Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

Lrs. XXI. Haman difrejprEf.ed,&c. ----~--~~-=~~~ ·~-=--~------A and~digioncallcdhimtofJithfulnd~c in hi~fcrviccz. Two ofthc Kings Chambcrlames, Btgthana ·and Terif/,, coofp1re agamfr the hfc of thezr Sovcraignc. No grcatnetfc: can fc:cure from trc:chery,or violence:He chat ruled over millions ofmea through anhundr~dand fcvca and rwcmy Provirlccs ! cannnt affur~ himfelf fro~ the hand ofa v1llam; Herhat had the power ofother mens hvcs, IS 10 danger ofhis own. H•ppy is that man, that is OQCC polfdfcd ofa crown incorroprihle,unfadabk, rcfcrved for him in hcavc•:noforce, notrcafon can re3ch thither , there can be no peri\1 ofeith!'r violcnce,or forfeiture. The likeliell defence ofthe perfon ofony Priace,is the fidelity of his mend-1nts: MDrdtc4i over-hears the whifpering of th:Jc wicked confpir.nOI"S,; and n:veals ic to l!flher;lht(>S glad offuch an oppGrtuniey to commend unto J1 hafomu the loyalty B of him whomlhedurll: but fecretly honour) reveales it tothe King; The circHmflances are cxamined>the plot is difcovc:rc:d, theuayrors exe<:utc:d, the fcrvic(' recorded in the P<rfian Annallr. A good foondlrion :s thus laid for Mordwia advancement,which yet is not over hallcncd,on ~it her part1 Worthy difpofirions l+bour only to dcfcrve well,leaving the careof their rcmun<ration, to them, whom it conccrnes;ltis fit that Gods lcifure fhould be attended io all his defignmcnts; The hour is fct, when Morduai (hall be raifed: !fin the mean time there be an intervcntion,not only of neglect, but offears and dangers, all thefe lhall make his honour fo much more fwc:cc,more precious. c H A M A N difrejpe'Efed by M o R n E c A t. M o R~ DE c A IE s mejfageto EsT HER• • Elides the charge ofhis offico, the care of Ef/hm profptrity cats M"duaitothcl<ings gate; and fix" him there: With what inr.:G ward contentment did he think ofhis fo royall pupil!~ Horc I "l fitamongmyfellowcs; little doththeworldthink, that mine adopted childe fits in the Throne of Ptrfia ' that the great EmD prcffcofthe world owes her fdfto me; I might have more honour, I could not have fo much fccret comfort, ibll Sh•Jb•~ knewwhat intcrclll have in Queen Eflhtr. Whiles his heart is taken up with thefe thoughts, who fi1oold come rufllin~ by him, but the ncw-raifcd favourite ofKing Ah.Jimus, Haman the fon of Ammtdatha the Azagite?Him lmh the great King incxpectcdly advanced,and fet his feat above all the Princes that were with him: The gracious refpetls ofPri[!(es are aot alwaies led by merit,but bytheir own wi111 which isever affi:cted to be fo much the freer, as thcmfelves would be held more great. • When theSun lhincs upon the f>iall,evcry paffengcr will be looking or it; There needed no command ofrevcrence,where Ah.JiltrM was pleafed ro countenance;All E kneeswill bowalone even to forbidden Idols of honour 1 how much more where royall authority injoyas obeifance~ All the !crvanrs, all the fubjctls of King Ahafoerm are willingly pro!hatc before this great mignon of their Soveraigne 1 only •..7•11rdecai !l:ands lliffe,as ifhe faw nothing more tR<n a man in that proud Ag•gitr. They are nor obfervcd that doe lS the moll; but ifany one man fldl vory from themultitude,all eics arc turned upon him: M ~rJuairs fellow-officers note this palpable irrcverencc,and cxpollulatc it;Why tranfgrtffijlth•• thtKingscamm•ndemtnts? Confidercll thou norhow farre this affront rcach<th ~ It is not ' he p<rfon of H<- m•n whom thou refufefi to adore, but the 1\:ing in him: Neither do we regard fo mu~h the raan,as the command; Let him be never fo vile whom the King bids to be honourcd,with whatfafcty can ai'ubjctlexamine the charge, or refill it 1 his un_ worthincffc cannotdifpenfc with our loyalry. Uuuuu 1 What 1337