Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

TO THE~·. R'IGHT VV 0 R S .a ·1 P F V L L. S I R R 1 c H A R D L E A, !(night, ALL I,NCREASE _Q F TRVE HONOVR with God and me~. I R , e'!Jer jince I began to befiow my felfe upon thecommon good, jJudying wherein my labour J migbt hemoft[eniceahle;f(lillJotmd they could g bee no waj fo r;ell imprO'lled, tU in that part ·J »hich concerneth de'llotion, a11d the praflice of true pietie. For on the one fide 1 percei-vedthe nnmber o{Polemicall book et ,ratherto breedthan mdJlrifn; and tho[CltJhich are doflrinall 1, reafon ojthtirmultitmie,ratber to oppre!Je tpan.fotiJjie the 'Reader; wherpin, if we 'Write the jamLJ things,we arejudgedtedious;ifindijfirmt,jingnlar. On the other part, ref}e8ingtbe'R,eader, I jaYP the braines of men ne'ller more fluffed, rheir tongues ne"Ver moreJlirring, their hearts ne"Permore empt,y,nor their hands more idleJflbereforcafter thofe fudden meditatiom liJhich paffid me without rule, J lMJ eaji{y induced by tbeir ji1ccejfe( as aJmall thing mo"JJes the willing)tofendforth thiJ . mle of1VleditatiorJ; andafter my Heaven upon 'Earth, to dif courje (although by way of example) o{Hea"Ven abrJ"Ve. Jn thiJ cV1 rt of mine' r confejfe to·ha"Ve recei"Ved more lightfrom one obfcure namelejfe Mon~e, YPhicb liJrote fome bundred and twel"Ve eeres agoe,than from tbedireflions 9/ all otherWriters. 'fwotl!d hu humility badnot made him r1iggard{y ofhis name, thatn•eLJ might ha'lle \nOl'in llihom to ba"Ve than~d.I t badbeen eafie to ha"Ve ramedimitb morecuriofitie: hut qod a11dmJfo'ule know, that l made