TheEpiLl:le Dedicatorie, made profitthejcope of my laboflr,anJnot applaufe; and therefore (to chufe)lwijhedrather to be rude than unprofitable.lfnow the !/tmplicity efa1ry 'Rettder {haD bcrea"Ve him of the benefit ofnry pre~ cepts ,l {now he may m a~ hi! ufe of my examples.Why I ha"lle ho, nouredit withyour name...,, I neednot gi"lleaccount to the l'Porld, '11>/;ich already knoweth your worth anddeferts; and {hall fie by thiJ,that I ack!;o"fPiedge them. qoeyouon happi{y(according to the heawn{y abiceofyour I unius) inyour l~orthy andglorioUJprofeflion, jli!lbearingyourJelfe as onethat {noruth vertue the trtltjl :f\.fibi/ity,and 'JVIit, ion thebejl vertue.'The (jodwhomyouflme, lfhatl honouryouwith men, andcrowneyou in hta"Ven. 'To hugrace I humbfy commmdyou: requeflingyou OIJC{y t~ accept theJttorke, and continueyo11rJa11our to the~ uthor. Your VV'odhips humbly devoted, Jos: HALL.