Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

An AlphabeticaO Table of the Work: .. fcandalous afp!rtlons on rhe ' MinHlcrs c~tUil'lg verymarcri· ChiiJrtnJ comempc of their Chorch of En~l.~nd. 5'9 all. 888 parents for poverry,cen(urc::d As ofApofla te. s8• The approbation of eur eA!- lop Notably confote<l. 58: ling is by the fruit. ib. Ofourover-lo\'e to our chil. The Brflwnij!J acknowledge- An hooefl: mans heart is drew, 998 menc of the ~r2ces of the where his calling is. 987 What eh,Jdren are md(\ like ChurchofE•gland, 583 C4nAAn:ofiu Searchers, 878 to prove blcflings. 1 oo1 Inllances of their horrible (appueine:preuiJy painted our. A caveat for mocking-ehilrailing~. 584 ' 2 57 drtll, 13 7 4 Their unnaturalneffi:. ib. C~~releflu/fo : of an holy tAre- Ch,/Jren are fuc:::h as their edu- -.d 585 ltfoejfr. . 56 cation. '"· What they think themfelves C"'""": A c11r,AII heart cannot Chrifli4• and Chrif/ianitJ,. how beholding to the Church of forgoe that wherein he de· a Chrifti•n lhould be both• a EngiA~Jd for. ib. liglt<t, 979 Lamb and a Lyon. 6,7 Our Church juflified by !he Cllltchi:c.ing: Moll highly corD- His happineftC, 11 againft their wils. 530 mended. ,510 He is a linle Church within And that in infiancing fome Cttru: oftakingcAreson amans himfdf. ib. particular men whom they fdf. i' More difference between a acknowledge Manyrs. 593 Woddly """ 6dy compared narura!J man & a right ChriThe four pillars of Browt11j/s eo thorns. 131 j/iAIJ,thcn betwixt amac and 6ts Cen[Nre:the confcionable fome- aBeall. 1> Their wronging of us about times too forward in ce•fu· A_wife Chrif/i#Nhath aoeneCeremonies. 6t6 ring. 1000 rotes. 40 An eleven crimes that they There mull be dife:retion~ An half· Chrif/i.., lives moll have laid on the Frenal! and there may not be partiality miferably. 54 Dutch Chorclt. 611 in our ce•[HrtJ of the greateH A Chrij}11111 compared eo a Their imputation of our im· J063 Vine. ;/,, puremixcures. 621- (eremon/eJ: they moty remain There is more in a Chrifli~ Their fcornofour people. when their abufe is purged. 1111 theb anycotn fee. 57 628 1290 A Chrij/itm man in all his }jHriaO: Ofdecc:nt6Nri.:al/, 118~ Some are typkal:fome ofor- ways muA have three guides. B•jh.- the burnin~Bujh a perfeet der and decency. 390 Fir£1, Truth: Secondly,Cha· Emblemeoft eChurch. 831 A paffionare fpeeth concer. rity.-Thirdly,wifdome. Buf,.b,dp His CharaCier. 170 ningonr divifions abouc etrt· 1>7 BNJint.: A role in huJb;gand fel- monin 39• ChriflianirJ hOlh an ealie and ling. 667 C trtmgnitJ mufi give place to hard yoak. 132 fubRance. 161 The ellate of a true though - Cht~lfnges: Whence they came. but a weak Clmjlian. 269 c ChA~~ct, vide FntNnt. 1050 The difficulty ofit. 294 His defcription and difr'erence Ch~~ritp vide Love; nor fufpiri- ftom a worldling. 33' c Alfe.- of the golden (•If•· ous. 1057 A con!Cionabte Chrif/il#l in ChariiJ,it mull be the rule of forrow t\vectlydefcribed. 86o aiJ concratls, 1329 455 CaiA,itJ! Itis not foealle for (httrf•lnefl : an excitation to Ch~~rch: that ChNrehu happioradous difpofitions to turn Chrill:ian chetr[Nineft. 279 ne£fe whereinTruth & Peace ~tf the publique ca/Rmitits of and in our labour. 340 meet together. s GodsChurch. 1325 Nothing more acceptable A Chrillian is a liulc:ChNreh Calling: How dangeroutit is to then ehttrf'~ln~fl in the fer· witt.in himfelf. " put our (cl ves inco the affairs vice ofGod. 9 99 An excellent rule for our eaofGod,without a caUi•g. Childrtn: an excellent child, of riage in {7JHrc/J.diffentiOns. J 2~f an exeellem parent, a rare '4 Su hefore. J 284 fight,and why. 12 5 Ch•reh.Schi(mes how bred, Remedies againfl duloeffe in What thcr owe their parem.s foRcred,& confirmed. 24,z5 our calling. 340 %20 The seedlefneftt ofoor ronHonerl men may not be a- A good note fot childceo formi ty to ancient ChNrel!es ffi:::med of rheic Jawfull eM- which cover their parents in allchingt. 241 ling1.' 8;t f11ame. 79° (h•rch,. God fhewech him· When God findes us iD our It is both uncharitable & in. fdf iO it, as the Sun tioth in caU;nL• we {hall find him in jurious co judgeof the childs a cloud. jiO his mercy. 831 difpofitioo by theFathcrS,g w>• ""'"'"' ' '· '" I Grof.e fins cannot prejudice lepthliJ daugtter a notable Our Chttrch is reformed, but chccAH;ngofGod. S<tl pauern for our children to- not newmade. 518 The people~ atfurance of the wards theit parents. 96-4 The Chur<lt of England is the