Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

An AfphabeticaUTable ofthe Wor~. c~unfolland CounfoOors: the hap4 pineffe of fuch Princes as in du::ir infancy fall into the bands offaithfuU counfellors. J304 C•unftO()randct~N,fo//for foule and Stare, :z.1 I What is required in a Cu~JJ· feUor. ibid. It is a fign ofa defperate caufe when once we ICc:k m make Satan our (ounfrllour, 891 C••nfe/1 good and illwhereto compared. 111 o CoMntent~nce: difhoneAy growes bold , when it is c.,muntVJud by.greatnelfe. •xo; {oxrrterl 6x qualities of a Collrtier. 2.12 Twomifchiefes vf the {t~urt, FJanery and Treachery. •56 The defcriotion ofa good and faithfull {ourtier, 3 02 Nehemi11h a good preGdent of fuch. IJZ4 Covetonfi.effi bath a great rcfemblance widt drunkennelTe. 7 A bafethiog ro get soods on· Iytokeepthem. 10 The tDveroUI like a fpider. 48 The co1mo1u his chara&.er.175 The ~ov1tom defcribed. 1 0 1 The cw~tom rdllcffe, 894 Craft : innoccncy allowed a lawfullcraft. l1JI Cr•flJ men are ofi:-times choaked in their own plou~ qs o CreAtio11 .- a wondering at Gods work and wifdomc therein, S" Of our comc:mplacion there6 in. 771 The head of our cmuion is Heaven. 77l The wonderfu~neOC: of ic feen inman. 774 CreaNJret, how they all fight fOr God, 590 Ho\V obfervanc they are m him rhac made them. 909 Tf,e power of nourifhmenc i~ nor in thecremrm· buc in the Maker. 966 God would rarher have his ereaturu peril11 any \Vay then to ferve for rhe uiC of the -wicked. 92-5 There is a fpeciall providence inrheirmotion. Jo t o C-ud : the confcffion of the \ fame erud is not fufficienc with Rome for peace. 657 Cred.HiitJ • is the daughter of Folly. .1o7o Croffis:ofthem. 70 of fuch as arife from conceir, and of true and reaU crof{ts. 7' Remedies of crojfo1 before they come. 73 And when they are come. 74 Again(\ forrow for worldly crof{tf. t8l Cr•~tfit.· excellent things of our crncifjing ChriU anew. 395, 396 Crlltltit: it is commonly joyn· ed with error. 584 God will call us to account for our crNtftJ againH dumbe beans. 896 Sudden crttelf] Hands nor with religion. 9;9 ltisnothanks to themfeJves that wicked men cannot bee crntl. Yl3 The mercies of Cod in turning the crtttlt] of the wicked, to the advantage of the godly. 974 Jnfuhation in the 1igour ofJuHice arguerh crNtlfJ. 990 Who ever faw an JdoJarer tharwasnorcrue/, U 75 (mft: acaufeldfe e•rft whom it burrs. 979 o r Shmm his CHrft. u• 3 CNrtejit: how it becomes great ones. 13:15 C •JI•m" ir lhall be 110 plea for tin or error. :P Cuftcml in finne will fo flefh us as to deny or forl~veare any thing. 979 Long cnrertainement makes that lione hardto be Cjetled w!,ofe firll: moriens migbt havebeenerepelled with cafe IP4 E~:lfmflu, See be!Gre. 131 z. CJrm : that Pagan became a proteCtor ofGods Church. f J 18 How hee might apologize his overthrow ofic. ilnd. Hee will one day come in jndgcmenc againll impropriating Church-robbers. ,b;d, CJ7'" decree rarified concerning the reedifying of lhe TempJeby<D~~rill4. IJ 2I D D Ancing allowed, defcribed, andcenfured. 647 Ina'=afedifallowed. 991 D11vid: his choice or EleCtion, 1406 Called eo the Court. I O.f9 Of him and Goliah. I oso DavidJ reproach by his bro· ther. 1op. His preparation to the cambate. JOS4 An excellent ufe ofir. i6id. His deliverance out at a win· dow. 105S Of S~tmutls harbouring him. 1059 Oi DAv,Jand eA6inultch. 16id, A notable d(montlration of his loyalty. 1 069 A deicriptlon of Davidf and his peoples perplexity. 108' D•vidatypeofChrill: in his warres. thtd. His too much credulity. 1098 Dlfv;J a fj:>eelaclc: of infirmity ] 102 What in warre and what in ~ace:. thid, Of D~tvid>Btr{ht~a and Yriah. /Jid. An expoAulation with TlavuJ about his fin. 1103 Of 7>avid and N(lthAn. t 1 o6 Hisconfel1ion. 1107 Obfervatiom of Zl•vidJ childsdeath. t 109 Do~.vidis nor more fure offorgivcnc:lfc: then offmarr, ibid. The r:larion of his particular pay. ibid. Hit cariage in Shmuiucurf(:. J I lf His palic:nce drawes on the impydencyofShmm. 1 U"fOfhis numbring the people. II 37 Hisadmirablechariry. II40 His hormur in wckomming the Prophets. I 147 D11.vid1 end. I 148 DA}-" that all dttitJ are Gods, but fomemore fpecially. 4<?5 Holy t14Jts how obfer\·ed 10 the Church ofEngland. 609 Dtttrth: