Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

106 The drt of1Jivine Meditation. mtt and unittd? In rhy prefeoce is fuloetle ofJoy,and arthy right hand are pleafures A for evctmore. o ble[ftd re[ltllion ofglory ! Wefee there, ' ' we neJune, in that,., .re feme it u our glory; in that we fu, it u Godtglory; thmfore dotb heglorifie "'• tliat ••r gkrJ fh•uld be hu. How worthy art thou, 0 Lord, that through w thot• fh••ldejllt~kut thyftlfe! CHAP. XXI. 4.Thcconfide- THe next place !ball be the fmitJ and ejfefls following upon their fevcrall eau· ntionofthc F1uits ~nd Ef.. les: which alfo affords very feeling and copious matter to our meditation; fcCts. wherein it flull be ever bell, not fo much to feeke for all, as to chufe out the chicfdl. B No marveUtheniffrom thiot,lory P""'d•niJeakab!ejoy,Andfr~mthiojoy the [ww fings ofpraife & thanksgiving.T!JtSpirtt hids us)when wt Art merr1jing: Hsw mu1hmort tben, wh'; WliJTtmtrfo withsut a0mixturt offorrBw,htJI!Id aNmt.jNrt ofourtArthJy 4f:l1ions, }hAllweftngi•J ul Hallclu.jahs6· Hofannahs 11 himthAt dwelltthinthe /,/ghejl uvens? our hearts [hall befofu/1 that'" cannrt chufo but ftng, Andwecannot but ftngmel•diouf11. There u nojdr inthll Muftck,notndofthu{ong.o bleffidchange ofthtSaiDts!They tio n•- thing lmt wrtp bt!ow,and mw nothing brit fing ahove.WeJowed i11 tearts ,rupe in joy;there was fome com~rt in-thofl Jtarts .whtJJ thty were AI tht worft;btll thtrl i& 110 &anger of llmplaint in this h,.ve»lJ mirth.Iftvtcan•ot finghm ,.ith Ange/s,Qnearth p<ae<,7tt thm we /haD (ing.,uh tbtm,Glory to God on higb;ana'j•Jning 1ur voim to tbtirs,jhAOm•ke up thAt cclejltaOcufm,which none'"" either htart or beart part iN,AndnDI be hAppy. C' C>lAP. XXII. Confider.ui. A Fterwhich comes to be confideredrhe S•~Jefl,<itherwherein that is,or whereof the Sub. ~awRcro:m, About that is imployed, whichwe meditate of: As, r wherc~about . _ Andindeea',rvh.,leffi happintjfe dDth the very plart promifo,wherein thiJ gl~ry tis. is exhihi!edfwhich uno other then the PATAdifo ofGid. ffert btlow wt dwell, OTr4ther we wander in a c~ntint:t.,;d_f!!ld~!:ntffjJthtf{JVt_fh#ll rtfl114 in tht true Edc:n: I am come into my G:irdcrl,mfS•ileo;,my Spoufe. Ki»t:s ufo "" 11 J,.eo in cottAges •f ClaJ, but in Ro7aUCourts Jitfortheir ejiate,H•w much more ~All the King ofHeaven,whohAth prepared for men fo fairt manji1ns onearth,mAke himftlfeAn hAbitatiiH (uta~lttohio Majejlit?tven D earthly Princes have dwtlt in Gular and r vory'Buttbegrtat CiiJ, Holy Jerufalcm, the PaiActofthe Highejl,hAth her waDs oflafitr, her h11i/Jing ofgold, htrfoundAtion •fprt· ciom fl•nes,her gatts ofpearle.-How glotious things are fpoken of thee,O thou City of God ! we {it ~ut the r•ven•ent,andJtl howgoodly it is! The btlttvingCent•rion,tho•ght himfilft "nroorthJ 1 ,.t Chrifl fo•uld come under hu r(JI)[< 'J" w<rl thou, o Savioor, in thine humbledtf/ate, in the forme ofa(trvant' How thmJh•U Ithide myftlfe ""'hJ 11 come 11nder this ,.,(t ofthtnt,fo fhining Andgl~riow ? o,iftbu ci•J •fmine ''"}come to this h1nour above, ltt 11 be trampkdupon anddefPiftd on eartk, CHAP. XXIII. . 6.C<-nlid.of s lx<ly,lhall follow the AppendAnm and ~alities,whichcleavc unto the fubjed E the Arpo,dtt>t· whereof we mcdirate: As, ecr ~nd !!.'!._11.111~ But""" the flace leffi nohle and majejliC4!1; yet the Clmpany wbith it aj[Drdtth, titsofir. bAth eno•gh 11 """'thefOil it ble[fed.For,notthe pla<tgivtth ornament to theguejl {1mucb .• ' theguefl 11 the place.Howkath art we to lt.avtthis earth,oniJ for the focitt] •!J~mt few Jrttndr m whom we dtlight ,wbtch7t1 Art f•bi«1 ever1 daJ t1 mSitua/1 dijllkts ? what pltA· I.Jim [hallwe thtn tAke intbttnjOJinl oftbe Saints; wht~llbtrt is nOibing in them nBI ami- . Able n~tlnng in tu thAt ma7 tiDit the jtrvo•rofo•r love?'ThtrtJhalt tl;ou,m;.Joule,tf;1 ft!~ glortfied~mtttwithlhJ dt~rt P4rtnts lntifritnds altk{,.lorioll4,ntvtr t1 he "evtrtd:There J tho,. {baitfie & C~n'Ut'f, wrththl{t anmnt Worthies • the[11mer world;tht bleffidPatriarkts er Prophw,wit the crownedMmyrs andCDPfijfors;with the b•IJ .Apof/lts,and the Fathtrl