Contemplations. L I n.XXI. ~~~----------when we fee Nthtmiah fo quicke in the exprellions of his fortow to an uncertainc A • -(au:-: Let the King livefor tvtr ' . Why fhsu/d not my CIUPttnanrr ~'fad! when the City tht place of wy fathers ftpulchm ltttb w•Jle, and the gates thmifhurnt wrth fre? Not wirhou~an humble preface do~h Ntbemi•k lay forth his grievance; Complaints have ever .an unpleafing harihndfe mthem, which muft be taken off by fome difcrcct infinuation: although it could not hut found well in the generous care of ArtA>·erxes that bisfcrvant was fo careful! forthe honour ofhis Country. As nature bath made ~s all members ofa community and ha.thgiven us common inrercf!s, fo, it is moft pleafing to us, to fee thefe publike cares divide us from our ownc. The King ealily dcfcries a fecret fupplication wrapt up in this moancfull anfwer which rhe modeft fuirer was afraid to difclofe, and therefore he helps that bafhfuti B motion into the light; F.r what doflthou make rrquejll It is the praife ofbounry to draw on the juft petitions offcarcfull fupplianrs. Ntpemiahdorcs not open his mouth to the King, till his heart hath opened it fclfe by afud?cn cjac~lation to his God; ~o bufincs c~n be fo. hally, but our !Jraycr may prcvcnru; the wmgs whereofore fo mmblc, that It can flic up ro heaven, and falicit God, and bring downe an anfwcr, before ever our words need to come forth of our lips. In vainc fha\l we hope that any dcfigne ofours can profpcr, ifwe have not firft fent this meffengcr on our errand. ' After this fiknt and infenfible preparation, Nebemiah moves his fuitto the King; yet nor at once, but by meet degrees; firll he craves leave for his journey, and for building: then he craves aid for both; Both arc granted; Nehtmi•h dcparts;lurnifhcd C ·with letters to the govcrnoars, fur a convoy; with letters to the Keeper of the Kings forrell fottimbcr. N Ol more full ofacfirc then hope. Who ever put his hand to any great work for the bchoofc of Gods Church,without oppofition ~ As the wallsofthcTemplc found bufieenemics, fo fhallthc walls of the City; and rhcfc fo much more, as they promife more fccurity and llrcngth ro Jcrufalem: Sanba/lat the Dcputie- Lieutenant of the Moabitcs, and Tobi•h the like officer to the Ammonites, and Gtj/um to the Arabians, arc galled with envy at rhe arrivall ofa man aothorized to fcckc the wcll.farc of the children oflfracl: There cannot be a greater vexation to wicked hearts, then to fee the fpiriruall Jcrufalcm in any likelihood ofprofpcrity. Evil! fpirits and men need no other torment, then their owne defpighr. D This wife Courtier bath learnt that fecrecic is the furcft way of any important difpatch. His errand could not but be knownc to the governours, their furthcronce was injoyncd fotthc provifion ofmatcrialls; dfcthe walls of Jcrufalem had ovcrlookt the firft nor ice of their heathen neighbours. Wirhour any noifc cloth Nthemiah arife in the drad of night, and taking fame few into his company, none into h" counfcll, he fccrctly rounds the dccaicd wall$ of }crufalcm, and vicwcs the breaches, and obferv.s the gates; and return<> home in filencc, joying in himfclfcto forefee thofe reparations, which none of the inhabitants did once drcamc f)f: At !aft, when he had folly digdkd this great workc in his owne brcft, he cals the Rulers and Citizeostogcthcr, and having condoled with thcmthccommondillrcffc and r<proach, he tells them ofthe haodofhis God, which was good upon him; he fuews E tl.em the graciows commillion ofrhc King his ma!lcr, for that good worke. They aofwer him with a zealous incouragement ofeach other, Ltt "'ri(t •P •nd ~11iltl. Such an hearty invitation countenanced by authority bath cafily ftrcngthcncd the hands of the multitude; With what obfcrvancc and dearcncfie doe they now _lookc upon their unexpected Patron~ How doe they honour himas a maa fcnr from heaven, for the wcltarc ofJcrufalcm ~ Everyman flies to his hodde, and rrowell,and rcjoyces to fccood fo noble a leader, in laying a llone in that wall ofthcir common defence. Thofc emulou$ neighbours ofthcirs,Sanb•D•t,Tobi•h,Gefhtm,tbcchiefe commanders ofMoab Amman, Arabia, have foonc efpicd the firfr mortcr, that is laid upon that old foundation. Envie is ufuallymore quick-lighted then love: And now they I corn-