Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

7ht Art of 'Divine Meditation. -----==--~-__,: A' onr prayers. By which , as all other things are faoClified to u•, fo we arefaoClified to all holy things. This is as fame royal! Eunuch to perfume and drdTe our foules,that · they may be fir to converfe with rhe King ofHeaven. Bur the prayer that leaded> in Meditation would not be long, requiring rather that 11<' extenfion and kngrh !hould be put into the vigour and fervencie of iqfor that is not here intended to be the principal! bufioclfe, but an inrroduClion to another; and no mherwife, then as a Porrall ro this building ofMeditation: The matter whereof fl1all he, that the courfe of our Meditation may be guided aright and blell"ed1 that all d·llraClions m'y be avoided ; our judgement enlightened,<>ur invenrionsquickned, our wills reClified, our affeClions whetted to heavenly things, our hearts inlarged to God-ward,our devotion enkindled; fo that we may liod our corruptions abated, our B graces thriven, our foules and lives every way bettered by this exercife. CKAP. XV. SUch is the common entrance into this worke: there is another yet more particular and proper; wherein the mind, recolle<ling it fdfe, maketh choyce ol rhar Theme or matter whereupon it will bellow it fdfe for the prefent; fetliog t felfe on that which it hath chofen : wbich is done by an inward ioquifition made nro our heart, ofwhat we both doe, and fhould think upon: rejeCling what is unexpedient a•d unprofitable.!o both which, the Soule,likc unto Come noble Hawke,lets patfe the Crows,and Larks, and fucb other wo!!hlelfe Birds that croll"e her way, and C lloopeth upon a Fowle ofprice, worthy of her flight: after this manner, What wilt tho• mufi •po»,O "'1 fi•lt!thlu Jttjl h1wlitlk ilavalletb tlm 11 ••ndtr and rov<AboMt inu!IC<rtainti<s: thiM fi•titjl """little /••"*' lhtrt il ill lht{turlhiJ things, ..bmwith thl• hA/f wtaritd thy [<I[<; Tr~ublt "" lhJ (tlft ••1 lugtr(with Marrha)a~o•t tht m••J and •ttdle!Jt 1f11ughts •f tl.t "'rid: N~nt b•t ht~vcnly 1hi11gs <All •ffird thee <1111{m:up tht•, my (••lt,and mind< th•fi thinzs that art above, .,henre th] (<lfi art :Amongflall ,.hich .,htrtin Q>o•ldejl.thou rather mu/iwt then •[lilt lift anJgl"J 1/G1ds Sai11ts? A ..mhltr imp11Jmtnt thou c.nflnevtr find, then 11 tbilfke •!•• that tjl41t thou fh•lt '"" p#j{tffi,••J .,,. Jefirrfl. D CH.u. xvr. Hitherto the tlltr41m ; alter which, our Meditatien mull promJ in due order, not rroubledly,nor prepolleroully: It begins in the uoderllanding, endeth in the af!ettion; It begins in the braine, defceods to the heart; Begins on earth, afconds to Heaven; Not fuddeoly, but by certain~ !hires and degrees till we camera the highdl. 1 I have found a fubrill fcale of Meditation,admircd by lame Profetfors of this Arr above all orher humane devices, agd farre preferred by them to the bell direc!tion; of origen,Aujlin,BtrnArd,Ht~gD,BoR~t'Vtllturt,Gtrftn,and whofo~ver hach been( repu.. red of grwell perfeClion in rhis skill, The fevmll llaires whereof (Iell I fhould fceme to defraud my lleaderrhrough envy) I would willingly defcribe, were it not E that I feared? to fcane him rather with the danger ofobfcuritie, from venturing furrim upqn thiS fo worthy a buGnell"e: yet lell any man perbaps might complaine of an unl<nowne loffe, my Margenr fhall find roome for that which I hold too knottie for my Text. The Scale ofMeditation ofanAuthor aDCiear.bt~t namclelfe. } • 'lhgrttl •f Pw/M'Ati,.. 1 .QHtjlio•. {What I 5 <hinke. . 5 ?,lhoold th<nke, • In all which, (afcer the incredible commendations of fame pra. .:litioners) I doubt not but an or. dinary He3der will eafily efpie a double faulc at the leall, Darknt/f< 5 · b lh •ndC•incidmct: that they are both 1 Exc•.fi'"·?.\~i~~;~gofw aci ouldtoo P.trti.cuhrand propcrcntr2tl(cintothc m1ttcr,wbicb isiaourchoycc thereof. Tbt proccc· 4intofour Mcditathm. Alld rhcnina M~hodallowed byfomcAu... thonrcjcelcd byu..