Contemplations. L1a.XX. is belt difceroed by the lhadow; and the motion of the lhadow is led by the courfe A of the Sun:befides that,the demonltration ofthis miracle is reported to be Iocall in theDiall of Aha'{ , not univerfall , in the fenfible length ofthe day ; withall the retrait of the Sunoe had m•de a publike and noted ch•nge in the frame of nac: 1re • this particular alteration of the lhadow in places limited, might fatistie no letfe without aconfufivemutation in the face ofrhe world; Whetherfoever; to draw the Sunnebackrogetherwiththelbadow; or to draw the lhadow back without the Sunne,was the proofe of a divine omnipotence; 3ble thorefore ro draw back the life of Hl(tkiAh, fifteen degrees, from thenightofdeath, towards which it was halting. 0 God, thou wilt rather alt<r the courfe of heaven and eanh, then ihe faith ofthy children !hall finck for want offupportacion, Itlhould feem the Babylooians finding the Alfyrians power abated by the re· B vengefull handof Gods Aogdl,aad their own difcord, rook this advantageofa re. volt1 and now to ltrengthen their parr,fall inwith HtCtkiah King of Judah, whom they found the old enemy to the Alfyrians, and the great favorite of heaven: Him they wooe with gifts;him they congratulate with Ambalfages : The la111e of Htze. kiahs ficknetfe, recovery, form,and alfuranceofcure, have drawn thither melfen. gers,and prefents from Btroda<h Balad•• KingofBabylon. The Ch•ldtts were curious fearchers into the fecrets ofnature, efpecially into the motions ofthe celeltiall bodies; Though there had been no politick relations, this very Altronomicall miracle had beenenough to fetch them eo Jerufalem, that they might fee the man, for whofe fake the Sun forfook his place, or the lhadow forfook ~~ c How eafily have we feon thofe holy men miC-carried by profperity , againa whom no miferies could prevaile~He that ftood out ftoutly againlt all the Affyrian onfcts,clinging the falter to his God, byhowmuch he was harder a!l3ulted by Sma. cherih, meltethnow with thefe Babylonian favours,and runs abroad into ofli:nfive wcaknclfes, TheB•bylonianAmba!l'adors are toowelcome ro Htuki•h;As a m•ntranfported with the honor oftheirrefpeClive and comy vifitations, he forgets his tears, and his turning to the wall; he forgets their incompatible Idolatry ; fo hugging them in his bofome, as iftherehad been no caufe offtrangenelfe: All his doores flieopen to them;and in a vaineglorious oltenration all his new-gathered rreafures, a! his ltrong armories entertain their oyes; nothing in his houfe, nothing in his Dominion is D hid from hem. Oh HtztkiAb,what meanes this impotentambirionat is not long fince thou tarelt offthe very plates ofthe Temple doors,togive unto St11Acherih;and can thy treafures be fuddenly fo mulriplied,that they can be worthy to altonilh forrain beholden!Or, ifthy ltorchoufe were as rich as the earth, can thy heart be fo vain 3S to be lifted up withthefeheavymetals~ Didll: thou not fee thatheaven itfelfe wasatthybeck, whilelt thou werr humbled~and lhal a littleearlhly drolfc have power over thy foul~ Canthe flattering applaufe ofltrangers let theeloofeimo a proud joy, whom the late melfage ofG?ds Pr_ophet refolved into teares~O God,ifth?u do ~otkee_p us, ~s well in our fun-lh10e,as 10 our ltorme, we are fure to penlh : As 10 all !I me otour !tl· bularion,fo in alltimo ofour wealth,good Lord deliver us. E Alas how lleighc doth thisweaknclfe feeme in our eyes, ro rejoyce in the abun· dance dfGods bleffings? to call in Iorraine friends to be wimelfes ofour plenty/ to raifc our conceits,fome liule, upon the acclamationsofothers,upon the value ofour own abilities~ · Lay thy hand upon thy mouth , 0 foolilh flefu and blood, when thou feelt the cenfureofthyMaker. . . . . lfaiah rhe Prophet is Cent fpeed1ly to Ht'{JktAh, With a !harp and he•rt.break1ng meffagt:Bthold,tilt dayu <am< that all that i4 in thint heN[t, andthAtwhichthy{llhtrs havt laid •P injlort unto thi< d"J, foal/ ht c.rritd inll Baby/on; 11otbmg foa/1 ht ltji,{atth t!Jt Lord;And ofthy fins th.r fo•ll i{(ue from shtt , which thou foalthtgttJh•lthty tAke ,.,,1 ,,,dtheyfoaUt ENIJII<hts in tht palm of tbt King •fB•hylon. No