I:) OS Contemplations. L 1 s. XX· - book ofthe Law fets him, the time, place, circumfiances, of this Sac.rameot •his A zeal fo carefully follows it, that fince the days of S•m•tl,this feaft was never foglo· ·rioufiy,fo punttually celebrated.Jerufalem is the place,the fourteenth dayofthe lirfi month is the time,the Levites are the attors, ayea!ling and fpotlelfe Lambe is the provifion;no boneof i~ is broken, the bl~od is fprinkled upon the door·pofies, it is roafied whole,eateo wuh fowre herbs,With bread unleavened,the remainder is confumed by fire. The Law,the Sacrifices had been in vain, if the Palfeover had been neglctted:No true Ifraelitemight want, whether this monument ofthoir deliverance pafi,orthis Type oftheMelliah to come.Rather then faile, I•fi•hs bounty thallJupply to Judah Lambs for their pafchall devotion: No alms is fo acceptable, as that 'Whereby the foule is furthered. ~ Kings 2.1• vtt(,J.9· Aod :z. Chron.Jf• vcrfc :.o. :r. Chron.36. B Jofiahs Veath; with the defolation of the Temple andJerufale• • oji.h bath now happily fetled the affairesboth ofGod,l and the State: and now bath fweet leifure to enjoy himfrlfc, aod his people: his confcicncc doth notmore cheare bim athome, then his fubjetts abroad ; Never King raigned with more ofli· cious piety to God, withmore love, aod applaufe of men: But C what fiability is there in thefe earth!y things ~ how fcldome is excellency in any kind long-lived~ In the very firength of hi~ · ago, in the height ofhis llrength, is I•fi•h withdrawoe from the earth; as not without a merciful! intention of his glory, on Gods bchalfc fo, not without fome wcakoelfe, on his own. Ph"••h Nt<h• King ofAlgyp; comes up to fight againft the King ofAffyria : Whar is that to I•fi•h 1 Perhaps the Algyptians attempted to palfe thorow the land of)udah, towards Ck•rthtmifh the feat of his warre ; but, as a neighbour, not as an enemy : Iofi•h refifts him ; as neither holding it Cafe to admit a forraine power into the bofome ofhis Couotrey, nor daring togive fo faire anoccafioo of provoking the Alfyrian hoftility againfi him. D The King ofAi.gypt mildlydeprecates this comity, he fends Ambalfadors to T•fi•h faying,Wh•t b•vt I 11 the with lhtt sh•u King 1[Iutl•h? I"'"' nOIAgAin{lthtt,t!.il tl•y, f11tagalnfl theh••fe whfftr•ilh I h•vt .,.,,for 6oaclmmARaetl"'"""•"• h•fle1 f~r~t., thafr•m mtdling with G1d,wb1 ilwith 111t,thAI httltflriJ thee nOI. What friend could have faid more~ what Prophet could have advifed moreholi. ly~ why dorh notgood lofiah fay with himfdf; There may be truth in this fuggefiion;Godmay have fent this man,tobe afcourgeof mine old enemy, of .Afh•r: Ifthe hand ofthe Almighty be io thisdefigne, why doe Ioppofe it~ The quarrel! is not mine,why do Ithru(! my finger into this Aame,uobidden~Wherfore fhould I hazard the dfufion ofbloud,upon an harm!elfe palfage ~ Can I hearhim plead a command from God, and not ioqairc into it ? How eafie is it for me to know the certainty of tE this pretended commiffion~ Have not Ithc Priefis, and Prophets ofGod about me I Let me firfi goe and confult his oracle; If God have fcnt him,and forbidden me,why (hould my courage carryme againft my piety ~ It is firaoge that the good heart of T•ft•h could efcape thefe thoughts, thefe ref()o Iutiom:Yet,he that upon the general! threats ofGods Lawagainft Judah, fends md: fcngers to inquire ofa Propherelfe; now upon tbefe particular threa:s .of danger to himfelf,fpeaksoot,fius not: The famous Prophet Iertmy was then hvtag, and Zt· ph••i•h; befides a wholeColledge ofSeers: Ilji•h dothnotfomuchas fend out of doorcs,to ask, ShJI It" •P •g•infltbeKi•g •f Egypt I Somctimes,both grace & wit are afieepin the holieftand w.ricft brefis: the bell ofall Gods Saints may be fametimes mif.caried by thcirpaffions to their cofi. · The