Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

1 The Art of 'Divine Mtditation. 105' - A CHAP. XV Ill. F Irll: therefore it OJ.ll be expedient ro confider fcriouOyt, what the thing is Th~pu.Bicr. whereof we: mc:dirate. . of Mcdit:acion, 1 Wh.r thtn,o my ftult,is tht ltft oft!.e Saintt, whemfthoufludiifl? who Are tht wh:tc:in, Full ~rtbcgin wi th Saints,hutthofi which having bttn weakiJ holy uponearth,mptr{tfl~ holy above?,.,hrrh fomc:defc, 1prieven on eArth were perfiflly holy tn. the,~ S4vtour, n1w Ar~ fi ~~ tkern tlves? whsch ~ver- OD O(tblt WC: comming 011 earth,•re trNd) c•nonr'{JdmHe.ven?WhAI u thttr lift,butthatblt!Jtd ej/lte rnedirateof. abovt, whmintheirglmjitdfoole bath • fuUfrurmn ofG1d? B CHAP. XIX. THe nature whereof, alter we have thus lhadowed out to our [elves by a de· Sc:candly.fol · fcription, not curious alwayes, and e~actly fram~d according ro the rules of lowes an c; lie :and volun•:l'J Art but fuffici<nt for our owne concett;the next IS (tf It lhall fecme ne<dfull, dJvilion ufthll or tfthe m;tter will beare, or offer it) fome eafie and volcnrarie divilion, whereby manet m{diour thoughts lhall have more roome made for them, and our proceeding lhall be uud. more di!linct. Tlurt ilalrfi •fnature,whtll thou,my {iul,dwtBej/ in this 61dy,andinformr! thint earth. ty burt6m.Tbtre il•lift ofgrm,wU tht j{.irit ofG•tld.,els in thtt.Thtrtis alife •fgl• '1 ,whtntht bodJ being unirtd to thu,both aUh •nittdto G1d:or whmintht mtant timt, C '"•g fiparattdfr•m thy wnp•nion,thoumj•ytjl GodAllnt. Thillifi ofthint thtrtfvt,M the ..btr h41h his ages ha~h hisflaturts;for ittntrcth •p•n hil birth, whmth111 p•fftft owt •[thy body, andehangejl this tArtbly howftford HtA'IItnly: ll tnlfrs inllhis [•fl vig011r, whtn 11 tht day ofrht c1mmon reforrtfliln, thlu rtfomeft thiltby eompAniln,unlikt 11 it filft,likt to thte,lrke to thy Savio•r,immortaUnltv, & gloriom,/n thillift htrt ''"1 bt t/t. ftrtts; thm can bt no imptrfiffms. If{imt be lskt the Sktt, others ltkt tht StArrts,ytt40 int.l[fomtjit 41thtirSa'llilurs right hand,~thtrsat his ltft,•U•rthlt.Qtd.!ffome 'llt/Jtls h1ldmort, •U Art jull;none &olll!l•intth•fwant, notlt tn'llitth him thAt hath 111ore. CiiAP. xx. D vv Hich done, ic fu,ll be .-quilie for our perfeaer uodcr!landing, and for j .A conlidcra· che laying grounds otmmer for our affeaion, to carry ic thorow thofe tienofthc: other principall places, and he3ds .ofreafon, which nature bath taught c21lft:~ thereo f inallkiaduf <very ~>un, both for knowledge and amphficauon: the firll: whrreofare the Caofis, d~tsn. ofall forts. whmct is this ttm,.filift,btit from him R'hich only is tltrn•D,whhhDnly is the foun,.int •flift,1ta life itfilft?Wh• but thefomt Got/thAt gi'Vts owrt(pora/1 lift givtth •lfi th•ttternai?Tht F4thtr btjlowtth it,tht Son""rittth tt,tht holy Ghoj/Jt•lts <!r aJplitth it,Ex· ptCI it only frii him,Omyfo•l,r>hofi frtt tltlliiig•ve tbtt tht frfltitlt toit,to htpurchaftd by tht bl"d•[thy Savuur.For tho•]halt notthtrtfort bt happy, bte4ufl he.faw that tho" E wouldej/ttg"d;hHt thtrfort utth••_gBDd,bee••ji he hath crdaintd,thsu fhaltbt hapPJ.He hAth .rdatntdthee tolift,hthathgtvt thtt • Sancur togtvt thu liftuntQ thtt;f•ith,Jvbtr· hy thl~ mtghtej/41Wnto thu Sa'IIIMr;hu.WBrd,f;y ,whteh th~u~ightft•ttaintothis faith; wha~ u ~htrttn thu n~t hul Andyttnot ht<fo jimply,.ss that tt rswtth••t thet:with•utrhy mmtttndttd, no1 rrnthllttthrNe.B. ThDultvtfl btrtthrough his bltfing, buthy hrtAd; thou jh•lt lr'llt ab1vt thrs11gh hts 1ntrcJ ,b111 by thy fo~th htl~r• ,•ppreht»ding the Author of thy li(t.Andytt.u ht wti 1101 fsvtthu wtthout thJ fatth fotbou Ca•ftntvtrhAvefaith with out htsgiji.Looke to hm• thmfort 0 "'J foult M the btginntr.ndfnifotr if thyJ•l<•Aticn 1 Aodwhtle lho11 m•g,.ifiefl tht Auther,&e YA'IIif/ml with tbtglory oftht w~rkt:which farrt pa./Jtth h11h tht "•gut ofAngtls,& tht hart •fnwr.II <411 6t 110goodthing thAt is not time How can thlJ want Jt141tr .tlw h•vt the/}ring!Whtrt G"l is tnjojtd,i11 whii only al thipgs artg.,d,,hat goodc••.bt wantmg? Andr>hat ptrftc1to•f&lifft isthrre,o>litrtaOg,.dnts is mtt