Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

An Alphabeticall Table oftheWork! Ki•t.' finnc:s are a jwfl fiop to the f'COple. 875 Gods aocienc purpofe to raife upa King ro his people. 1024 JnKixgsJ mercy and judgement thould be infeparable. 1 0 30 AKi~1firll caremull be to advance Religion. I 093 · It well befeemcs a King to hearca Prophet. t 107 They can hardlydoe good a· lone. ~ 13 18 Xixg~me : Every man hath a Killgd.m• within himfelfe. u Ofthem and <heir vicillirudes 1317 Knuling at the Sacrament de~ tended. 6oJ x• .,.I,Jg, ' What is bell to k..'"'"'· 26 Krurwledge of a mans felfe is the bell knowledge. 30 Of l~:""'/,.Jge without foundneffe. 47 We muGJabour,if wee wilt have a right relifh of divine /c.n"Jpfedge o f S Of onr lc.nttwlng one another in heaven. 297 The itch ofimpeninent k•""· i<Jg< ishecedi<ary. 1077 L L.A!J"Nr: lll~ottrinl mind• :~re the befl receptacles for sood motions. J o87 L~Wg/, .- There is nothing more lamentable rhen to fee a man IANt.h when hee lhould mourn. 1077 L""'' Ofit. ~57 How terrible in its delivery. Ss9 The power of it on mans foale. i!JiJ, Learning: Whoficto/tqne,and who to reach. 9 L rt.i"n: What it imports. J 2 3 1 Lem;jit: v~;Ah leprous. I 283 Levltt : Of <.M•thllts Lt'fiiJt. 108! The Levitt1 Concubine. 985 L,htTIIiiiJ:Whac. 201 The~xtrcamc:s thereof. ;!J;J. Lift : He char live.rwell, cannot but jlye well. 8 The fl•orrneffe of lifo bow mans happineOC:. 14 Ofhisdilfolution. 19 Three things wherein the whole life is exercifed. 2 I To live in God is the way nor: to livea wearifomelife. S7 OfGods being called, Th< Lifli"l. G.d, with a fwect ufe ofic. 6'7f Ourcourfe of lift mu(l either allow or condemnc us. 1183 Why the bell doe fomerime make Cuch apaffignarerequen for/,fo. ''9s We are cot worthy eo calcu. late cbe date of our time. 1~97 Li~de joy in Ion~ lifdfit bee CVJJlo i~id, Long lift is no true rule of Gods fnour. 1300 A fingolar ruJe to Ji vc well. 13JI Life can never be better vc.n· turcd then where i[ !hall bee gaine to lofe ic. 1343 Happy is he that bath fo li. ved that hce can welcome death as a friend. J 351. Light: Ic ,..,as created before the Sunwas. 771 A liveec Contemplation of the li:ht. ibid. Littl" Ofguiding a littl< well, 40 L"' Ofhimand Sodom, 7Y1 LDVt: Tis buc bafe ~vt tol"vt fora benefit. 7 A true note of felfe.lw<. i6id. Iris both a mifery aadlhame to be a bankcrupc in /"·ru. 1-6 Threechicgs thac a man may IDvt without c:xeeprion, "15 Lwe to God and men. t 99 L•vet fhc:ngcfJ after recon· cilemenc. 817,8I8 open defiance is better chen falfe '"'". "r LDvtproccrestruer fc:rvitude then ncceffity. 986 LD'flt carmoc bee feparared from 3. deGrc of fruition. 1094 L•v• mull fairer both fire and Anvill. ibid. Tis a vaine :~mbidon to feek robe/,vtdofall. 1019 ]"11AlhA111{"fltt l 055 A goodnoteoftraeand falfe '•fit. 1097 Where that meets with tu:~ celliu-y~th-er_e_ca_n_\va_n_t -.o-indea\'ourof\·ietory. IJz8 L•ft' It tomtnonly ends ia leaching. Sto L•j/1 madaelfe. 815 LMJhm A golden faylng of Car. d1nall c,mtllrtn¥~ concerning LMth<r. p8 LJer:His f~lhion,rilanife!lation, and pumihmenr. 197 Whether wemay lir for the promotion ofa good caufc:. 906 If Policy have allowed of officious LJn , yet Religion never. 1173 lewd mifcreanu care noc how they! belie Cod forrheir own purpofes. r 191 L]IJ" : His rage again(} S""'Pfi" in thac eocounrer prenily defcribed. 971 Where our llrensrh lyeo agaiolhhac L)(IIJ the Devill. 970 A Jetfon ofch3nkfulndfclearned from the: LJD•.r carkafle. t6iJ. M MAJ.tlfo: he is a rare man that h:~th nor: fome ldnde ofmAtintjfo in him. I 31 Minillen oft counced mad· men when once they begin [0 reprove. I 'l66 t.M•g"~' Jt ischrongh the per· mi1f10n of God, powerfuU. 89j UJ£AgijlrAtt:The CharaClc:rof a goOd MAgi/1rAtr. 16 J What is requiccd in a UlfA.gijlrAtt, ~J I An excellent pancrne for a MAgif/rAit in a uoubtefome government. 881 ACpecial nore ofa good ML tiftrAtt, 881 A M~tgifltAU his p:~ce in pu· nifhmem of offenders mOO beno1vand lure. 916 M11jtj/]: An imprcffion of M a. i•ftJ in law!UU authority. 865 MAlice, vide tr.'V}: Of fmiling MA/,ct. 8JO God1 will ever raire up fecret' favourers to bis own, among thofe that ar.!mofl m~tliciollN. 8rs MAlice