Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

An .Alphabetical/ Table oft he Work!, ----- CZJtmh: idsaddedcntowarre. rhar he may welcome det~th tiM. r o t6. Supcrl1irion is deI p8 as a friend,or deficit as an e- ~otionJ ape.t 019.A good hean 11t.«th:it hath three meff~ngers. nemy. 1351 n eaftl y won eo devotr~n. 1 o13 4 Deceit: Irs kindes and judse· God hates amungrd Jrootitm. The wicked therein harb mems. I 9~ 1189.God blelftth rile dn;oHt three terrible fpctlaclcs, 64 The hearrs d~cett in irs facul- endeavours ofhis fervanrs. Iu detire,how lawful!. 30 ties and alfed:iom largely de- 1 JO) MansunwillingDefferodie. fcribed. 464 &c. 1 Diffimtu no difforence be- "l-6 Apretty defi:ription of tkctt- ! rwcen lenanrs, fnends, and To be unwilling is eigne of vt~orhers. -466 1 lonHVIthGo~. 44 being in a bad cafe. r; omd of the devilt tkcut, ,/nd. , Vdt._~mse Whar, and how pro50fche imporcuniry and ter· Defcnbed byiueff~9:s. +r7 1 rabic: . 101 rorofM~~th, 76 OfcheJeairoffin, 11 0~ Dif.ruiq,: lnagoodatlionbow The grouDds of the fcare of 7Jeu~e: it is in vain m tlrive a- good. 5 tkAth, i/nd. ga1nfi ~ods tkcret, when wee What it is, and what it workThe remedy of the lafl and know 1r. IOlS eth. 1 9~ greuell bre01ch of peace ari- The Jecree of God incl.1des A good guide forzeafe. 9oS fiogfroma'earh. 77 themeanes. 119 7 Difto,rent: luCharatl~r. 172 Ameditation ofduth, 11 s Drl•J: An argument not rode- 'lJifw;ter-ted humor fcJdome Ofchat Epicarean refolucion, IIIJour repcmancc rill d~e J,lfl fcapes unF.nifhcd. 89 1 Let HUifl ttrul Jrin/c..e:for,&c. day. 5S Tltfr.o•rfo: 1t is.buuhe froth of 1 Cor.I f• J'l. 129 Dtltl) dangerous. 90!1 w1fdom~. 1 16 0 What refoluccneffi: dor.h eo De fire: A. man befotted with e- Di{htmtftJ :it growes bold when tkAth. 136 vill tU fires is made fie for any it is countenanced by grearAn Epillle againllche feareof villany. 898 _nefle. 1 1o 3 Je41h. 266 Where God fees fervent dt- Diffimhltr: of dijfimHlo~tio" foure Ofimmoderatemourning for fiu, be flayes nor For words. kindes. ! 91J Jts craft. s94 rhedt-~td. ~so . 947 Dtforder: m the height ofit 'in A difcourfe ofdue preparati- DefPA~re: then it no grearer the weale publioce what pcion (ortlet~~b, andche means wrong eo Cod, 29 vacemenfllould.doe. 1 2 68 to fweeten ir. 288 Excellent examples againO ir. D if!im•l41irN.: holY clad. 91 8 Aneftectualpreparationfora 906 One degr~ of d'.ffimiiiArion murrherercohis.bNh. 36o Towhacmad lhifu men are drawesonanother. 1076 Sweet comforts in the medi· drivencoin defP~tirt. 1077 Open forceisnm halffodancation ofChrilba'e.cth, 397 A com~orrable and Orong gerous asclofe diffim,IAtton. A pretty item in mourning pl~c agam~ ir. J ;o' . . · 13 27 forthc.dt.ul. s75 Defp'[.bt: evilImen need noo- Diffinrton: an excellent rule for E•ery circumOance of our thertormenr then cheiro..Yn ocrcarriage in lhe Jijfi111ionJ dilfoluciOisdctermioed. 888 dtfpit.ht. 1326 oflhe Church. ~4 ThediftCrenceofa godly and Detrlfll_io,or.J~rr.~f1or :. our be- The ca1~feof dif[tntiol!l, with wjcked mans Jtt~th. i,id, haviour wnh or agamll foch the dev1ls joy arthem,fhould How God forewarnes us of ~ ma~euscoceafe from them. kAth. ;liJ. A fiveet refoludon :againil de- 49 De.dbodicsarenoc loll, but trAEJ;on. :1 7.Jif{tntion in religion, 2n inlaidup. goz Dttlill: hecill wee have finned fufficienrmotiveofunfededTis juU with God that hee isaParafirc, but when wee neOe inic. -.9 ; that lives without grace have finned is a Tyrant. An earnell diffwafion from l110ulddie wichourcomforr. 1019 di./Jmtion. 3 77 JO]J TJevoti6n: of thedeceit of de- 7J'.f{tntions: a caveat about DeAth is nocpartiall. Jo3J ferringour tktlotiiJns on con- them. r ,9 Theholiefiare .Dotpriviledg cc:.irofpretC:munfitne!fe, and Of lhe adv~rfaries cryins edfromit. rzMo iuevilleffttl:. 14 ouconour dtj{ention, both in All die nor alike, yet in the An excdlcnc meanes to fiirre regard of their number a.Dd fu.Ddry kindes of diffolution us to Jevotion. 1 2S weight. ihid. they may be ble£fed. i'id. A diref\:io.D how eo conceive A noce ofour fore-fathersdif How fenCible we lhould bee ofGod in our J(votiqns and ft~ttior.t, p o ofthe Jo!Tc ofgood men. ibid. medications. 3 1 7 Oh the rhifery ofcivill a'i/fo,- ItisnofmallmercyofGodto Oftbe Pharif~s and Papitb mn. Jo86 give us warningofour tb~&~h. devotton,how farre exceeding DijfolNti,•: Pretty thingsofit by I19S ours. PS wayofcomparifon. 4~6 The deAth of Gods Sainu Mifc:rable is the Jro,tiDTJ that ~otcohaHenourd~/uti""· fweedy laidopen under loft· troublech us in the pcrfor- 9~8 4h.t di(folutions q o9 manee. 963 DijlrNjl : it makes our dangers Happy is bethath~th (o lived The morning fiuelt for dn;g- greater. 879 ,___________;__________,___ Y.:..;~YYY) DtVITCt