Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

An AfphabeticaUTable of theWorkf. perperuiryof applaufe. IJJI Gr~eft: In vaine is that gritfe which bath no <>lher end then irfdfe. 131.5 GHitils: AChriflian mull in all his \vayes have three guid~s. Fir!l, Trucb. Secondly,Wtfdome.Thirdly,Chariry: 1:7 le is a great confirmation tO any people tO fee God tO bee rheir guide, 8~5 No better gHide then God m his Word and Sacramenu. 908 qHJltir~Jfo: what feare there i~ ioir. 871 GNiltbujfo is commonly clamorous and impariem. 1 ooo It needs no P rophec to affure us ofpanilhmenr. 1 oo 5 G~tile : Many profeife uprighcnetfe who yet are 31I gmil. nn H H..Alft' an halfe Chriilian livesmollmiferably. 5f Ham•n difrefpeaed by UU"ordecAi, 1337 A pretty defcription of n,,_ m:ws taking eo he:m tM,_ dwtitJdi[relPetl. 1 .;38 HllmAn an Am ale kite. ihid, The large extem of .P!AJ»Ans anger. . . '339 Hi$: cloake for Ius malice. thid. H.vnan is inviced to Hefl~rs Fean. tH5 UJ(orde"ai is llill :m eye-fore ro HvMII, ihid, H,;mllil honours c..Jl-!~rdec,;. IJ46 His rhoughn fruflrared. t 347 ,llmn~n thunder-Arueken. ihid. Fine expoflulations in Ha~ num. ibid. H-amandroope;. •349 He is banged , aod .A1ortlecai advanced, ibid. How he Oands when bee is accufed bye he QEeen.r3 51 His fpcech to the QEeene before his death. ibid. His wofull expoA:ularion with himfi:lfe at the infianr ofdeath. 1351. Ht~nm1: Ofhim and 7>411idJ Ambalfadours, 1099 H•ppine/fr , How to bee h"fPJ indefpigbt ofal the the world, 45 Who is hffPPJ enough. 51 A happymans Chara6\er.t 63 Whereinicisnor. 198 Wherein ic is. '99 The fuddennelfe ofmans bappm•Jfr. 473 Agood heart cannQ[ endure ro be happJ alone. 8 >9 HttrdRejfo,or hAYdning: How eo keep from ic. 300 ManyhATd,Jby the Word. ?98 H.,.{,t' Herdeadly danger prec· tily defcribed. 977 Hafte: Ofmaking hAjleco bee good. z J ull jealou(je of being overh4f/i'Jholy. '7 Hatr.d bet1veene tbe Chriilian and the world, 54 lle~rmg : a ll<Xe for hem-er~ rhac come for eloquence. ibid. An indocemeoc to heAre often. 137 Tbcy fhould not regard fo much who fpeakcs as from whom chey fpeake. I 306 HeArt: How frnallJ how great: ' 5 The heart and tongues correfpoodence. 3• A uue (jfneofa falfe kart i' robe: nice in frnal macrcrs, and contrary in grcac. J 3S' How to keep from hardneffi: ofh&~~rt, 29!J The heArt bath many names. 461 Deceic(uJI in every farol 1 hd. A- mans inward difpo(jrion prefagech his evem. 908 A good h111rt can frame ir fdf to allcondirions. 1050 Saul the very p1Cl:ure ofa fall(: he11rr. 1057 The fuolell heart doth ofr en· joy good motions. 1o58 No heart bur fomerimes will relent. J069 Our heart comp:.red eo aCiry endofc:d. J 1 ~4 A uue note of an upright heill't, Il)IJ A foft heart is beA: tempered forCed. 1305 Nothing can fiU the he~ of man bur hee char made it. I ;JJ Huven, its plea[ure prettily defcribed. 773 1-lrMJen compared to an hill. ' ~ The way toheA'Ven foule and thorny, 31 Hell u not more obfcure in £ompatjf~ooftheeanh, then the earth tn refpeet ofhe~tve;,, ss Helrve~JIJ and earthly things reprefemed unto us by the two lighrsofheaven, rhe Sun and rhe Moo ne, 59 The di~reru degrees of hea- · 11cm glory. 297 Huvrns joyes prettily exprclfed, 4 , 9 Htll'lltndouble, qttJri~ & £cdefi~. 487 The rhree H~1111em notably defcribed. 773 Never any emred H~ltVen with earc:. , 21B lleeles: What the iniqtlity of ones heeleJ is, 1 o69 HeiJ:.!jah, A Priefl, and ofhis di· ligence in furveying and repairing ofthe breaches of the Temple:. IJOf Hec might be a nocable ex~ ample ro :111 Minillers. ilnd. And char in his humiliry. Henry: A lameoracion for p~f.a:: 8 "' ' '· 4'5 HerAldrp Its anciquicy. 40 6 1-Iereticl:.!s: How filrre ci~ Jawfull to have convecfe with them. He_Per:She is cholen.r333.1 ~;~ Her condoling with Morde~ Clfi. 134:t Ofher fa fling. I 343 Her fumg tot!.Ah.rfo""'·I34.,. ~f hazard in approaching to h1m. ibid. She receives be6des Pardon, Favour. 1 344 She feafis the King and H •. 711AI'J, IJ45 S~e is loog in giving up her fuu. i6itJ. H•ulrJ•~' Ofhim and Sm~eb,. ri/J. 1689 Htuf:...iab piJts a new life io~ to rhe hc:an.lelfe remnanr of Gods people. n !J:> A (Jngular nfeofit. ibtd, A preny defcription ofhis re:- f?rmadon aod fC:dinp efRelig1on. ibid. Hi~ hard firaic chat hee was driven ro,: before hee would make bold wichGod. n 9 1 His behaviour when Jh:th