Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

J/n .dlphabettca/JTable of the Wor/c'e, • fb~b rayled. "93 He is lick, recovered, vifired. 11y4 The conje&crts of Hu:.A,iAh.J wee~ing with his face turned totlicwall. 1295 That prayerofhis was groun • ded on the Mercy ofthe Co~ venane, and not on che Merit ofhis obedience. ;!lid, Why hee makes fuch a paf. fionate requcll for life. ibid. Whether by adding ycatet ro Htu"Jahs dayes , Gods decrees were changed. 1196 Ofhis vaine~gJory in OleWil'lgthe Ambafladours ofBa· bylon his rreafatt4 tz98 His poficriry what. 1199 HofJ dA]es, how they are oblervcd in the Church ·of Engl..d, 6o6 H.tmtf{t.-Fearfully abufed by the Pope. 409 A double h•li~t6/fo , one for ufe,anotber for vcrcue. 449 Our thamc in d1e want ofhobnt/fit and a lharpe reproof forir. .po Ofwhom ic is reJeCted. i/Jid. Who fo holy as finnes nor,example in UHJriAm and A11ro11 <~galoll r..}J>(ofts, • 875 Holiltt./fo n6t tyt'd tO any pro· feffion. 980 The throne and the Pulpi< chiefly call fo~b.IUuff~. IOJI HofJ duties boiV regarded of tbewicked. 1036 No man brags fo much ofh~. lmef{t ;u ~e that bath it nor. 104f A little h~lm~Ji worth much illumination. 1 1~0 No temptadon fo dangeroas ,s that which· cOmes under the vaile ofhol~t~effi. itiJ. Holintf[e cannot fee~ us frodt infirmity. 119I That the graces and wits of the holieO: abd ~varielt are fometimes aflc:epe in their brcafh. I 308 Hollow: It is a fafe point ofwif· dome to carry ·a jealous eye over rhofe whom wee have fclund hollow, and holtile. 1318 H•n:fl, or htmtflJ: iu charaCt~r. . lf6 H,n~ft actions neYer lhame theirdoers. 1 o78 .Hri~~r : How ho~toNran~harge arc ofao infeparableconncxi· on. 41 Nomeane-, -ha-,h~fo-en-ric-be-d AnEpiAieofcrucl»nor. IS4 hellasbt:autifullfaces. St<& They that are moll unworthy HJPomrts have good tonguCs, of it are in hocteH chaCe for it. 102.0 95 5 HJpocritts ooly refl: in forma· H,11o11r is heavy when it !ides. 10'34comc• oo die belt rermes. An Hypocrite will fooner hod 1oz.8 out another mans fihne dlen 1-/Qr.our will fhew the man. his own. 1036 105 5 Tne fo!ly and impudcocy of Tohehotmtdbythe umvor. H]pocrljit defCryed, J04t thy is little better then d1f- S11Hl the very Charatler of grace. J 347 IJJp~crifie, , 1037 Hop~= The defcription ofan IHpt- Hjpocriw parrialf in theil' delejfo man. J o68 [effations. 1 o87 llof/s' God Hi led, Tht qod •f /o. rpeciaU nore of an hJp.<ritt, HoftJ, an hundred and thin:y even [0 make ule of God for times by the Prophets, with h1s owne purpofes. 1 o88 the ule thereof. ,..ss Wicked HJpocritts care not Holljholrl.tr.- His propenies. 117 how they play \Tirh God fo HNm,hAJ••n: his a righ[ u(e of 1hey may mock men. I 11 s affliction. 1097 What an idlenelle itis in hJ· TisthewaytogJory. i~itl. pt~mteJ, ro hope that they eArMxer~·es begins the buil· lhall dance in a net uoCeen of cling ofthe Temple with an heaven. I 184 holy humi/i,uio.,, 1312 A8:ion bath only the power Deep hHtmliation mull ma~e todeUroyhJpocrifie. n8t way for the (ucceffe of great The norable h;~Mcriflt of the emerprizes. ' t IJ4l Jewesdifcovered. 132l H•milifJ: HowGo.:l accepts of ____ it. 1 ' -4 ~--~- The CharaCl"er of an h,mble I man. tS7 H_•mif;t! J wilh the conrrary VICe. 205 11 um,/it] : the word J\a.x·~la.r Minlllries , fuould reach us hHmiliiJ. ~ 14 HumilitJ is boch a figne of following glory, and the way umoit. 9-+7 Humilit) is ever the way to · honour. 9y6 How happy a rhing it is ro h: hum61~. 1306 HHngtr : Sweet comforcs to the h•"g'J foule. 57 HHJbA.,il: how hee muA carry l.imfdfe. 2 I 7 IfJpocritt, or Hjpocrijit : Reafons why it is a very madneffe c,o be aohJPocrile. j A worldling is an h]p•critt. 5 The hJpDCTiltJ CharaCter. 169 A worthy caution for an hJ· ~critt. ,;So Prettilydefcribedin the profeffion ofholincffe. 418 HJpt~crittJ, how contrary to VU"ofts'in the vailing his face. 871 Hjj'Qcriftgeuthis,thac it may doe evil! anlilfpeC\ed, l97 I~e/,and Slftr~t. 9;.3 Of la:h counelie to Srjer11, J.ds exponula<ioos a~o~i S,for4'Jdeath. thid, lacot : Th~ contemplation of lacp/, and Efo"· 8os Jd/(,tf{t: It is very troublefome· 28 The id!t man is the Devills cu01ion. 48 God never graceth the iJ/, with virions. 831 /dltntjfowhatitdoes. 1103 ldols,and ldo/41'7: things abufed to it, may bee imployed to Gods rervice. · it49 No 1rufiingrhe honellyofan IdolAter. 98r The ob!linacy of Uo!.try. 1017 \Vho ever faw an 1doiAttr, rharwas nor cruel!. I-175 Hard not to be iofea-ed by an IJollfler, 1286 An ldol•terkoo'f{es not how rofl:ay. ibid. Ju cruelty'. ihid• I Jol•ttrJ · futteflefuU for a whiles