne aproffered honour,or pleafure,for confcience fake: as,on the rack nor todeny hisprofellion.When thefe are offered, I will not nibble at the bait;that I benot taken with the hook. 8o God is Lord ofmy body alto: and thereforechallengeth aswell reverent geflure, as mward devotion.! will,ever,in my prayers, either ftand, as a fervant, before my matler;or kneel,as a fubjeCl to my Prince. 8r Ihave I
l:t Meditations and Fowes. Cent. I. - 81 A I have not been in others breafts:but,for my own part,I never tailed of ought,that might defetve thename of ~eafute. And, if! could, yet~ thoufand pleafutes c.annot couotervaile one totment : ecaufe the one may be exq01fite; the other,not wtthout compofition.And,ifnotonetorment,much ldfe a thoufand.And ifnot fat amoment, much ldfe fotetetnity.And,ifnot thetotment ofa part,much letfe ofthe whole.For ifthe pain but ofa tooth be fo intolerable, ~all ~he r~cling 'of the whole body be~ And ifof the body;what fhall that be,whtch ts pumanlyofthe foul<dfthere be pleafures that I heat< not of ,I will be waryofbuying them fo over-dear. 8• As Hypocrifie is a commo.ncou~tetfcit?fall vertues:fo there is no fpe_ciall verrue, which is not(to the the very ltfe oftt)feemmgly refembled,by fame fpwall vtce.So, B devotion is counterfeited by fuper!lition;good tbrift,by niggardlineffc;chariry,with vain.glorious pride. For,as chatity is bounteous to the poor, fo is vain glory to the weal:hy:as charity fu!lains all,for ttuth;fo pride,for a vain praife:both ofthemmake a man courteousand affable.So the fub!lance of every vettue is in the heart : which, fince it bathnota window made into it,by the Cteator of it, (but is referved under lock and key for his ownview) I will judge onll by appearance. I had rather wrong my felf,by credulity;then others,by unju!l cen utesandfufpitions. 83 Every man bath a ldngdome within himfdf:Reafon,as the Princeffe, dwels in the highdl: and inwarde!l tome:the fenfes are the Guard and attendants on the Court; without whofe aid,nothing is admitted into the Prefence : The fupreme faculties (as c will, memory, &c,) are the Peeres: The outward parts,aod inward alfcClions, are the Commons:ViolemPaffions are as Rebels,to di!lurb the common peace. I would not be a Stoick, to have no paffions: for thatwere to overthrow this inward r,ov~rnmentGod bath ereCled in me; but a Chri!liao,to orderthofe I have. And or that I fee,that as (in commotions)one mutinous perfon draweson more ; fo in paffions, thatone makes wayforthe extremityofanother,'(as excetfe of love caufeth exceffe of ~rief,upon the loffe ofwhat weloved:)l will doe as wife Princes ufe,ro thofe they mi OOUbt for faCl10n; fo hold themdown,and keep them bare, that their Very impotency and temifneffe fhall afford me fecurity. 84 Ilook upon the things ofthis life,as an owner; as a !\ranger, As an owner, in their D rlght;as a!lraniTerin their ufe. I fee,thatowni~ is but a conceir, bcfi~es ufiog: I can ufe (as I lawful y may) other mens commodtttcs asmy own; walk mtheir woods lookonthei_rfairhoufes,with as muc.h pleafureas my own; yet agoin, I will uf~ my owo,as tfttwere anothers; knowmg that though I bold them by right , yet it is only by Tenure at will. . 85 Theteis none like toLothersthrce ma!lers;Prayer,Tentation,Meditation.Tenration fiirs up holy Meditation: Meditation pr<pares ro prayer: and Prayer makes profit of Tentation1and fercheth alldivine knowledge from Heaven. Ofothers,[may learn the Theory ofDivinitylofthefeonly,the PraCtice. Other ma!lers teach me by rote to fpeak p arrot-lile ofheavenly things;thefealone,with feeling and underll:andin<>,' E 86 ° AlfeClation is the greateft enemy both ofdoing well,andgood acceptance ofwhat isdone. I hold it the part ofa wife man, to endevour rather that fame may follow him,thengoe before him. 87 I fee anumber,whicb,with Shimti,whilesthey fcektheirfervant which is riches lofe their foules.No worldly thing fhaij drawme without thegat;s, within which God bath confinedme. 88 Iris an hard thingfora man to finde wearineffe in pleafure,while it la!leth-or contenement inpain,while he is under ir.After both(iodeed)itis eafie : yet both' ~f thefe mull
