Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

An AlphabeticaO Table of the Work: We mufi not look for ()J.{erCJ.whatir doth. 2oo immediate rcdreffe from Whooffends againfi ir. i6. God but rather by mtlbu. Gods mercits eo Ifracl and ¥63 England enaly numbred, Meas can do nmhing with- and fwc:ctly parallc:ld. 440 outGod. 911 H' In humane things, but nor in We can look no way, but divine, it is good to look m that we lhalJ meet with, and the mettns, 941 behold and embrace 111erq. Small meAns !hall fer forward 676 that which God harh de- Godsmajeftyfeenofhisfons creed. 1049 in his mtr']o sn That chedc:crc:e of Cod in· Gods great merrytomurmucludc:s the means, 1297 rc:rs fer forth. , 849 Where or when he will do a The ufe that Cods fervanu work there can want no fhouldmakc:ofhismt'rcieJto· nmtn. 1 3 1 8 / wards their and his enemies, How God doth oft glorifie the wicked. ;b, himfelf by thole means c..7tfer&J mull not hearten us which are leall expeCted. to finning. 86z 1 3 t t An excellent example of m~~ UJfeAt: or milk and Aroeg q, thar may keep any from meat. I 34 defpair. 906 Mtdttlfti6'J it mull be continu· Jc is a curfed merq that op~ ed, I pofeth Gods 'mrry, 9 1 3 The benefit :.od'ufes ofmeJi.. A true property of mercy to tatiDn. o~ be malt favourable eo che Iu dcfcriptions and kindes. weakclt. ' " "' ... ;b, MtrCJ draws more tears Of temporaU mtditlfliDfU, fromGodsfriends,thenjudg· 96 ments doe from his enemies. Cautions in them. ;~. Ion of deliberate mtdittUitm, 97 It isgood to taRe all occafiThe hil of m~Jit~tti1nmay n&t ons of reouing the remem. be climbed with a prophane branceof Gods "'"cits.to6z. foot. i~. Themoremerciful God is to His qualities cbereforc: are the wicked , the worfe are prefcnbed. 98,99 they ro God. 1 ~~3 Of <Xher circumflances of f Slight errors doe not fee off medttaliln, as the place and Cods infinite mtr•J• 1288 time. 1 oo The mercitJ of God are JiCeHure ofthe body, and the mited eo pc:rfons or callings. fubjeLl. I 01 I 1315 Ofitsorder>emrance,& pro~ Mtrit:Concerningit. 667 ceeding. 102 MtthDd:A falfemtthDdthebanc The fcale of mtditAiiDn. 1 o 3 ofmany hopeful indeavours withmany excellcnc things. 15 5 115 MichA: his idclatry. 979 A meditatfDn ofdeath, 1 J 5 Mich~Mit~h the Prophet , cam~ Ofthe heart inured to m1di~ mended. I 119 tAtion, IJl ' His fentence by eAha/J.UlO Three things whereinGods c..7.lieh~tl: herwyle. 1058 mercy abundantly appeared Her !corn a~ end. ~o96 to us. ;f,, UJ!,/dneffe: Thu and formude M tdi11critF That is fafdl and fir- muA- lodge mgether, as in mefl. 1 ol.5 MD[ts, 876 Mtphihofhcrh:Ofhim and Zi a. No oratory fo powerfull as ' 1096 thatofrmldntJTt. lJlO His humility, 1997 Mind:oft~acquillityo~mixd,:7 A preLry pirying of Meph;h,~ Of domg good wnh an Ill Jhtth. ih. mir.d· . _55 Mtrq,vidtctmp.,jfion: the infi- Minif/tr : A pret~Y. defcr~puon I nice fweetndfe ofGods mtr- of a bold Mmi}ltr wubout q fhaddowed. 7 abilitiet. 4 An apology for the marriage ofc..Minijltf'J, 771 0 f the Minifltrs great charge 3'3 Whether a Minifitr upon conceit of infufficiency may forfake his calling. 343 A Minifltrs wifdome in ea~ king histimecofpeak· 43 6 The truth and warrant ofthe Minif/"1 of the Church of Engw1tl. . 595 c..M;,,jlers,and Min;j/ries: The .MiniflrJ of England is the W?rids wonder. p 1 Diverflfy of M;niftritJ1 and that in Offices and Degrees, Order,andPower. 513 The word M;,;ftery ceacbeth humiJiry. 514 Not therefore to be coctemned. ih. The .iJ.finifttr} hath diverliry ofoperations. il>. The Minijltr muJl work. i6, A .rwcer,~hoDgb fl1arp inve8Jve.agatofiloytere:rs in the Miniftfry. 51 S Reafons inforcing "hem eo bbour. ;f,, Ofthe Uniry rhar 01ould be among c_;1,f;nis1trs, 5 t 6 , ~ertain argumenrs againfl Jr. ;!J. The cenfure offucb asthink th.at theycan goc: ro heaven wuhout the M;nfltrJ of the Word, 66+ Of the Church of cngl.,d approving an unlearned M;. ntjltr. 61 o Whether tMinifltrJ lhould endure chemfclves lilenced; 6J7 Of0Wi1r~trJmariage whether lawfull, 685 Ameans eo make the JJJ;,;- jlery e!feauall. Sp A preuy pitlure ofthe MinifterJ pardon among a dif- . comed people. 837 A note for <.Mini/ltrs in reproving. 8 77 An excellent example for a t.Minifttr among a troublefeme people. 88o Fl.attery in 3 UJ{;,;ijltf':whac. ss. The Minifttrf will not grace the Man, but theManmufl grace the ,.M.,,flnJ• 88 3 The regard that fllould be unto the MmiPt'}• 887.987 Minijltrs