LIB. XXI. Haman difrejje'iled,&c. A "otherfpirics,otherrcfolutioqs, which mull be quickned by a morefiirring reply: Think not 111ith thyJilfthAt thou fo•llt{c•p<in the Kings h•nft, more thtn •U the Jews. ForifthluAitogether holdejlthJ pt~ce •• this time,thenJh•lthminlargement,&delivt· ranee .rife to the Jc,-,s from d:Dther pl•ct,but th1u •ndthy[4thm h•ufe fo•Dbe dejlroyed. Andwh1 KDD1!1tth 10htther thou Art""" 11 the Kingdomeforfuch atimeas this? The expeltationofdeath had not quailed the tlrong heart of faithfull <.MDrilwi; e...,n,whiles he mourns, bis zeal droops not; there could have been no life in that brell.which this mdfage could not have rouzed. , WhattheM is it death that thou fcarell in this attempt ofthy fupplication; what other l'lln death awaits thee in the negkCl of it~ there is but this difference, fue, and thoumoill die,[uenor, and thou mull die: what blood hall thou but Imijh? and if B thefe unalterable EdiCls exempt no living foul, what !hall becomeof thine~ and cantl thoube fo vainly timerous,as to die for fear ofdeath ~ to prefer certainty of danger, before a poffibility of hopes~ Away with this weak cowardife, unworthy ofan I{raclite; unworthyofa QJ.een: But if faint·heartedneffe or private rcfpeds fuallfcal up thy lips, or withhold thine aid from the hand ofthy people; if thou canll fo far negleCl Gods Church,know thou that God will not neglcC! it;it fl1al not be inthe power ofTyrants to root out his chofen feed;that(holy one of lfrael !hall rather work miracles from heaven , then his inheritance !hall perifh upon earth: and how jull !hall it then be for that jealous God, to take veng<aoce upon thee,and thy fJthers houfe for this cold unhdpfulne!fe to his di!lre!fed Church! Suffer me therefore to adjure thee by all that tendcrndfe oflove, whemvith I have trained up C thine orphane infancy; by all thofe dear and thankfull refpeCls which thou hall vowed ro me again; by theName of the God ofi[rarl whom we ferve, that thou - awaken and fiir up thine holy courage,and dare to adventure thy life, for the fa. ving ofmany; lth~th pleafed ~he Almighty to raifethec up to that heig~t of bonor, which our progemtors could httleexpeCl1 why fl1ouldll thou be wantmg ro him thathathbeenfobountifulltothee~ yea,why fhould I not ;think that God hatb put this very aCl into the intendmeot of thine exaltation , having on purpofe thus feafonably hoyfed theeup to the throne, that thou mail! refcue his poor Chureh from an utter ruin~ ~ Oh the admirable faith of <.M.,itui,that fhines thorow all thtfe clouds, and in the thickell Qf thefe fogges,defcries a cheerful! glimpfe ofdeliverance; He faw the D day oftheir common defiruClionenaCled,he knew the Ptrfi•n decrees to be unalterable; but,witha!l,he knew th<re was aMeffias to come; he was fo well acquainted with Gods covenanted affurances to his Church, that hethorow the midllof thofe bloody refolutions forefees indemnityto Ifrad;rather trulling the promifes ofGod, then the threat< ofmen. This is the vitiory that overcome~ all the fears, and fury of the world,even our faith. It is quarrellenough againtlany perfon, orcommunity,not to hove bren aidful to the difirdfesofGods people. Not to ward the blow, ifwe may, is conthued for little better then llriking. Till we havetryed ourutmoll, we know not whether we have done that we came for. <.M.,titc•i bath faid enough; Thefe words have fo put a new life into Ej/htr,that E !he is refolu!C to haz.rd the old!Git,gathertogtthtr all the ltwsthAt artprtfintin shuf!>•n, andfojl ye for mt,Andneithtr eat nordrink three days, night ~rd•y;I alfo anti my maidens wiU fafl liktwift,anti fo ,.;a I got in ••" the King, (111hich Is not accordiMg t• the law)anti ifIptrifo,Iperlfo. Heroicall thoughrs doe well befit great aClicns. life can never be better adventured, then where it !hall be gain to leefe it. T here can be no law againll the humble deprecation ofevils; where the necdlity ofGodsChurchcallstous,no dangcr fhould withhold us from all hondl means ofrelief. Deep humiliations mull make way for the fuccdfe of great enterprifcs, wearemotlcapable ofmercy, when we are throughly empty: A fl10rt hunger doth but whet the appetite, but fo long an abllinence meets death halfway, to preventir;Well moy they injoyn !harp penances unto others, who praClife it ~pon themfclves. It