Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

An )lfphabeticaOTable ofthq WQrlit. commendable. ~ 6 Jn evill how ready the devill is to I~ us forward. 130 The nor doing of eviU is requited. with good. . 8~o TheinfeCHon ofevill1s much worfe then tbeatl. · S81 Wherher we may doe ror'R rbat good may come ttlereof. 906 Every ChriAian rhe beuer for his eviRJ, 970 If we be nor as ready eo /Offer evil as m d~ good , wee are not fir for rhe confecrati· onofGod. 974 The abcuing of 1vtl is worfc then the committin2 ofir. - 989 Jrisooeofthe greateA: prai· fes of Cods goodnelfe that he can turne the evil ofmen [0 hisownglory. 101.7 Evil! and good whence they come. 1300 Theceafing todoeevilio the firA place is the crue method of God. l JOJ A good nde for the avoyding o(anevilatt. 1318 Example!: as the fins of grcar men are e.wmplttr), fo are theirpunifhmems. 891 Where rbe examples of dH~ weak ferve. 1071 A good e.wmple is no fmall help for a yong beginner. IJ04 The betl: rules for the un::xperienccd. ibid. ln diffwading from evill, rea· fon canooc prevailemore rhen exmnple, 1330 Examplu are nor the rule whereby Governors rule; bur J uU.ice and Piety. ;f,;J. t.'.\·c~trOtfs: rhere was never any, of whom fome took not o.·~ J!.:r:rremiiJ _ dillinguifhc:th friends. 2t Natore is tOo fubjeft: to extren~~rw. He that bath found Cod prefenc in one t.t·trMII'J may rruH him in the next. 1051 E:t·trmJit1 of difirdfe will · fend<heprophaneff tO God. ' lOJ7,l078 How in e:t:rmnilJ wee may difpenfe with good things. 1161 €xtremitiu fiode us fu'h as our peace leaves us. I 269 E:t:ttn'tron: NehemilfhJredrelling the ~xt•1tionofthc Jewes. ' 3'8 E]e: A f3.ithfUll man bath three e1u: t OfScnfe, :t OfRcafon, ~ OfFaith, ~ 8 How it betrays rbe hearc, &c. 9•6 He can ne\'cr keep covenant with God, that cannot l<cepe his IJU. I IOJ Ez..rA: of him and ZN"ubhAiul~ bei~ Cenrfrom Babylonto ferufalem with large commilfion for the rccdifying of rhe Temple. 13t1 He reformes what ls amifi'e in the fons of Lt?.d. 1 32 ~ His arrival! at JNufalem.ihid. Where finding fuch hypocri~ fie, feehis pitifUII e~polillla~ tion. ;lnd, The torn:inuation of his hu~ miliation. J 3Z3 His proclamuion made thli· row Judah and Jerufalem obeyed,with the fu.:cefle. 1324 The iflue and ~nd of his endeavours. ibid. F Uft•ons. r o2!o' - - ------ E>:cdlenq: cwelve things ciJar are~xcellent tobehold. 1 ~5 £A8iotJ: how to quell it, Excej[e : ic is' never good, but drawne f(Otn an order in rhe cOmonlywith admirable fa- bodyand foulc. 48 c~lrics there are grcar infirmi~ The very 11nage: of ch~c fil· u es. S3 thy mooiler FAtlilndefcnbcd. t'.'t'celfo a great argumccr of 1320 folly. 1071. F.rqho11d: where thar ilin any, ir EJ.·c11j~: cone for fin. 873 mahes us eo fufpea others. E.\·l:urtm;on : Doctrine and e.'t'· 11 Q.'=' horttt~iot~ moll goc: rogccher.6o Fume:che vanity ofbeing caried E>.'ftDtltron , what ir :dotb in '& away with the affedarion of refolved miode. l f~~~ne. 58 Extremltp fudden extrtmiiJ is a FAme is alwayes a blab, and FAmiiJ: Nothing more clang~~ rous then ro be im~ io a wicked F~JtJJi1y. u 69 F~ion: an dcellenc d~ription ofaman off4{h'"fl· 678 lmmodeAy of outward ftt{hit111 bewrayes illdefires. 67o Of che f<4fbions our~ running modeAy. 1101 Faj/iNg, h merits nor, butir prep3res for good. 87o Eajli•t,' Off:j/hmf.jiing, 1344 F.uherJ, what rhey owe w rheir children. 22 o FAvour: ic makes venues of vices. 59 E>.:traordioary f-rvours ro rhe wicked make way for judge· menrs,aod are forerunners of theirruine. 838 The purpofe. ofany fovQIIT is more rheo rhevalue. 1307 FAvoJJr not ufed arighr deth JUH.ly break ouc inta indignauon. tlot Jr isararerhingifrhe heighc of f..:voJJr caufcch nor prefumption. 13~9 .A Ca\'eac for following of["- vouruoo greedily. x 3-14 Flft.JoHrs are IOmerimes done to men with purpofe of difp!eafure. ihid. Faith: fudden extremity is a no. table trial! off.;~,rh. t 3 The bond of f.UriJ is the llron. gdl bond. 2-f A dili::ourfe of the proofi::s and lignes of rrue ft;th. Offenfeandf:itb. !~~ Ofthepoweroff~:ith. 674 A nocabie meanes eo hearten ourfAith. s5.s No h(cro charof f.:Jith, 8 7 o A prcrry obfervation of rhc difference offeole and f,:ith. 878 All our actions done inf'rith and charity fl1all be fure of pa.y. 913 F111th ever overlooks che d1f. ficuhies in che way. and bath eye ro the end. 942 The Hrongetl faith harh ever fome roucfl ofinfidelity. !117•1074 FAith gives both hearc and armesinwar. 1053 Where our fAitiJ is nor wan· ring eo God, his care cannoc be wanting to us. 1 1 89 Faith and feare hmv con- --'----------------------- -'{::...Ll...!..YDY3__ <rar~- n01abi~ trialloffaith. 904 oftemimes a lyer. 1 t6o