Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

L..I:B. XX. Hezektah and Sen~cherib. 128,9 I ill kons from the AI(Jligtuy as this,now-abhorred,and adulterous fpoufc? He that fpared notthc.naturall Olive, 01311 he fpue the wildc ~ It is not tor us fioncrs of the i Gcnrilcs to be high-minded,buc awful. I 'rhe Ifr.,/itts are carkd captive into JT/jri•; thofe goodly Cities of the tcnne l Tribes may-not lie walle,and unpeopl~d:Thc wifedome ofthe victor findes it fie to tranfplant hisowne Colonies thither; that fo he may raife profit thence, with fccuricy: From Bah,t.n thcrcfor<,and C•th•h, and JvA, and H•m•th, and Stp,Arvlim, doch he fend ofhis own' fhbjccts to poffeffe,and inhabit the Cities of Samari•. The ! land dorh not brookc her now Tenants: ThtJ jtArtdnil tht L"d (how fhould they, they knew him not~ ) Thmf•rttht L~rd fint ~'"' •mMgjlthttn whi&h fltro fime •f J, tlmn: Notthc vcrycfl P;~gan con bccxcufed or his ignorance of God; Even the B~ de pravedfl nature might teach m to tremble aro J.)eicy; It is jufl with the Almigh. tynotrOctm~up ncglect,wh<rc he harh bellowed reafon; The brutecreatures are fcnr to revenge rbe quarrel!oftheir Maker , upon worfc bcafls,then themfdves. Still bath God left himfelfe Champions in Ifrael: Lyons reare the Afl)~riansin pieces; and put them in mindc,thar, had it not becnc for \Viekedndfe, that land needed not to have changed matters. The great Lord of the I I world cannot wane meanesro plague offendors: If the men begone, yet the b<afls are th<re; And ifthe bcafls had beengone, yet fo long as there were floncs in the walls, in the qusrries, God wouldbe fure of avengers: There is no fccuricy bur in beingat peace: wirhGod. The King of Af{yri• is fued to,f0r remedy: Even thcfe P•gans have learned to c know that rhcfe Lyons werefent from a God; thatthis punifhmenr is for fin; Thty kn•"' "" tht maner •ftht God •f thtl4nd,thtrfm he h•th fr•t LJinl 1mongthem: Thc[e blinde heathen that think every land hath a feverall God, yet, hold tha< God , worthy of his own worfhip; yer,hold that worfhip mull b< grou'nded upon ~nowkdge; the want of that knowledge punifhable 1 the punifhmcnc of that want, jufl and di- .vinr. How muchworfe then Affyrians are they that are ready to afcribe all calamirics to naturr,•o chance 1 that acknowledging but one God of allche world,are yet cardeffe to know him, to ferve him~ One ofthoPriefls of Ifrael is appointed to he caricd back toSam~ri•, to reach the Affyrian Colony the fafhions of the God ofthe land 1 not for devotion, bur for impunity: Vaine Politicians think to fatisfie God by patching up religions; any formes are good cnouRh for an unknown deity: The Affytian Priefls teach , and D pratlicetheworfllipof thcirowngods; Thelfraditith Priefl prefcribes the wor~ I fhipofrhe true God; The people will follow both; the oneoucof liking, the other our offeare t- Whac :t prodigious mixcure was here of religions~ true with falfe, ,Jewi01 with PaganiO>, divine with devilifh; Every divifion of thefe rranfplanced Affyrians had their fcv<rall deities, high places,facrificcs ; This hi~h Priefl of Ifra<l inrm:ommons with everyofthem :So that now rhefc fathers ofSlmaritanifme, arei,.tall ; Thtyfi.r the Lord••tl{tr'fJtthtlr itl•ls; No hcggers cloke is more pee· ccd then the Religionofthefe new inhabitantsof lfr~el. I kn01• not how th<ir bo· I dies fped for the Ly<>ns, I am furcthdr foules fared the work: fJ rthismedly:Above all things God hatesamuogrclldevotionllfwe he notalll{r~tl, itwere better to be I all J/b.r 1 lr cannorfo much difpleafe God to be unlr.oo1vn or neglected , as to b<e E confortcd with Idols. Hezekiah an·d Senacherib. ~~Sratlisgone,T•d•h isleftfl•~ding1 orratherfomefew fpri{;s of rhofe ;tKiugs. IS. rwo tnbes : fo wehave feen 1n the fhreddmg of fume large umb<r-:rec, :md , ,. I one ortwo boughs left acthc top to hold up the fap. Who can but lamentthe poore r<maindero ofihat languifhing kingdome of Davit!~ Take out ofrhe rwo Tribes of Iotl•h,ind Btnj•mi11, one hundred and I Qqqq9; twennr