Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

'Jin Jllphabeticall Table of the Work: lin at peaet; except he Oath nicious. 914 learned to becontemned. 29 Pl·.crMh.-His E_mbleme. 834 A perfivafion torhe fiudy;of He is like a'Bea!hhat grcws the common peau. 358 mad in baitipg. 834 Ancameflperf\vafioncoli9e Ph~~rift1ifme: What. 37: in ptace. 375•176 Whether an order or proThepriceofptaet. 443 feffion. ; rb. PeAce what w\thoot religion. An auAere feet, 373 444 Their •mploym,nc. .h. Of erne and falfeptice, 487 The difference b•cwoen the Where to fcek for pt~~tt, Phariftes and Scri6es, i6, 488 Of1he feven kinds of pi;.,;_ Who gives it. 1h. Jus. ibid. How made between Ged About their ·flriClneffc, ih. and m~n. 49 5 The Jews fouifhndfe in beWho are not ,and who are in· lceving of lhe Scribes :Jnd deed the true enemies uruo Ph~trtfou. 3"7+ pt~tce. sco Howfarre ChriAians are be· As the wicked have no peace hind them, 3 7S with Cod,fothe godly have PhiwtM, i97 no peace with them. 8oyl His heroitall fpirit av.d conWhether peacemay be held rage. 89? on oath, which is made by Philofophp or Philofo;herJ:1he fraudulent conditions. 918 I cc:n!Ure ofir,and them. 65 Nothing JO worthy of pity Piet,.- vide $otilinejft. True pkt] as the fi~ncrs pc4r:_~ : t~76 is not uoctvill. 962 lt is th~ f2.fefi po!Jcy to be at A rorcea f'"J ··~ Lt,.,...,\,t.,n... ptActWitbGod. . lOJl- • • 1077 Jc is an umeafor.a~Je mequa- True ptety u moddf. . 13c6 lity ro hope to find Cod in Pi'l:rims: A very fit rneditarion croublt;~ that wolllci nbtre- Jon~e~. . -f"l gard him· in ptAu, 1077 A p't.rtms pa1n for Heaven P!O?~nfi.on eope11ct becomes prcwlr paralleld. 47 a Vtefor. · 1087 Thcmtfc:ry ofour pifgrimlltt \Vhen pe~ce is a friend to re- in refpetl ofour home. 772 Jicoion. 1093 No perfume fo fweet to a Oh he abnfeofpt,ue. ib. pilgrrm as his own fmoak. No fecurity but by being at . . . 9 37 ftace with God. 1 :189 The penllous p.aflJ:gc m our I W-ccanlt>avecoour families pilt,rimage. 1036 I nobel~rLc."oaciesthenpeace, Pil):vid . .AdertJ. Foolilh piiJ 0 JI.9 5 is humane and dangerous. Penittr.t : The Charaacr of a 940 true penitent. . 1 6t ~h~c which lboul~ plead_ for PenAr.u: How enjoyned m the PllJ m the well afieded u a Church of E,g/And. 566 motive. to cruelty in chc fa· PerfoElion : The imptrfoEintfft vage mmds. 13 39 ofit1 expreffed by our Crea- Pl11gue: Wherher lawful! for tion. 771 Pallor or p!ople w fly in Perifh : Thofe that perifh are time ofthepl..ttut, 319 blinded,&c. 881. Pltaft~re: It muO not be boughr 'Perk!m:ccmmended. 261 attoodeara race. 1 :. Permijfi&n: even that in things How t~ carry our (elves in wemayremedy makes us no the Cll)oyment of pleafore IeffeaC\orsthen con(em. 936 and pa1n. 11-13 Perfoct1116n.-a pretty deJCripcion No worldly plea[11rt hath aofir. 443 ny abfoluce delight in it. 1-1 Bloody per{tcutiDn an argu- A rule in taking of pltll{llrt, mem ofan evil! cau(e, and 129 thcrea(on. 827 A difCourfe ofrhe u(e ofcrue Perfon: the peifon mufl be in fa- and law full pfe.,fortJ. 307 vouc that will have his work P!taft~rtJ an: buc pain in their 10profper. 910 lofi'e. 849 One Go full perfon how per- PDttry: Notable: examples of godly f'rtJ,and a fcarfull cne of" a p10phaDc Pcet, l.op PfJ!t'}: lewd men call wided JolicJ w11"dtmc. 8"26 Lcwfull fflhcm nhar thc:y have, it9 The fafell Foli9 is always to be at rc.ace with God. I OJ2 Nothirg worfe then remake Religiona flalking borfe for poliry. 1088 The poliry of' wided men befooles thc:m ar the laU. nso Poliq ar.d rcligk>n how rhey mayme:c.r. J1.93 PDJt,or PDptry:'V;deRcmc:The caofcs and means of its incrcafe. 317 Whminp•/''7 deQcoyes 1he foundation. 35 1 Ofthe PoptJWriting of holinclfe, where it is nor, and blOtting it ouc where it is. 409 OfhishQrribl~ pride inchal- "kngi~g Hc:~dihip. 499 A Je:nous u;rrw.,_l'ive from f#· P"J· l87 hf"JpiClured. ~93 P~p~tlaritp lr is hatefuiJ. ;, Poffij]iDr.s: Eanblypdjj'r!Jim are not always accompanycd with wit and grace. 111.6 PoVtriJ: Of Popifl1 \'Oiancary p<VrriJ. 66 ~ ,666 How many in fear of povn-- tf, fc:ek m gain unconfcioDably, and yec dye b•ggers. . 973 Offeedwg1hepm. 996 T'Wer: Irisanillute rnadeof }#'"'"when the weigbt ofit fcrves only eo crolh the weak ' 3'9 Pr~tyr: how accc."ptablc. 418 How not. ib, Often pr#)tr what it doth. 83! Prtt7tr without means is•but amockery of Coo. 855 Abouc [he venue of [he place of prtf]er, ;~. Whofe l'"l" is accep~able. 856 Concerning long and lbort prtf)trl, i6. Fervt:nr prayer how it holds Gods band. 888 Impatient P"'JC" ofien heard. 89o It is better fometimes in our pr9ers to havegracious dcni· als <hen angry yeeldings,894 A