Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

dn AlphabeticaO Table of the Worf(: . ; Benjamin: Hisdefolati~--;s; ~· ---1 Beneficence : Our cheerfu~nefle .ApptArance may be redu.:ed ! imo three heads, ih. 1 Where t~ppe~trttnce is the rule, fee how the ordinances of God become to be fcorned. 454 The Saints mifdeemed, the Callams cRatemif·judgcd, iff And falfe religion feems true 45 6 AppMrAnce is eirber a true falil1ood , or an uncertain truth, Joi8 v!pplieAtionthe life ofdotlrine. 1 061 .Apo<hry;h" wherher it be to be received as Scripture, 634- .AHj/triiJ: there isever an holy ufltriiJ mufi follow the cal· lingofGod. 965 t..Arfr...: How eo be reverenced. The firengch ofGnds A:~ 9 9" Thc.ArJc...andD.tgM· lOif The prophane Philill:ims toil in carying the e.Ar-l,fhames manyofour atu:ndaucc at it, ;6. The .Ark!1 revenge and re:· turn. toJS The Ifraelires joy of the: return ofthe .Ark,.. •on The remove ofthe .J'Jrft. ;b. orv.. ..;ah and the eArl(, 1093 eA'rts:allltrlJ are haodmaids to Divinity. IJl Artttxn-xes, by the envy of the SAmrtritMIJ fend,. oat to reflrain che building of the Temple. 132t He doth afterward befriend the work. ;h, .AJ..,ofhim. 11 85 Four principall monuments ofc.Afohisvertue5. Jt 86 .Ajionijhmt111: By it God makes way for his greatell melfages ~JI .Athaliah: ofhimand loAfh.J 2.75 AJJthoritp h iliould be the refuge oftheopprdfed. tl-6!. The er~our of the' mighty is armed with authority. 87~ ./111thorJt}themark ofenvy, 881 Aw" the mvef•lr.•Jfo rh at yod hath put to Soveraigncy. to83 u!wefu/,t/fo is a good incerprc:cer ofGods fccrc:t atl:s. 1095 B· B.Aa/am: ofhim. 89' Andofhi•<A!fo. 895 His madnelfe in earring the people. 897 A pre~ty ule ofBMimm dea,/,~ BA~il: Ofthe B4Afamitts Hopes, prettilY amplified. 11.73 B•btl: Irmay be built with eafc: bur whofoever builds up the Chc.rch ofGod)fl1all have bis whole hands full, q'i8 llapti[nn: A. difcocrfe ofrhe ne· ceffity ofir,and of the dlate of thofe which ncceffarily want it, 333 BM_gAins: Charity muA: be the ruleforallconrraCh. 1319 Sometimes a bmlAin m2y be as unmerciful! as a robbery. ;b. B.[hf•l•effe' lt lhall leefc: nothin~ at the hand ofweH-go· verned greatneffe. 1 34S BAthfh•b•' Of ber and 'David and VriAh. Jtol. Shemourns for her husbands death. uo6 Bt~fls: God will call us to account fGr aueh¥ to dumb b.-j/J. 896 BtiVIt}: Ifitbe not well d_ifci, plim:d it proves not a fnend butafoe. ItJO Counterfeit 'be.tuty agrees well wi1h inward uncleanndfe. 1269 Btt)Mi•gs: We mun: flop the beginnings of fin. 8y8 Bold hegitsnings prefage fear· full ends. 1 300 To have begun well is no fmallcomforcin agoodaCli~ on. 1319 The end ofany good ching is betrer then the hetinning, ;b, Strange heginning are not ufually caft away. 964 Thofeaffairs are like to procerd well chat have their be~ t.tnnh:gJ ofGod. 995 Little can we judge by the 6tghmings of an aC\ion what willberheend, ro1s Asicisfecn inS4NI. 1 0 17 Beltef: Firfi beleevc,then con· ceive. 10 vidt Faichfulneffe. lkreroexciced. 373 · Benefiu: \Ve lol':: the comfort of them ifwe r~nue nc..t cur p~rills bymeditation. ~ 3S Birth: Nottobetoo muchdifcouraged by the batCoelle of ourbmh. Sl61 The very birth and conception of exrraordioary perfons is extraordinary. 964 Bi(h(JpJ: wbetherotttrs be Anticbrillian. 598 JJi(h~ps: A note of humility from their name ofMiniHery 5'4 HowLaicks fhould rake heed of contemning them notwithllandiDg, ;b. A B•fhop if he dorh play m hischatr, he may one day howl in bd\. ib. A fingular inducement toBi· jhops to fee themfdves to work. 515 A good note for the B,fhopJ of our time , Jhewing how they might make the Srate happy. IJ05 Bfoqd~ It is a refHe£fc fuccr.t 1 52 B"A:t. and ~Hth. 9 9S Body: How to be caried in the worG1ip ofGod. I I Tbegefiure ofrhe ~•d; fholjld expreffe and help the devarionofthe foul. 855' Dead bodies arc nor loll bur laidup. 901. oidnrffe~ ItsufuaU i!IUe withoar ability. 4 It isdangerous to'be tOO bold with che.ordinances of God. 909 Fearful! to ufe the holy Ordinances ofGod with an un· reverend htJldnefo. 1021 lJ(J/dntfJt and fear arc comM manlymifplaced in the bell l1earu. 101.3 A good confdence will make aman.old. 1 031 Btmdagr: To an ingenuousnamre,death ismoreea!ie then btmd.ge. 1350 Book,p: Of negleC\-ing good b..kp. 375 A bewailing the want oforder and judgmem in rea.ding Popifh ~oo([. 37~ Cod bath two hook! , one of his word, anOther of his works. 109 1 Brmni}fs, vide Seprmifts, their fcanda-