Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

The ArtoJVivine Meditation. A F•thm •fthat Pri,.itivt r'7' thilprt{int Church,Jbining e. eh ont acc1rdingt.,htmt•fitre •fhis hlefJtdt.bm.Thmfhaltthoulwtfamiliarly in tht fight oftho(i APgtlr,..,homnlw th•• rtctivtjl gm/fr•m,but {ttfl not,Thm(whteh u the htAd ofANthyftlrmy, )thmwu fo•Ufit Him whlmlfiW thine ht4rtl•ngeth f~r,(that Sa'IJiour ofthint)in the ~nly h;pt •J rrh1m n1"' thouliv•JI. Al,u,how dimly,and afarre offd•flthoutfOWbthsld hrm! How trnJtrftfJ!y dojl th1u e11j1y him, .,hilt every ttmptation btrtwts thtt,[or the t!m•, •fhts prtJtn<t!l[oughc him whommy fouleloveth: I fought h1m,buc lound h1m nor;htsb~elc il now towards thee many timtt,thro•gh thy fins,•nd therefore thon hArdly dtfotrntjl hnn. · Othtrwbilt & •ftenthy hac le ilturntdonto himthr~ugh ntgligtnct,that when thou might· t/1 obfturtly foe him, thou dofl not:now thlu {halt ftt him,•nd thine tyts th~~< fixedJhaUnot be remwt,,Ttt•eithtr could thil glory malct m happy, ifbting t~/14 ab(olutt, it"'"' ndt B perpetu.U. T• be happy, u mt fi Jwttt• fl4tt, .u it il mijirabte ,. h•wbun happy. +t.Jl lughtthtrtfort fh•uld be rv•ntl»g_,bthold,thil filicitylcn•,.ttb n1 tnd,ft•wh no Jmermi(- Jion,••' il .ueternAD f.r tht conttnua•ct,.u he tb41 h•d nob,gsnnmg_. 0 b/,ffidn!J!t tr•ly injilfitt!Our e.rthlr j1yts doe [c.ret wtr b!gtn ; hill wbm thtJ btgm,thtrr endb.rdtrtth Mf'" their beginning. one ho•r [mh"' •furmu ]oyfoD & mifor.bte '"'" •lone ts nolhmg b•t tttrnity.ifthtn tbtDivine Pr~pbet th1ught here one d•y in G1dsurthly houft,bmer then ath1u[andllbtr-whtrt;,.h•t fh•ll I comp4rt llthcu[.nds ofmHiiotJs ofyttrr inG'ds htA'Vt1JI] Ttmplt? Ttd, miUiDns ~fyters Art n•t fo much"'" minull ID ettrllitJ, 41Jd th4t 1ther h1u{t not • mtagt llthil. c CHAP. XXIV. SEventhly, our choughrs, leaving awhile the conliJeration ofthe thing as ic is in icfdfe, !hall defcend unto ic as refpe.aively with ochers;and therefore firfi !hallmedicate ofchac which is diver(e from it, or contrary unto ir. WhAt d1jlth1u here tben,O my foo/t?Whal d1j/ tho~ here ~rovt/ing up1n tmhf ..here the b,fl things Art v•nity,tt.t refr no btltltr then Vl!<Ation, L.,k roond•h••t tbtt, Andfie whether thine tits,.,, mttt,.Jtb A»J thing bm either finnts or mifiries.Th•feftw & fbm plt4fims thou fufl ,•ndever forr~wfoUy \•ndin the mtAn timearelnttrmingltd..ithmany griwAncts.Htrtthouh,.rtjl~ntcry out •fa fick body,wht,.fthert il n•p•rt whicb-Jf~rJs '"' ch•ift •f diftajis.Thil mAn l•ytth hi< hanJ •ponhil conf.,ning lungs ,&t1111p/aintth of fhm winl:thAt 11htr,upllf hil rifing fllttne: •thirdfhalctth his J•infuU head: an11her D roArs ••tfor tbttormtnt •fhilrtinsor hl•dtler:Anotktrfor the racking •f hisgowty joynts: •ne il dijlempmdwitb Aro•ttry Dr~pji!,Another with •windy CoOick,• thirdwith • fiery Agut,•fourth "'ith alf t~rthtn meuncholy;megrovels & {onltlb ,.ith thejAUingJiclcnef; •n•thtr lytthbed rid,hAifftnfikf!e with AdtAdP•lfit. Thtrt are but few bodiu that elm· plaint not offome diJi•ft;•nti thAtthlu m•itf/ n11lodforrt, il il• wonder ifthy {elf iel not a/wAits 1ne ofth!fttvils J>ithin thtt,Thtrt,thouhtArtjiAnllher 141tllnt hilloffi:either biseftatt isimpAiredby (urttijhip,IYj/14/tt., ~rjhipwYAclc , lf 1pprtjfion; 1r his child il unr•ly,or mi{<Aritd;.r hil wife dwl,lf tlijloy•IJ!anotber tormented 'lllith p4Jfi1ns ; tAch one il {imt WAY miftr.blt.Bot,th41 ..hieh u yet mort irke[,.,t,tby one tArt il bwm lflith cur. fings and bl•{;htmits;thy ~ther ,ith ft~rnfi•U, IT J>Anton,or murlhtring (}ttehu;thint tits E fu noth:ng b~t prlde.jilthtlll(ft,profaneneJ!t,hl•ud,excejft,& .,.hAtfoevtr elfo might vex artghlliUJ fo•le: AndifaiJthe J>lrld befides wtrt 111nocent, thou {indeft tn1ugh within thy Jilji to malu thy (i/ft weary, 4¥dthy life/OAthfome. Thou nttdtft nitfit eh uuft•fcom. pi~mt Y"" others; thy eorruptt,.syttldthtt too m•ch 41 home; ever{Inning , tvtr !"f•· mtng; Stnmng wen"""' th••.hA/1 repented: JIA ,Ivtn ,.hilt th1u r'jt»ttJI,finning.Git 11 ••w,myJoule, andfolact thy {tlfe herebtl1w, •nd f•Jftr thy ftlji befotttd with the[t gootlly e~nttntments ; ..m by •fno bttter,,.hileth•• fixefl tbyfilfon thef(:Jiet· th•u c•njl find any oftht(t •blvt;•v'IfthiN CAnft nlttt "'it(s ••y Ji{ltmpt~ ,..y loUe,AIJ} m,Any ""'· pi4JntJrom thy {tlft '' ""J 6thtr Ah~Vt,de/}ifo thine Htllvtn, M much M 110w thoulovtfl theeutb. Or if allthil u~nll tDittgh e~mmend unto tbtt ' '" flAit •f Hu v mly gl~ry, caft diWnthtnt t~ts yet ~lwtr,mu thAtdttp •nd bottlmleffipit,fuO •fhorrl14r , foll•Jtlrmtnt, w~ert there u nllhtng h•tflamts,And ttus,•ndfhritki,andgnafhing oftttth,nothing bttt Ftt11ds, andtortures: rohere there is p•lpable d.,lcntJ!t,andytt perpetuaO (i rt; where the damned 70ftbU' which is divtrt fromit,orc()n· trarytoit.•