Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

Lrs. XXI. Haman difrejjecfed,&c. A Th!s were bur a vul~ar amends; Poor men can kill where they hare, and expiJte rhmown wrong, wtth the hfc ()f a fUlgle enemy: flamans fury ihall fiy an high<r pttch; Mlihons ofrhrom are !ew enow eo bleed for tins offence: le is a It,. rhac hJth defpighrod him, all the whole nation ofche Iert~s flull periih for the flomach ofthis one:The Monarchy ofrhe world was now in the hand ofthe Pcrfian,as Iuti;'a was wirhin this comp.:tffe, fothere y;:ts fc2rce a ltrv upon eanh, without the verge of the Perji.tn dominions:The generauon,rhe na111e {hall now die at oncelNc:irher fln11 rhore be any memory ofthcm,bur this; Therewao a people,which having bc<n fJmous through rheworld,for three rhouf.1nd, foure hundred and fourfcore yeares, were in a momenr,extinct by the power of Ham•» for defJulr ofa(urtefie. Perhaps,rhat hereditary grudge, and old antipathy, that was bwvixr Ifrael, and B t.Amalek ,!luck flill in the heartofrhis Ag•gite; he might koow char God had comm:mded I{rAtlto root out Ama!ek from undc:r heaven; and now thc:rcforean Ama/(- kiteihl llbereadyro take this advantageagainfl lfr•el. Iris e«<r<am injuflice ro dilate the puni!hmenr, beyond the offence; and to enwrap thou(ands of innocents within the: trc:fpaffe ofone: H»w many chat were yet unborn when HAmAn was unfalutcd, mull: rue the fact chey lived not eo know~ Howmany millions of leJOJ were then living, that knew not there wau <.Morduai? all of them are fcrcht inro one condition, and mull: fuffer,ere they can know their offence. Oh the infinite diflance betwixt the uo jufl crudtyofmen, aocj the jufl: mercies of rbeAlmighty! Even C•iph,u himfelfcould fay, !I is bmer that one man dtt,thmthat all tbe ptople jh011ldperijh; and here H4matJcan fay, It is hetttrrhat aO the peoplefhoutd perifb thtn that M C man fhoulddie. Thy mercy, 0 God,by the willing death of one that h1d nor linned,hath C defrayed the jufl: deach ofa world of linoers: Whiles the injurious rigour of a man, forthe fuppofed fault of one,would de~roy a whole nauoo, that had nor offended: It is true, that by the fioofone,death ratgned overall; but it was, becaufe all finned in that one: had not all men been in Adam,all had not faln in him, al~ had not died in him; It was not the man, but mankind that fell into fin, and by fin, iatodearh: No man cancomplain 'ofpuni!hmeot, whiles no man can exempt himfelfe from the rraofgreflion: Unmerciful! flaman would have imbtued his hands in that blood, which he could not but confelfe innocent. It is a rare thing, ifche height offavour caufe not prefump!ion; Such is Hamam grestndfe,that he.rakes his ddigne fJrgranted,ere it can receive a motion; The fie~ D tell: dayes forthis greatmaffacrc,aredererminedby the lots of their common did- _ nation; according whereunto, flam•n chooferh the hour of this bloody fuir; aod now,waired on by opportunity, he addreffeth himfelf to King t.Ahafomu. Time ;, acmain peoplefcattmd abroad,anddifPerfidamong tlupto!le, in aOthe Prov inces of the Kingdome, and their l•ws art diverft from #Ill people; nttthtr kttp they the Kings 14'lt~s, therefore it is not for the Kings profit to[ujftr thlm;l[it plta(<the King,lct it he wrm en thAt thiJ may be dejlroyed,and!JOiO p•J ten thoufindt•lentsofJilver rothehands ofthe officers. With what cunning hath this mancouched his malice~ Hedorh nor fay,There is a Jew chat bathaffronted me,lec me be avenged ofbis nation;this rancour was too monflrous to be confdfed1 perhaps this fuggefiion might have bred io themind of AhAfueruJ a conceit of Ht:mans ill naturt:",and intolerable immaniryjbut his pretences E areplaulibl_e, and ~uch as drive at no other,rhen the P.ublike gO()d; Every word bath h1s infinuanon, It ts a flattered pupie;were the naC!on mure, thctr maintenance could not but !land with the Kings honour; but now fince they are but fl:raglcrs, as their lolfe would be infenfible,fo their continuance, and mixture cannot but be prejudiciall; It was not the fault, it was the mifery ofrhcfepoor Jews, chat they were difperfed; andnowthcirdifperfion is made an :.trgumem of their extirpation; therefore mull: they be dellroyed,from the earth, becaufe they were fcatter<d over rhe em h. As good,foevilsdraw on each other; That which !hrmld plead for pity io the well- :.tffed:ed, is amotive to cruelty in fav:zge mindc~ . Seldo.mc ever h;-.th extremity of mifchief feif<d, where eafier afllictions have nor been brlkred before. · All faithfulltws had \\'"ODt to fay unto God,H4'lltnurr1 u.fJPn :14 , 0 God,t~nd (.svt :r1-;. f" Qur fo•l is foOof"»tempt, ••dwe qe {wttrtd amongjltht ht'then; and here Uuu • u 3 rhb _ ,