d Med::ation of'Death. f---l A fruit ofthy long and frequent inftruction ~ Didft thou think death would hove been) content with words ~ didft thou hope 1t would fuffice thee to talk , while all other fufftr ~Where is thy faith~ Yea,where art thou thy felf,O my foule~ Is heavenworthy ofno more thanks,no more joy~ Sh>ll Hereticks, fhall Pl~ans give de3th a better welcome than thou ~ Hath thy Mlker, thy Redeemer fent for thee, and art thou loth to goe ~ hath he fent for thee, to put thee in poffetlion ofthat glorious Inheritance,which thy wardfl1ip hath cheerfully expected,andm thou loth to goe ~ H3th God with this Sergeant ofhis,femhisAngels to fetch thee,and artthouloth to go~ Roufe up thy fdfe for fl1ame,O my fouk: and ifeve_rrhou haft truly bdeeved,fhake offthis unchrifliln diffidence,lnd addreffe thy fdfe JOyfully forthy glory. Yea,O my Lord,it is thou,that muft raife up this f~im and drooping heart ofmine; Tho win,. thou only canft rid me ofthis weak and cowJtdly dtftrutl;Thou that fendeft for my B. foule,canfl prepare it for thy felfe; thou only canft make thy meffenger welcome to me. 0 that I could but fee thy face through death! 0 that I could fee delth, not as itwJs but as thou haft made it! Oh thoti could heartily pledge thee, my Slviour, in this'cup that fo I might drink new wine withthee, in thy Flthers Kingdome ! But ala~,O my God)n:ttureis fl:rong:md we::tkin me, at once: I cannot wifh ro Tl1c Cpnfdfi. welc01ne delth,as it is worthy; when I look for moft courlge,I find ftrongeft tern. ptltions: I fee and confdTC:,thlt when I lm my felfe,thouhaft no fuch cowlrd as!: Letme alone,and I flllll flume thamame ofthine,which I have profeffed: every fecureworldling fhallllugh at my feebleneffe.O God,were thyMartyrs thus haled to their (lakes~ might they not have betn loofed from their rocks,and choofe to die in thofe torments ~ Let itbe no fhame for thy fervant to take up that complaint which thoumld'ft ofthy better AttendlotS; The {}iritis willing,hut the jlejh is r~~eak. C Othou God offpirits,that haft coupled thefe two together, unite themin a del!re n, P«i<ion oftheir diffolution; weaken this fldhto receive, and encourage this fpirit either to :;!:~fomdefire,or to contem.ne death;and now,as I grow neerer to my home,let me iscreafc in the fenfe ofmy joyes: I am thine, fave me, 0 Lord; It was thou that didft put fuch courage intothine ancient, a.nd late witneffes, that they either invited, or challenged death ; and held their perfecutors their beft friends, for letting them loofe from thefe gievc>Sof Ae01. I know, thine hand is not £hortned ; neither any ofthem bath received more proofes ofthy former mercies; Oh let thy goodneffe enable me to reJch them in the comfortable fteadineffeofmy plffoge:Doe but drawthis Vaile alittle, that I may fee my glory, and I cannot but be enfllmed with the del!re of it: !twos not I, thlteither made this body fort he earth, or this foulefor my body, or this helven for my foule, orthisgloryofheaven, orthisentrlnce into glory: All is D thine own work; Oh perfect what thou haft begun,thmhy prlifeand my happineffe may be confummate at once. Yea,O my foule, what need'ft thou wifl1 the God of mercies to be tender ofhis Tho .tr"""" own honour~ Art thou not J memberofrhatbody,whereofthySaviour is the Head~ o, Ccnfid"'"'· canfl thou drowne, when thy Head is obove ~ was it not for thee, that he rriumpht over death~ Isthere any fearein a foyled adverf.1ry~Oh my Redeemer ,I hlve already overcome in thee: how can I mifcarry in my fdfe~ Oh my ioule,thou haft marched valiantly! Behold, the Damofels ofthat heavenly Jerufalem comeforrh with Timbrels lnd Harps to meet thee,and to lpplaud thy fucceffe: And now there remainsnorhing for theebut J Crown ofrighte'oufneffe, which th;lt right~ous }udae /hall give thee,atthat day: oh dwh,where is thyJling?ohgrave,rvhcre ti thy viHory? Rerurne n<>w unto thy re(\, 0 my foule ; for the Lord hath been beneficial! unto Th< Than.kfE thee. 0 Lord(God, the flrength of my falvation, thou hlft covered my head in the gi<ing. I dayofbottell :0 my God,and King,! will extoll thee,and will blefle thy Name for ever,and ever .l will bleffc rhec daily,and prlife thy 1-:ame for ever,and ever. Great ts the Lord,and moft worthy to be praifed,and his greatneffe is incomprehenfible: I wtll meduare of thebeouty ofthy gloriousMajefty, lnd thy wonderful! works : Ho. J4nna,thou thlt dwclleft in the higheft Heavens. Amen. I FINIs. I