Contemplations. LIB. XXI. ther for dire~ion, or incou~agemeDt. It is a figne ?f Gods great favour to any nation, A when the hearts ofSovcra~goc Govcrnours arc ra1fcd up, bo1h to the choice ofwor· thy agents, and to the commanding ofpious, and rellorative atlions. Holy and careful! Er-r• gathers a new colony of Itwts, takes view of them at the river of A~•v•; and finding amitfc ofthefons_of Lwi (without whom no company, no plantation can be compleat) fends for thm fupply; And now fully furoilhed he proclaimesa fall in theway. ' I doe not heare him fay, The journey is Ion~ and dangerous; the peoplt bavc need ofall their 1\rength, I could well wifh us .all afllitled with a!cligious fall,were i~ not that the abatement ofthe courage, and v•gour of the mulmude may indangey our fuccdfe;But without all thcfe carnal confultations,hc begins with this folcmne atl of humiliation! It is better to have God ftrong io our weaknetfe, then to have flcfh and B blood ftrong in His neglc&. .Ati.Axtrxts was a Patronof tbc I ewes, yet a Pagan by profeffion; wife EZ[• was af. fraid ofquenching thofe fparkcs ofpietywhich he dcfcried in this femi·protelytc.Ra• thcr therefore then he will feeme to imply a dillrull in rhcproYidenccofthat God io whofe fcrvice he wearby feeking a convoy ofwldiers from the Kin~; E{!• choofes to pur himfclfc upon the hazard ofthe way, and the immediatcprorctlion ofthe Almighty. Any death were better then to hcarc A1111Xtrxts fay, Is this the man that fo confidently told me, '1h1 hAnd •!••• G1tl il•pon All them fo• g11tith•t ftekt him; hut his P'"'" ••dhis ,.,.,b is •gAinjl .Othtm th•tfo•fikt hi,.? Dothhc bcleeYe himfclfe that he thus doubts ere he begin~ Dare he not ttull his God with his owncbulioctres ~ The refolutions offaithfullljcarrs arc heroical! : No heathenman !hall ftumble at C E:u•ts fcare: He can fiadc more atfuraocc in his fall, then in a Ptrft•n band : witha couragious ~cliance upon the band ofhis'God h~ puts himfclfe.into the journey; aod findcs nochmg but fafety and Cuccetfc: The fidehty ofthe Almtghty never difappointcd the confidenceofbis fervants. All thearmy of Art•xtrxts could not have becne fo £1:rong aguard to the ltwts, as rheirinvi(jble protctlioo. In the fpace of fourc moneths is E:r:,. and his company happily arrived at ltr•f•· Inn: where he joycsto fee the new Tcmple,and his old Colleagues: and now ha•ina dc!iYCred up the charge ofhis rrcafure, by waight, in the chambers ofthe howfc o0f the Lord, he applies himfclfto his worke,aod delivers the Kings Commiffioo ro the Lieutenants and Govcrnours, for their utmoll afiillaoce. The Princes of I•d•h doe not (for ought I bcarc) repine at the large Patent gran. D ted to this Prkll, nor fay, What doth a man ofthis robe meddle with placing or dif. placing Magillratcs ~with executions of judgements to death, bonds, banilhmcnt~ but rather as congratulating thi$ power to facrcd hands, gladly prefent umo him all their grievances. Truly religious hearts cannot grudge any f¥>nor to their fpiricuall guides. This holy Cdmmiffioner is foone welcomed with a fad Bill of Complaint, from fomc good.Pccres of Ifr•tl; wherein they charge divers ofthe Priells, Lcvites, people, not to have fepltated themfelves from :the idolatrous inhabitants of the laods, nor (therefore) from their abominations, even from C• n••nitts, Hittitts, Ptrhz ittJ, and the reil of thofc branded nations ; that they have tak~n of their daughtcts for themfclves, and for their foos :So char the boly feed havemingled chemfclves with E tbofe forbidden people;:tDd, (which made the matter fo much more haioous,letfc remediable) <hat the hAndiftht Prinm, A#a F.•lers,h•th 6etnt thit{t In thiJ tre[)affe. Oh hypocritical!Jcwes, did ye refufcto fufferyour S•m~riiAn neighbours to joync with youin building a livclctfc houfc unto God, and doe ye now joy ne affinity with amore accurfcd 11e11eration for the building of living houfcs unto poftcrity ~ for the pulling dowoc ot the lively Houfe of God ~ Howcould E{!• heare this with his clothes, his hairc, hisbeard unrorne ~ What gricfc,what allonilhment mull this oewcs needs briog to a ~calous heart~ And,wcrc it not that the confcience of his fincere refpctl of Gods glory relieved him, how could E{!• choofe but repent ofhis joorncy ; and fay; Am I come from BA6JII1JtO fiode Paganifme in l•d•h ~ Did I leave Perft•ns, to meet with CAIIAAniw ~ what doe . I