Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

1340 ) Contemplations. L I a. XX I. this enemy can fJy of them, to <.AhA(i"'"'•DtflrDJ thtm.for thtJ are[caturtd; Root A them out, for they are condemoed; How much better is it to fall into the bands of God,then ofmen; fine< that which whets the fword ofmen, works commiferarion in rhe Almighty: Bcfides the ditlipation ofthe perfons, Their t... s ., divm fr•m a!J .pe~ple: All other people live by rhy laws, they onlyby their own: and bow can this fingul>rity oftheir fafhions, but breed diforder , and inconvenience ~ Did theY, live in fome corner of the earth •part, the difference in Religion aod govern. memcould aot import much; now, that they are difperfed amongll all thy fubjcCls, whardoethrfe uncouthformsofthdrs, butteach allrheworld to be irregular~ Why thould they live under thy protection, that will not be governed by thy Iaw.s ~ Wicked Jl&man! what werethelawes of Ifrael, butthe laws of God~ if this be a B quarrel!,what !hall the death of the Itws be other,then martyrdome ~ The diverfity ofjudgement, and pratlice from therell ofthe world hath been an old, and envious imputationcall upon Gods Church: What ifwe be fiogled from others,whiks we walk with God~ In !IJatters Iawfull,arbitrary,indifferem,wifdome teacheth us to conform our fdves ~all others; but where God hath laid a fp<ciall impoficion upon us, we mu!t either vary, or fin: The greatdl glory of Ifr•tl was theirlaws, wherdn they as hr exceeded all other nations,as heaven is above earth; yet, here theirlaws are q\Jarrelled, and are made the inducements oftheir ddhudion; It is not potlible that the Church ofGod ihould efcapo perfecution, whiles that which it bath good is maligned; whiles that offends which makes it happy. Yer, that they havelaws oftheir own,were not fo unfuflhable, ifwithall, they did obfervethine,O Kiog; bur rhefe u..,, astheyareunconformable, fo they are fe- C ditious: They ketf not tilt Kings LArvs: :rhou ilander_<ll,H•m•n;they could not keep their own !awes, tfthey kept not the Kmgs; for thw laws call them to obedience unto their Soveraignes;and adjudge hell to the rebellious: In all thole hundred and [even and twenty Provinces, King AhAjiltriii bath nofubjeCls, but them;They obey om ofconfcience,othersout offeaw why are they charged with that, which they doe mo(labhorre!What can be the ground of this crimination ~ Ah•fim,. commanded all knees to bow to H•m•n; A Itw only refufes;Malicious H•m•n! He that refufed to bow unto thee, had fufliciently approved his,oyally to AhAjimus; Ahafutrs61 had not beon,if uordtcai had not been a good fub1eCl;Hath the King no Jaws, but w bat concern thine adoration~ Set aGdeReligion (wherein the Ierv is ready to D prefcnt ifnot active, yet paffive obedience) and name that Perft•• law, which a Itw dares break. As I nrver yet read,or heardofa confcionable Ifr4tlitt, that hath notpaifed und<r this calumniation,fo I cannotyeeld him a true lfr•diu, that defervesir. lv vaine doth he profeife to acknowledge aGod,io heaven,tbat denies homage to his deputy, on earth. 11 is not for 1he J;ing,profi• tD{i1fer them. Worldly heartsare not led by good, or evil but by profit,or loffe;neither have they grace ro know that nothiog is profitable bur ~hat is honell, nothing fo defperately incommodious, as wickedneffe; They mull needs offend by rule that meafure all things by profir, and meafure profit by thdr imagination. How eafie is it to fuggellllrange uncruths,wken thereb nobo- E dy ro make anfwer~FalfeH••~an,how is it not for the Kings profit to fulfer the le.n? Ifthou conllrue this profir, for honour,theKings honour is !n the ~ultitude off•~­ je.:ls, and what people more numerous then they! !Hor gatn, the Kmgs profit ts 10 the largeneffe of his Tribut<s; and what people are more deep in their paymmts~ Iffor fervice what peopleare more officious~ How can it !landwith the Kings profirro bereav~ himfelfoffubjeets, his fubjeCls oftheirlives, his Exchequer of their tribct<s , his Stat< of their defence~ He is a weak politician that koowes not to guild over the worll projeCl, with a pretenc< of publique utility. No name under heaven hath made fo many fooles, fo many villains, as this ofprofit. Lallly,as .A h•f•trm reaps n_othing but difprolit by the lives ofthe Jews, fo he I !hall reapno fmall profitby thetrdcaths: lwiO t•J ttn t.~••fand IAit•ts iffihm, ' ' th•