Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

An AlphabeticallTable oft he Wor~. bly,and die beggeC5. 971 As goodno G•dastoo many. It is ju(hvith Cod chat chofe ~bt:~:f~a~~ectas tbac t~: He~ never difappoinces ;~h~ ~r:c;;,~m grA(t filould ;:at~ G41Mfll: His dcfcriptiou in his confidence: of his fcrvaou. GrACe is not ryed either to jollity. 45S J Jll number or meanes. ton qameftn-: he is prettily deciphe· All things !hall profper that CjrM•is by gift and not by inred. 971 begin with 6'1d. 1 P7 hcritancc. 1024 qe]freu:vid.body. God!Uuffi: Never was any man An unmannerly ungodlinefiC Gi~conitts: their wifdome but a lofcr by true godli,rfle. DOt to fay grace at meat. not faU11oodcommcndcd.g17 •oyJ 1026 Their linooth ule told for q"dlintffedifappoinu no man NO[hing blu f.'Aft can make chcmfclvcs. ihid. ofhis hopes J182. us lQ make ufe ofothersjudgTherercueofq;heo,, 915 Goli.th:Ofhim and 'Do~~vid. 1o5o mems. 1029 The q,beo,iteJrcvenged. 1135" How fitly he tcfmes himfclf A fpe:ciall to\en of a 1,.r;cious Gilkon : hiscalling. 945 adog. 1854 hean. 1068 His preparation and viCtories. Hi~ end is a piCture of the end lhe gr•us of God-how they 94Y ofinfolencyand prefumption. lhould attraCt ocr love. There is no greater example ihid. 1 o76 ofmodeflyrhen io Gide,m.,55 Good: Of doinggot~dwilb an ill The offers ofgr~ are fomaqi[ts,orgJvi,g : God loves not meaning. 55 ny aggravadons of wicked· either grudged or necdfary Ofgoodillu(ed. 56 nefle. 1061 gifu. 33 All our ben good is infenfible. Afcording eo the exercife of Gods former lifts, argumenu • 3t reffraininggrAce,naturall :nen ofmore. 113 A good man will ever be da- doe either fall or rife in their Diverfity of gift. SI 1 inggood, 8:;o ill. ihid, The excellcm ufe ofit. 51::. Good done, but not out of con- The true method of grACe Not to be either envious in fdence, .what they meet with what iris. 1 ;o; the want ofgjfts, or prou~ .in 9ri2 How vaH a difference gr•ce rhccnjoymcnt ofthem. s*sd. Good men oft kept for the makes ln rhe fatne afe. 13 o 4 A pretty inflance ofth~ dive;- worll times. 1 2!-)0 Gods grllct never confined to fityofgifts, found wrmen 1n GoOdNtj{t: Iu power. 6 Virginity. 1 ;o6 LHthtY"s houfe. 512 Nogot~dman that mends nor. fjrt~tntji: Not refpeClcd ofany SQeed in giving, how accep- 7 bur man. 1 toil> le. 9 36 lr is of a winning quality. There inn affable familiari. Ingifu, intention is the fa· 993 ty that becomes grtiltMffe. vour,nouhefubRance. 94) Thofe men are worfe then 1 0 17 Cod will find a time to make devib thu hate any for good- Difhonerly grows bold when arc ofanyofhisgifts beClow- ntfl. ibid. it i~ countenanced by grtdJed on any man. 961 Gs.fFei:Theenjoymeotofit whar neJTt, uo; Wemeafurerhe love of God a favour it is. 869 Ourreadineffe ro obfen•e preby hisgijis. 997 lu fiveetneffe. 881 vai~inqgmttneffe. n 69 God loves not to have his G~tntollrJ:vid,KingsandPrin~ It IS hard for grtMnt./[e to giftJlicdead, whereheharh ces.Howitpleafeth the pco- knowtbemwhom they may conrcrrcdthem. 1154 plecoheare theg011ernors tax- t rull. 1:.70 Gkrr: Cods glory mu(l be the td. 882 How hard a thing it is to chief of all our -actions and Corrupt gsvernoNrl lofe the make f.WU pcrfons to yeeld deft res. 865 comfort of their owne breH. that they have offended. fjoJ: theufeofhisprefCDCt. I I 88~ 1185 Theabfurdimpiety ofi(raels Aprayinggovtrnor. ihid. How caGe a matter it is for deft re ofhavingother gods. No fmall happine!fe toa State God ro bring down any mans 86o to have their gsv~rnorJ cho- grelllnejfo. i/Jid. A miferable 1od that wanes fen By won hine!fe. 901 The eminency ofa mans per~ helping. Jc r6 qovm:ours mull not refpeCl: fon doubles both the offence With whou fecurity they their owne: ends in publike and the judgement. 1z99 walk that take their direCli- aClions. 9054 EveryaCl:of grttU!Ieffiis preonsfromGod, 101 9 Whatagoodgwernor!hould CCfXive. 130! ln his buitnelfe wee mu!l not look to. 1330 Greatr.tjft is ufcally fufpitifland upontennes of cerma· GrACe: le tvill grow. 7 ous. IJ::.5 rion. 1306 Howcbained. 116 GreAtr:ejfocannot fecure from qodlh2ndacdtongucevergo Patienceis a good proofe of treachery. 1337 together. 1306 grace. 874 A defcripcion of grem men' What ence:rprh.e w.as ever \ The folly of them that refufe anger in Ht~man. ~ 133! fee on foore for q,a which Godsgr.ctts, becaufe they are Ill deferving gredt!ft/fe doth [ l fouodnotfomecroifes? 1310 found in ill men. 970 in vaine promife to it felfea ·---- -----------------------'--------- pupemi<y__