Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

Lrs. XXI. Harnan difrejpeEied,&c. A the Kints trt4Urie for thiJ txtttttion. If revenge were not V(ry fweetto the: malicious man, he could not be content to purchafe it at fo high a rate; How doe we fee daily that the rhirll hereofcaries men ro a riotous prodigality of ellate,body,foul ~ Cruel! HAmAn!ifthou couldll have lwimmed in a wbole Sea of Itwifo blood, if rhou couldll have raifed mountains of their carcalfcs,ifrhou couldft have m1de all Ptrfi• thy fi1iibles,who would have e;iven thee one farthing for all thofe piles of fleth, for all thofe !!reams of blood~ yea who would not rather have been at charge for the avoiding of the annoyances ofthofe llaughtered bodies, which thou offerell to buy at ten thoufand talents~ It were an happy thing,if chltity could eo! trge it fdfe but fo much a• malice; if the prefervation ofmankind could be fo much beholden to our bounty, as the deftrutlion. B Nowwhen all thefc are laid together, the bafcnelfc and difperfedoelfc ofthe people, the diverfity ofthe laws, the irregularity of their government, the rebellion of their pratr:ice, the inconvenience of their toleration , the gain of their extirpation, what could the wit or art ofman devife more inlinuative, more likely to perfwadc~ How could it be but <.Ahajimwmullnccdsthink,(lioce hccould not fufpetlthc ground ofthis fu't)What a zealous patriot hove~ raifed, that can be content to buy offthe incommodity ofchc State, at his own chltge ~ How wonhy is he rather of the aid both ofmy power, and purfc~ \Yhy lhould I be fce•d to cafe my Kingdomes of rcbdls~ Tht fi/vtr ugiVtl< ID thtt,tbtpupitAi(o, to tiDt witb thtm "'{it,tth gold to thtt: Without all delay, the Secretaries are called to wrirc the warrants, the Kings ring is given to fcale them, the Pofis are fem ouc to carry them into all PnlVinccs; C Theday fet,wherein a\Ilt,.s, ofall ages, ofboth fcxcs, thorow the hundred and !even and twenty Provinces of the King, !hall be !acrificed to thewrath of H •· t»Afl. In all the cariagc of Ab•fotrm , who fees not too much headineffe of paffion~ r•fhll is caft of! fora trillc1 the r,,., arc giv~n to thcllaughccr for nothing; his rage in the one,his favour in the other is too impotent: He is not a worfc ~usband then a King; the bare word of H.,,..,, is eoough to kill fo many fubjcCls : No difpofition can be more dangerous ingreat perfons,then violence ofaffeCtion lUixt with credo. lity. Oh thcfcemino inequality of humane conditions! Tb1 King andHAmAn fote tl•wn to tlriok, hut tht City •f Sh•fh•n w.u ptrpltxed: It is a wotull thing to fee great oncs quaffethe tears ofthe opprelf<d; and to hear them make mulickc of D /bricks. . . . With what lamentation doe we thlllk all the Synagogues of ltam thorow the world received this fatall meffage oftheir proclaimed dellrutlion ~ How dvc they bemonc themfclvcs,each to other~ How do their conjoyned cries /i\1 heaven, and earth~ But above all,what fack-clothand alhcs could fuflicc \Vofu\1 tM.rtlual, that found in himfdfc the occafion of all this !laughter~ What foul could be capable of more biccerncffe,then he felt~ Whiles he could not but think, Wretched maR that I am;It is T,that have brought a \I this calamityupon mynation;It is !,that have been the ruinc ofmy people : woe is me that ever I put my fdf into the Court, into the fcrvice ofa Pagan;how unhappy was I tocaft my fclfc into thde flraics,that I muft either honour an Agagitt,or draw a vengeance upon I{raell Yet how could I imaE ginc, that the fl3!Dc of H amans rage would have broko out fo farrc ~ might that rcvenee havedcterminedin my blood,how happy lhould I have been~ now, I have bro~glltdeath upon many thoufands ofinnocencs,that cannot know wherefore they die; Why did I not hide my fc\f rather from the place of that proud ..,!mA/tk#e! Why did I ftand out in conccftation with fo over-powerful! an enemy~ Alas, no man of Ifr•el!hallfomucbaslivc tocurfcme,only mine enemies /hall record ray name with ignominie,and fay, tM~rdtui was the banc of his nation. Oh, that my zeale lhould have rcfervcd me for fo heavy a fervice ! Where now arc thofc vainc ambitions, wherewith I pleafed my fclf in this great match of EJhtr! Howfondly did I hope by this undue means,to raifc my fclf and my !J(ople ~ Yea, is not this carnal! prefumption the quarre\1 that God hath againft me ~ Doe I not therefore fmart fro thcfc Pagans,for that I fecretly affeacd this uncircumcifcd alliance(How· ' foevcr