Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

dn Alphabeticall Table of the Worl<.,: ftfinifters muft. not fiand on their own peril' in the corn· moo co~u fes oftheChurch. 887 The Jawfulneffe ofaMinif/erJ calling1a thing very material 889 The approbation of our calling i1 by the fruit, ,!J. The worlds little care of the Miniffer~ b!crJings. 893 The honof tllatHeathengave ro the Prop!Jeu,will jodge or flume our times toward.t their c.MinifhrJ, 896 A note for MiNijltrJ not ro goe beyond their warranr. 901 Another note for to induce MinifferJ to mildnes in their admonitions. 9 t f A good Minij1er1 loffe is bet- 1 ter feen in his Iolfe then pre· prden:e. y4o Holy Milti}1trJ,a Ggn of hapPY reconciliation with God. j 943 Ir is no putting of cruR in 1 thofc men th3t nco!ctl: G.ods UJ.fi,ifltrJ, 944 .of nor caring for a MinifttrJ I doctrine that is ofan evil life 970 The Mh,;jltrspoveny is Religiomdecay. 98o ' A pretrycc:nfilreofthe good cheap t.JJ{;,;ij'ler. 981 The withdrawing the Mmifters means,is the way tO the uuer defolation of the I Church. 98' lf,{imfttr:Mercy bow we! fitting a v1!inijhr. 986 j Where no refpetl is given to the t}Jlml}ler, there is n::> re· I Jigion. 987 lf c..7v(,IJijlers be prophane, who fhall be religious. 999 The M'"'filry nor freeofun• cleannelfe. J OOJ I No c.JKJ,iflers unholineffe lhonld bring rhe 'IC:'rvicc of God indillike. ;b. He is no true lfnulite that is notdiHrcOCdin che wam of a v1liniflcr , of a SAt1JNcl, J OJ) For MuJijln-1 to hear religion fcorncd, and be lilem, is not pltiencc~but Want ofzeal 1096 An C'Ccellem note for Miniflcrs. ib. Ofnlggardlinclft: to our Miniflers. 116!1 Ofallothersthe GnofaMinif/tr fhal not go unrevcnged li 81 There is nothing wherein the Lord is more tender then in the approving of the truth of his A.finifltrs. 1193 iheA{i,ijft1J meffageis now counted evil!, ifunpleafanr. Jl.\8 The departare of a faithfull Minirftl worthy our !amenration. J1l8 Minifltr: v;d~ Preachers, rhc bappioeffe ofhaving a faich· full <.Minifler to be ones friend. u6t Mi,iftcrsreproofs are more feared thenmens own fins. u66 A pretty paffage ro this purpofe by way of lamentation. ;b, God gives a fecret authority to his defpifed fervarm the Mi11iflers. 11.67 T~i· ..1 .,..,. c... l>ar.,;,. Uliud ~ a mute Minifler. t 167 The benefic of a Religious M;,;Her is not known dl his lolfe. 1178 WbC6odsMinif/ers mouths cannot prevail. God lays to his immediate hand. ) 185 A fingular example of the acknowledgement hereof.;b. Alinifters mull not think fo much how theic mcili:gc will be taken, as by whom they are fent. J29s·&: r 306 All good MinJfl~rs. might cakeexample by Hcll:.jjtJJ the Pcie(l. ljO~ And Huld.h <he Prophe<elle. JJC6 Truly religious heart' cannot grudgeany bonor to their fpiritoall guides. I 321. A pretty paffion in €t:.ra, which becomes a farrowing Minifler in leaving a bad to come to a worfe people. l)tl Afilliffersare Gods Trumpetert. 1328 A pretty inducement to mild· nelf~:ina Minificr _or MagiGrate. 1330 Mir.<fdcJ:concerning the mira. caclesofonrrim('. zs9 The deftting of a minul~ withooracault is a letnpting ofGnd. 937 Aflr«lcs are not purFOfed. <O I ~~~nee and obfcurity. I 1.:6 Mm.<fm:ofA,r., and Ufltrtlll» Allfthitf: they chac ieeki:f~r orhers,fall iotoitrhemfelres. 1c68 It fometimes fails of thole appoimments wherein it chtnks to have made the furefl wortc. 1176 It is an eafie matter to pick a quarrel where a manmeaos a mifthief. 13~1 llfi[trpM if n-its do nor tlay for amannerly fuceffion to each orher,but in a rude importu~ niry thron~ in all ar once. 13'l8 v1focftns: their tin, judgement and end ICen in lMicb(J/. 1096 A caveat for mocf<!rs. 1111 S~~nb~ti!Al and his brethren (in iniquity l. mock at the good Jews for building the walls ofJeruf,zlem. 1317 A pretty anfwcr for fuch as mockmen fordoingofgood. ;6. tM•d•Pr Wi<h <har which ;, contrary to ir. zo4 WhacChrifiian nmilftJ tea· chech, 871 Thofe tbar palfe irs hounds growlhamcleffe in their fins. 8g8 <.}J{onNIIU'r.t:Whac isa mans bell m1111Nment. 10 Thofe monHtnents wocld God have remain in his Church t.vhichcary in them themoH manifell cvideD£cs ofthat which they imporr. . 889 r..:M'•rdtcAi: What he is, 1336 Therreafonagainll: Ahafiu- "" difcovered by him. 1 33r Ha,.,Andifrefpetted by him. ;f,. M•rdecAinmc(fageco Hefter ;6, The uafon ofhis difrefpc:C\ toHaman. 13!7 A ;.retry defcription of hu mourning for HAm~tnsdecrce gouen againfl the Jew.t. lj4J Ofthe approach of his ene· mies. 1342 Hcftnscondolingwith M"~ decAi defcribed. ib. His admirable faith manifefled. • 341 Zz.2.7.'l.: Mord~cai -I