LIB.XXI. Zerubbabel and Ezra. A I hearc ifJcrufalcm be removed~ Howmuch bcrrcr w<rc a cl care captiviry then an idolatrouslrccdomc ~ Wo is me, that having lcfc many Jcwiffr hcarrs in Babyloo 1 now am forced to find heathen blood in . ' As aman dill:ra€tcd withforrow,Ezr.t lies down upon th~carrh with his<:tarments rent, with the hairc of his head, and beard pluckt off, wringing his hands, knockino his brdt, not moving from his place Mtill the evening facrificc. It is hord to bcro~ much affctlcd with the publikc fins ofGods people. Thofe who find thcmfclvcs in the fhip ofGods Church, cannot bur be much troubled with every dangerous !cake rhat it rakes: Common cafes arc nor more neglc{lcd by the cardcffe, then taken to heart by the wife and godly. · There, and thus, Ezr. fi:s aflonied untj!l the .evening facrifice: others reforted ro B him the while, even all that trembled at rhe words ofrhc God oflfrad; burro help on his forrow, not totdieve, neithcrdoth any man wifh amitigation ofhis owne, or othcrsgriefe. At lafi, he rifes up from his hcavincffc, and cafls himfclfc upon his knecs1and fpreads our his hands unto the Lord his God.Wherefore was all char penfivcncffe, fafling,filcncc,rearing of haire and clothes,but to f<rve as a meet preface to his prayers~wh<rein he fa freely powrcs out his heart, os ifit had beene all diffolvcd imo devotion; profcfling his fhamc ro lift up his face towards the Throne of God; confefling the iniquities ofhis people, which were increafcd over their heads and growne up umo heavrn, ft-tching their trc:fpatfe farre, and charging rhc:m deep: fee. lingly acknowledging rhe jufl hand that had followed them, in all their judgements and the jufl confufion whtrdn rhcy now /land before the f.tec ofrhcir God. ' C Teares,and fighes .and grovelings accompanied his prayers; the example and noife whereof drew Ifrad inro 2 panicipation of chis publike mourning, For the puplt wtpt very (ort :How can they choofe but thinkc, ifhe thus lJmcnt for us, how fhould wegrieve for our felves '1 All Jodah went away merrily with their fin, till this checkc of Ezr.;now they arc aillided: Had nor the hands ofrhe Peercs becnc in this rrefpaOe, the people had not bccnc guilty; had not the checkcsof E{!-a be<ne firfl drenchcq with teares, the people had not beene penitent. It cannot be fpoken, wh1t power there is in agreat example, wh(ther to cvill or good. Prayers and teares ate nothing without indcavours. Shrc•ni•h, the fonofltbicl puts the firfllifc into this bufincffe. Having feconded the complaint of E{!-•, he n01~ D addcs, Ttl thm is hopt lnlfrAt/ concerning thts thing.Now thmfmlet"' ""*'a covt• """'with cur G1titD ptU 4'f#tt] all tht rui'TitJ, ~nd (uch .u Arc hbrnt tJfthrm. Arifl,for this matttr htlongtth 10 tlm, roe •If' roiO bt with thte, BeofgoodcourAgt, Andd• it. When mifchiefe is once done, thechiefc care is how ro rcdreffc ir. Thebcfi way of rcdreffe is the dclibemeundoing of that which we have raff1ly committed; The furcfl obligation to the undoing of an cvill aCl, is an oath or covenant made with God forthe performance. There is no man fo wife, but be may make ufe ofgood counfell, there is no man fo forward, but he may abide incitation. It is no fmall incouragcmcnt to f« on hcarticafliflancein an envious and difficult fcrvice. Thm aro(i E{!-a.aRd madt thtchitfo Priejls,tht Lcvites,andAOJjratl to Jweart that thty jhould dot accordmgtothil word_ E It is halfc done that is thus affured. There ,\r'as need ofa Orong powcrro diffolve a mattirooniall, though inordinate love : Doubrleffe, rhefe men had married out of alfcdion; their bearrs were no lcffe fer upon rhefe wives (though heatbcnlU1) then if they had beene ofthcirownc Tribes; neither were their childrcn,rhus bcgotrcn,leffc dcare unto them,then ifthey had lainein Jewifh wombs: Nothing lcffe then an oath ofGod therefore could quit thefc paflions; That is both required and r>kcn. Now begins EzrA to conceive fome hope ofprefrnt rcdreffe; rhocomfort whereof, yet, cannotturnc offhis farrow for the offence paffcd; He neither cares bread,nor drinks water; willingly puniff1ing himftlfe, becaufc lfracl had finned: Now fhall his Countrey-men eafily read in his facerheir ownc penance, and jufi humiliation, and fay, This man takesno joy in our futrcrings, he would not froan rhus for us, if be did not dcfcric more dangertowardsus then we canapprehend. Ttttt Procla-