Cent.!. A mull befound in both;or elfewe drunken with p(e,afures, and overwhelmed with forrow. As thofe, rhereforr, which fhould earJome dilh oyer-ddicipuHy fw7er doe allay itwith ratt f~wcr, that theymay no\be cl~yed:and thofe th~t are to,tfcet~~ bitter pills(that they may not be annoyed wnh thetr unplealiag rafte) row~ them tn Sugar: So in all pleafurcs iris bdt to labour,not ho•vto make them moQ<jehghtfull , bur how to moderate them fromexcdfe: and inall for(owcs,fo to fettle our h~a~~ in rrue grounds ofcomfott,rhatwe may m~ch forbc(9gbemoanedofothers, as how to be moft contented inour felves. i , . . d 89 I' ~ In wayes,we fee Ttlvellers chufe not the fJireft,ana greeneft; ifir be either cro!te or contrary;butthe neereft,rhough miry and unevep:fo,inopinions,let me follOW, !lot B rhe plaufibkft,but the trueft,though mqre perplexed. ,, ., :, '. 90 Chrifrian fociery is like abundle offricks laid together, wherdlfon~ kindles another. Solitary men have feweft provocations to evill; gut againe fewcft incirarions 10 good.So much,as doing good,is better then nordoingevill, will {account ChriO:ian good fellowfhip better then an Eremirifh and melancpp~ike loiir:frineffe. 1 { 91 . . I had rather confeffemy ignorancr, then faHiy profeffe knowledge:rr is no fhanie, not to know all things,bur icis a jufr fhame to over-rea~h in anything. ,, 1 1 •. 9' '. ' . Sudden extremity is anotable trial! offaith, or any other difpolitiqn of thcfoule. C Forasinafuddeofeare,thebloud garherstothe heart, for gu:mi)Qg of that part which is principal!: fo the powers ofthe foul combine themfdves in an hard exigent, that they may be e:llily judged of. The faithfull (motF fuddenl~ , r)len any cafualty) can lift up his heart to his ftay in Heaven< Wher,as die \Vorldlfog lt~n.cfs amazed,~nd dilhaught with the evill; becaufe he bath no refuge to llie unto. For~ nor being ¥cq·uainted with God in his peace, how fhould he burhave him to .feek iri his eittremi. ue! When therefore fome fudden llirchgirds me in the fide, like \O bethe m~a;eo,ger ofdeath; or when the fword ofmyenemy,in an unexpected alfault,threatens myJ>ody; I will ferioullynotehow lam affeeted:fo the fuddeneft evil!, as it fhall not c,O'me unlooked for, fhall not goe away unthought of. If I finde my felfe couragious, and heavenly minded, I will rejoycein the truth ofGods gl'ace in me;.kno.\ving that one D dram oftried faith is worth a who!.<: pound of fpecularive; and that, which once ftood by me,will never fail me:lfdejeeted and hearrleffc,hercio I will.acknowledge caufe oihamiliation;and,with allcare and earneftncffe,feek to fto'f my felfc.againft the dangers following. , . ' ' :rhe Ruksofcivill policy may well b~ 3applied to the minde 1 A~~herefore far a Pnnce,that he may have good fucceffe againfr either Rebels, or forrain enemies, it is a fu_re axiome,Divide .,,(JR•Ie: but when he isoqce feared in t,he Th~qne overlqyall fubjetls, Ynite•nd Rule: fo,in the regimentofthe foule,there mull: be variance fct in the Judgement, and the confcienceand affections; ~~t1 that w-1Jich1\s1~m!~7 . !JW' ;be lubdued: but,whenall parrs arebrought to ord~~ 'G ts !he only , l:pp\~C. C?,",!~'Htal~e E theu peace; rhat,all fee~ing toeftabhfh and hc!pe,cq.q!her,th~ whqle tiJaY ~!~(pp. Alwayesto beatwarre, IS defperat~; alw.ayes at peacr, fecure, apd ovey-'Epicute:lik~? I doeacc~~nta fecure peace,a ju[\9F.Rlion ofrhis,Gi~i!~~ilfem,io.~ my,ldfe,_; arid a true C~nlha~ peacr,the endofallmy (ecret warres: whtch wlim I h'ave atC,htey:ed;I fhall tclgneWlthcomfort;and never w.ill be quie> sill I have atchioved ir. • 94 I I brought linne enough with me into the wQ,tr'fl to repent o(ill mY, life,though I fhould never atlually linne: and fin enoughactually every day,to.Corrow for ,though I had brought none with me into the world: but I;Jyicig both5\lllether,my rime is r 1ther_ too fhortfor my repentance. It were madnelfe in me to tpc,ixl my whole life in Jolhryand pleafure,whereof! have fo [mall occalioo:and neglect the opportunity of my fo JUftforrow:efpecially,lince before I came into the World,! Gnned; after I am C gone
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