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\- 9J T .·HE. S.UMME OF THE CHAPTERS. re~;=;~~!flehmrjit and.Juofr.MediwiM. Chap. I. The defcription and kinds of<Meditation, Ch:tp. 2 . Concerning Mtdttation E.<temporall. Chap-J. Cautiom 6j Exttmporary MedttllliDIJS. Chop+ ofNtdttationdelibtrate:whereinjirjl the qu•lily oftbepcrfon:ofwhom is requirtd, 1. That he bepurefrom hisjinpu. Chap.). 2· That he befreefrom worldly thoughts. Chap.6. C ,11 ynthetimejit. . Chap.7. 3• "'.J·"'"{rncontinuance. Chap.8. ofother nect{{'.ry circum.ft•nm: And 1. ofthe placefit for r.Medlt<tion. Chap.9. 2, Ojthetime. Chap.Io. 3, ofthe fitt andgtjlt~rtof body.. . Chap. u. ofthe Matter andJubJeEI ofMtdttattOn. Chap.n. Theorder of/w;d/ing the worke it filft. Chap.I3· i l. C01nmon entrance, which is pr.ytr. Chap.x. 4 . The entrance into theworke: l. The p.utim/Ar And proptr tnrranct inta the matter • . . which is in ourchoycethereof. Chap. I 5: The.promdingofot~r medJtat:on; therem, amtthodaUorrtd by Jome .Authors rejeiled, . . . . . Chap.I6. Prtlflonitions,conctrnmgourprDcetdtngsn the fir.ftpart ofMeditation, Chap.17. The practice ofMeditation: thefirLl:partwbercof _ in the underlhmding; therein 1, We begin tvittJomede_(.ri.ption ofth~t whichwemeditateof. Chap.r8. · 2. An eafie andvoltmtary divifion ofthemattermeditattd. Chap.I9· 3· .A conjiderattonofthe caufes thmofin aUthtkinds oftbem. Chap.2o. 4· The Conjideration ofthe .fuirs andejfeils. Chap.21. 5. fheconfidewionofthe jubiefl,.hereinor tvhma~outit is employed. Chap.22. 6. (:onfu/.eration ofthe appendavcu and qualities ofit. Chap.>3. 7· Ccn{idtration ofthat which is contrary to it, or t1ivtrs Jr~m it. Chap.z4. 8. o[comp.,ifons a»djimilitudes,,.btrby it may be mojljitly fit forth to ,,Chap.>). 9· Thetitles and»ames ofthe matter co»Jideretf. Chap.26. xo. Co»jidcrationofjittcjlimonies ofScriplltreconctrning ••r Theme. Chap.27. Of