Contemplations. Lzn.cXXL the walls begin wover-looke t he earth; th<irthoughcs focme 10 over-look the walls. · A !}ut what great enterprife was ever {et on foot tat God, which found not fome qoffes! Th<re wa! amut!£rtll broodc of SamArit-A/Jjrians, which ever fince thedayosof Sen.,htrib dwdt in the land of lfr•e/;whofe Religion was a parched coate ot feverall fhreds11ome link parr Jewilh, the re~ Pag3n, not witho~r much variety of idolatry. Thefe hollow ne•ghbours prof<r theu allifiance ro the chddrcnof the captivity; Ltt w build ,.,;,h Jll•, for "' fttke your God,ll4 ye d6t: And tbe focrijieetD him. Might men be th<irowne judges., there would benoherefiein the world·, no mif.worlhip. Iris rrue; rhefc m<On did facrifice 10 the rrue God ; TheIyons taught them to feekc and the Ifraditilh Prieft raughr them to find the falhions ofthe God ofthe land; So~c of th<fe Jews knew their 'devotion of old; They fcrved Ifracls God; but with their B ow~e ; Asgood no God, as too many.In a jufi indignationtherefore doe thefe J ewifh govemours rrp<ll 1ne partnerfhipoffuch helpers : T •• havt nothing tD dot r>lthm 11 i·•ild ar~ ho.Jc to.., G•d; but wtour felvts tDgtthtr r>i8b•ildun11 tht Lord G1d of]fr;.l. The hond of an idolater is contagious. Yet, had it been to the building of fome fortrelfe, or common-hall, perhapsthdr aide had not beene refufed; but when the walls ofGods houfe are to be raifed, this fociety had been piacular. ' Thoferhat may not be allO\ved to help the worke, will aske no leave to hinder it: thdr ~alicious fuggeftion& weaken the hands of the pe0pk of J udah, and fiirre up authomyco fupprdfethem. cyrH4 wos fat off, neither lived he long after that grocious commillion 1 and be. fides was fo taken up the while with his wars, that he could not have leifure 'to lift c thofe querulous accufations. Now therefore, during the !aft yeares ofCJ"" ,and rhe raigne ofbis fon C•mbJJts, and the long goyernment of DAriU& Hijla{}idts, and of his fon Xtrxcs, or Ahafutrl/4, and lalllyofhisfon Artaxtrxts ; untill the dayes of D•riw ' Nit h.,.,(which was no ldfe then five fuccellions ofKings,befides cyrm) do the walls 'oftbe Temple !land fiill, yea liewafte; lubjeG"ttothe wrongs of time,a.nd wether: the fit matter of forrow ro.thc lt"", infultation to the enemies, derifion to paf- ~·~· - What awide gapoftime washere betwixt the foundation ofGods Houfe, and 1he battlements~ How large a tryall doth God now fecondly take of the faith, of the patience ofhis people~ HO\V large aproofedoth he give ofhisowne long.fuffering~ Oh God, when thou hadft but one houfe upon earth, thou were contentto put up 0 delayes, yeaaffronts in the building ofit; now thou haft many, it is no marv~ll if thy longanimity and ju!lice, abide fome ofthem to lie defolare' They are not flones, or metals,ormentharcan make thee more glorious; thoubeft knoweft when to ferve thy fclfcofall thefe, when to honourtbefe with thy fc:rvice. A, fmall matter hinders rhe worrhieft at:iion; as a little fifl1 (they fay) Oayes the greateft {hip: Before, the ltwtswere difcouraged with words,but now they are ftop. ped by commands. Thcfe envious SAmAritans have corrupted thegovernours which the Perfian Kings fee over thofe parts; and from thdr hands have obtained letters of deep~ columnia. tion, to Jth'.{MtrlfJ the Kiog; and after him, to his fon Art•xrrx_a; whemn leruflltm is charged withold rebellion to Kings;and for proofe, appdlauon" made to the Re- ,E cords! trom which evidence,is fpitefully inforred,that ifthefe wals be onco hu•l•,the King !hall receive no tribute on this fide the river.Neverwas Gods Church but fub· j<:lt to reproaches. Princes have reafon tobe jealous ofthc'ir right!. The R<eords arc f~arch!; lt foon app~&res that within one Century ofyears, ltr•(Altm had rebelled agatnft Ncho<had- "'"'"'", and held out nvoyears fiege ofthat gre~t B•hyl••i•"· Th~ ~candall of difioyalty is prrpctuaU: although indeed they held h1m rather a prev3Jilllg en_e!"Y> then a lawfull Sovrraign;One att difparages either place,orperfon,ro all pofiennes.Therefore !halfthe walls of J erufalem lie walle, becaufe i~ had Qllce been tr~achc~ous_; After an hundred yearos doth that City rue one perfidious att of ~edtk.ab. Ftdehty ro our governpurs is everboth{afe, and honourable. Command