Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

I 13}4 Contemplations. LIB.XXI. Seven officersofrhechamber are fenr to carry the mclf:X.e, to attend hcremrance A and are returned with a denial!: Perhaps rafhti thought, hat meanes this uncouth motioniMore then fixe moneths bath this feall conrinucd,•od all this whilewe have injoyed the wonted liberty ofour fexe; Were the King llill himfdfe, this command .could net be fent; it isthe wine, and not he, that is guilty of this errand. Is it for me to humour him in fo vainea ddire ~ Wi!l it agree withour modell reiervednelfe to offer our felvesto be gazed at by millions of eyes~ Who knowes what wanton' attempts may follow upon this ungoverned excei!e ~ This very melfage 2rgucs that wit & roafon have yccldcd their places to that b.Cotting liquor.Nothin" but abfcnce canfecure us from fame unbefeeming profer; neither doubt I, bur the JGng when he returnes to bimfclfc, will give meth•nks for fo wife a f01 bearanco. Thus upoh the conceit (as is likely) that het prefcnce wouldbeeithcrneedlelfe or B unfafe, rajhti refufeth to come; Althou~h perhaps her grm fpirlts thought much to receive a command from the hand ofofficers. . The blood t~ar is C?n~ei~!lamed with wine, is apt to boyle wi!h rage: Ah•foms IS very wrath wnh tillS 1ndtgne rcpulfe:lt was the ofientauon ofhtsglory,and might, that he affeded, bcforethefe Princes, Peeres,peop1e;and now that fecmes cclipfed in the lhutting up ofall his magnificence,wirh the difgracefull affront ofa woman. I; vexes him to think that thofe Nobles, whom he meant to fend away alloniflJed with the admiration ofhis powcr,and majelly,flJould now fay: What boots it Ah•ftm114 to rule afarre off, when he canner command at home~ In vainc doth he boall togo· vernc Kings, whiles he is checked by a woman. Whatever wererhe intentions of rajhtl, furely hcrdifobcdience was incxcu{a. c ble,it is nor for a good wife ro judge of her husbands will,bur tO execute it: neither \V it.,· nor ftomack may carry her into a curious inquifition into the re-afons of aninjoyned char~<, muc~ ldfe to a refi!lance: but in a ho?d-wmkt fimplicity lhe muJI follow, whnbcr lhe JS leds as one thac holds -her ch1efepmfc to confifi in fubjcdion. Wllerc lhould the perfedion of wifedomc dwell, ifnot in the Courts of great Princes~ or what:ca~ !he treafuresofMbnilrchs purchafemore invaluably precious, then learned andJUdiCious· attendance ~ Or who can bee fo fit for honour as rhe wife!!. ·I doubt how Ah.jimw could have bcenefo great, ifhis throne had net beene fiilf ' compaffed with themthat knew rhe times, and uod<rllood the law, and jud~emcnr. D Thefe were his Oracles inall his doubts· Th•fc are now confnlted in this difficulty· neither mull their advice be fecretly whifper<d, in the Kings ea.., but Publikely de: livered in the audience of all the Princes. Ir is a perilous way that thefe fages arc called to goe, betwixt ahusband and wife; cfpecially offuch power,and·emincncy; yctMtmuc•nfearesnot top•fl<a heavy fenrence againll Q!l«neY.jbtl. YA/hti tht fl!!_etne hAth not Jmt '"""K 11 thtKing MdJ, hut •lfo t1 aU tht Prmcts,anJ all thtP"Jit, th.t •rt in•ll'the Provinw•fthe King Ahafutrus.A deepand forecrimination;injurics arc fo much more intolerable, as rhey are dilated unto more; thofeoffcnces which are ofnarrow cxrenr, may receivean cafie farisfadian; rhe amendsare not poflible, where the wrong is univerfall: F"thi< dttd•f•he ft!'_ttn fh•O ccmt a~road tl all ff>lmtn, fo that thtJ jluJIdt/}ifl their hmb•ndJin th;ireycs; lnde~d fo publikc a fad mull needs E 1\ie. That concourfe gave fit opporruntty to d1ffufc 1t all the world ov<r; The ex. ampies of the grear are eafily drawne into rules. Bad l<lfons are apt to"be takrn out; as honour, foconrcmpt fals downe from the head to the skirts; never afccnds from the skirts to the head. · Thefewife men arc fo much the more frnfible ofrhis danger, 3S rhry f.1w it more likely, the cafe might prove th<irowne. Liktffli[tfhaU the LAd in •J Perfia And Mtdi• foJ this d4J ""' ' all tht Kings Prlncts. The lir~ precedents ofevil! mu!! becarclvlly avoided, if we care to keep< a conllanr order mgood. Prudence canner better be. llirrc it fdfc, thenin keeping mifchiefe from home. The foundation ofrbis doome of Mtm•can is oodaid la deepc for nothing; !fit plt~fe theKing, ltlthtrtg•e 4TIJIII umm•ndrmtnt frm him, •nJ it< it ht JPritttn amDng the