Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

An Atehabeticall er able ofthe Worf<.!. trarily they rcprcfeot things cObs. U71 tons. 1Z71 It is a thankJeffe obedience How God will rather alter thacisgroundedonft•e.ibiJ, the courfe of heaven and All pleas are in vainc to eh em earth , then the fAith of bis that are dcafned with their children fhould finkc for want owne ftllrtJ~ 1172 · of(upporcation. 1 ~98 It is ill relying on timorous F~tithfHI•e.ffo : a f•tthfMU man natures. 1171. hath three eyes, ofSenfe, of The faith of e::od what it Reafon,of Fttirb. 28 doc:h. I 330 The ChataClcr of a foithf•O Commonly when wee feAT< man. 156 moll we fpeed bell. 1 H4 F""hf•intffiinrcproof. u6 Ft-Ji" A cheek for our new· None fo valiant as the he/u. fuundtAjlmgt, 438 'liN'. 196 eA hA"""' ft•fli•g. 'll3 Jri!nolinall happine!fe to be Of arcing of healtbs in a imere!fcd in the f•ithfHII, fr•JI. i~itl. 1013 A note for lafcivious fottjlerJ. Howha pry a rhing it is to be ;~;J. fAirhfoll with God : with irs Fi(ht : How all the creatures fruit. 1197 Plht forGod. 489 ThehappincOC:ofPrinceJ in- FIMttr~r.ocjllllttT): Its Charafancy when it falls into the Cl(r. 173 h1nds of f.uthfull Counfellon. His fucce!fe and remedy. 191 1304 FlAttery whar it dorh, 25() Failhf~tlNtjfr to Princes is FlAtter] a fare token of a fa lie . both life and honourable. teacher. 88:a 1310 A jorl doomc for falfc fl~t~teF~lthle!fo: no charitybindes us TtTJ, fully dcfcribed intbcAcotruflthofewhomwc: have m~tlti:!t•that brought tidings found fAithlzj[t. 1070 to DAviJ ofSaN/Jdcath. roS-4 Ft"re: FtMt and fctvicc mull Ajllftttrtr moll n()(ably difgoetogcther. 436 covered. 1098 Fe.artdifiinguifhed. ibid. Fltfh : in the maucrsofGod we It fics themind for lovc.iiid. mcfi, not confclt with jltfo Love and fcarc ~ver goe a- and blood. 795 funder where they arc true. F1/lrw: never was feenc 'fo bad 437 courfe,buthad feme f,l/qwtrs FMrt>,wbat it fignifies in d~e or applauders, 121 original!. i/Jid. FtJtJd: the: foulc is fed as the: boDittioguiOlod. i6Jd. dy,with milk &: Arongmear. Deftned. i!JiJ. 13-+ Ourfta.rcmufl be: reduced to F,tJits: rhrcc: forti. 1.93 fen· ice. 438 The fi.Jccdfe ofthc:ir folly. ;6,, A norabl~ encouragement a. All Gnne hath power eo begainl1ft>Areof aU oppoliliom. foolea man. 9076 489 Fwct : openforctis not fodanMec::re f·~trt is not finful. 8s 3 gerous,as dofc dillimulacion. 854 I J >7 Fttn't and familiarity God A pretty Emblcme of forct loves in the ufe of his Ordi- and wylindfe joyned toge· mnces. 858 thercoworkmifchiefc. 972' The rnoH fecurc: heart harh F1Tt1t11dt: in generaU and fpcciiu Aat1l(S ofje11rs. 91 1 all. 106 AP ATef ullman can nevu be TrueChrifiianftJrtitllldt what a nue fri~nd. 974 ir reacherh, 879 lloldneOe and foAF are corn- True Chrifiianf,rtitHikwades monly mif-pla:cd in rhe bell through all evil1. ?97 hearcs. . 1 oz3 A noreoftruefortjtNdt. 991 Where there is no place for FortHnt : Oftheir c:vill that afholy fe•re,thcre will be: place cribe calamities to natarc or for 1he (ervile. 1074 chance:. u89 Fairh and fo~trt how contra- 1 FDY'IP~trdntj[e : It argacs infaffi£jri!ychey reprefenr chingsun- l cnce. 833 F•x" a prettyEmbleme ofthe F1x~s taylcs ryedcogechc:r. F.. N.' how fitlyeft anr.. ::.d with fubtilry. , 331 Fm' . the Spu:u ofGod breaths fmiJ. 1304 Frudomt: none fret but Gods fervants. 8 l'rttwill: that error foyfled on the Church of England, by theParlorof Amf/m/.om, 6o3 TheRomifl1 error ,of frtmi/1. 66s Friend-: how wufe him. 5 When known. 2.1 Friendfhip' No falthfuU fritnJ. foipto be fo•nd in thelll that have no religion. u6z Three grounds of fritwdfhi!, ... What only lhould part.frirndJ 2f True 'fritndfhip nece!farily reqairc:.rh !'atiencc. illiJ. No umc: lofi char is bc11owcd on a truefritnJ. 16" The right behaviour ofa true: frienJ. i6id. Ofthelo!feofafritnd. >6,27 How to make men our fritllldJ perforce:, that willnoc be fo in love. ..,, A uue fritnJ. the fweetcfi comernmenc in che world.i6 How eo deale with an offi:ndingfrie.d. 48 What we mall doe in medling with friends faults. 50 Rich men can hardly know their friends. 5 I The charaCter ofa true friend. lf9 Fllith ot ftitnr/p!? DC\'ct cry· ed butinexrremiry. 9o6 A fcarfUll man can never bee acrueftimd. 1016 The fruirion of friends a great comfort. J?J8 The purpofe ofany fritnd{hip ismore then the value. 974 F•llc!,. DoC\or F•lk! commended. >62 F1111mds : Our Churches prat\icc in them commendable. 6u G GAiM: iclcadsin.{janc,bur fhame followes it QUt.t J t ~ How many in fear ofpoverty feck to g4i11e unconfciooably,