Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

Lra.XXI. Haman hanged,&c. A inhcrirsthc houfc and bonour of H ""'""·0 Lord, let the malice of the wicked come to an cnd,burcftablilh thou rhc ju!l. Ohe hour bath changed the face ofthe Pcrfian Court; what ftability is there in earth!ygrearndfc ~ He who in the morning all knees bowedunto, as more then a man, now hangs up like a defpifed vermin, for a prey to the Ravens : He, who this morning was ddtin"d tothe gallowes, now rules over Princes; neither was it for nothing, that he this day rode in triumph: The Kings ring that was taken from H•- m.tn,is now givento t.Mordec~ti,as the pledgr of his authority; and he that C\'C:D now fate in the gate, is called up next to the throne. Wickcdne1fe, and hondt innocence have now paid their debts ro both their clients. · Little joy would it yet have bc<n to Ejlh<r,that her enemy was dead, her kinfman B advanced, ifftill her people muft for all this expeCt their fatal! day: H<r next fuit therefore is for the (,fety of her nation, in the countermand of that bloody decree which Hamm had obtaincdagainft them: That which was furreptitioufiy gotten, and rafi1ly given, is fo much more gladly reverfcd; by how much mercy is more pleafing to a good naturc,then cruel! injufticc. Morduai hath power to enditc, fcol, fend out letters offavour to the Jews, whichwere caullefiy fcntcnced to the llaughrer, Ifa Perfian law might norbe rcverfcd,yct it might be coumcrcbangcd:Mordecai may not write, Let noltw he flait~,bc may write, Let the Itws meet, AlldJlatldfor their lives •gainjl th'.fi that would JI•J t!Jtm, This command flies aftctthe former,fo fafl,as ifit1vould over.take that which it cannot recall. The }ewes arc revived with this happy rydiAgs, that they may have proteCtion as well as cnmity1that authoriry will C ooc be their executioner; that their own h:mds are allowed to be their aveng:--rs. Who would imagine that after publike notice of this alteration at the Court, when the world could not choofe but know the malicious groundofrhat wrongful! edill, the lhamefull deathofthe procurer, the power ofthe party oppoficc ; any one fl1ould be feund, throughout all the Provinces, that wouldonce lift up his hand a· gainft a Jew! that,with his own danger,would iodevour to execute acontrolled de· cree~ The Church of God lhould ceafe eo be it fdf, if it wanted malicioas pcrfecu· tion;thcrc needs no otherqOarrcll then the name,the religion"oflfrael. Nocwithftanding the kn01•n favour of the King, and the patronage of M ~ritcAi, the thirteenth of Adar is meant to be abloody day; H•man bath too many abettors in the Pcrfian dominions ; thefc joyn together to perform rhatfcnrcncc, whereof 0 the author repented : The Jews rake heart to defend rhcmfdves, to kill their mur- thcrcrs.Ail the provinces arc turn'd into a lido! ofcivill war 1whcrcio innocence van. quilhcth malice. The !cwsarc vitlors, and not only arc alive, butarcfcarcd;thc moft refift them nee, many "flift them, and fomc become rhcirs:The countenanceof the great lcadsrhc.world at plcafurc; fear of authority !waycs thoufands that arc not guilry ofa confciencc. Yea, befides the liberty of defence, the Iews arc now made their own Iuftiocs1 Thar there may be none left from the loyns ofrhataccurfcd <Ag•gite,( who would have left noncofrhe Iewilh feed) they llay the reo fons of""'""; and obtain new days offurrher executions;Neither c•n death farisfie rheir revenge ; thofc ten fons of 11 am•n lhall in their very carcaffes bear the reproach of their father , and hang aloft upon his gallows. E Finally, no man doth, no man dares frown upon a lew; they arc now become Lords in tbc midft ofrheir captivity; no marvcll ifthey ordain, and celebrate their joyful! Pmim,for aperperuall memory,co all pofterities,of;heir happy deliverance. It were pity char the Church ofGod fl10uid not have fun-lhincs, as well as ftorms, and fl10uld nor meet with interchanges of joy in their warfare, be for~ they enter upon the unchangeable joy ofthdr codlcffe criumph. FINIS,