Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

!!An Alphabeticall Table of the Work.: A notable grocnd of gcingroCod cheerfully in our prAJtTI. I 164 Wfiac fervent pr<~Jtr can doe. J ) 0 1. Sorrow is a mecc preface for our pr•Jers, 1313 But prAJeri and rears are nothing 1virhour endeavours. tb. The m::ans to make way for our tUccclle. I 315 No buf1neffe can be fo harfl1, but our pr"}trs may prevent ir. tp6 And without wecamlotlook for any profperiry. ih. PrAjvs wam of fucceffe may caufc fufpition of lvanr of hcan. 941 PrA_]tr the univerfafl rcceipc of all evils. 1 coo A rule, to be heard in our praJtr. ih, Godwillrather work miracles then our prA)ff'J fhall returnemftY· Joor The pt•]trJ of the wicked fometimeshe::~rd. • 037 Jf any thingcan avert judgemenu it is prAJtrs, 1 I 09 Praift: A cenfurc: for P'lfJfint. ofPrinces. 44z. Preachint• or Prt"chtrs: of do. ingit by roac what. 31 Prt"chtrs, or PrtACbing: vide Minifltu, or Prophtis : in it, iris not eo be regarded who fpcaks,but from whom. l}06 Of lewd men that are good PrtttehtrJ, ' J o 1 Powcrfoll prtaching how de· famed. 465 Prt/acp Whether ours be An· cichrillian? 554 PrtparAtiM: Of preparation for hearing. 8)7 For any ofGods fervice. 9 58 God ever prryares his fervants forimploymenu. JoosPre(mct: Concerning the real! prefonce, 626 Of che diffi:ronce of Gods prefence to llnners and faints. 8Jl The with-drawing oF Gods preftt:e~is the preftnet of his wrath, 877 The awefull refpetl weowe roGodsprefirtct. 9 09 A good mans lolfe bcrrer found in his loRe theo in his prefonct. y~o Pr~f•mptiln: A good nore againfl it. . . 1_301. It is a rare th~ng Jfthehe1ght of favour cau!C:th not prefumpdon. 1339 Ju Charlllcr. 177 Prtjitm, tion doth the tlme in wic\ed men which faith doth in rhe holi~fL 1 oo6 Prcfi~mrtion and boldneffe in undeuaking holy- callings • and touching holy things.puniO,ed,fcein Vz..:t.llh. 1093 'fhe ju!l judgement of God upon prefitmptmutGnncrs. I J It Pride: a preuy ~efcripion of it in Vx.:t.iah. 1283 How eahc a matter it is for to poll down any manspridt. 1285 The proud ne\·er drea:meof rhe near approach of Gods Judgeml!ncs whilen they are p!ouing tl'>.eir deepen defigns. J293 God will not digdl pride in "~Y _ .,;1'" •• ;.,.1/T 0... 1,&. Vn'Uo ll99 Pritk: vide .Ambition : A JT#Ud man preuily defcribed, 669,670 And what judgement follows juflly. ih, Alwaysenviouswall. ib. Notro beprottdin the enjoy. mem ofGods gifu. 51 :z. A note againH the pride of rhe Clergy. 5' i The folly ofpride. 611 Ever difconrent and looking high. 791 Gods indignation againfi it. 79' Pride the ground offedirion. 876 Deformiry afircore forpriie. sn A remedy for pride, 38 z. Pndt cmd malice care not fo much for f3fety, as for con· quefi. 89: Proud men have feldome conremmenc. 935 That which pride bath projeCl:ed, it will finde means either by bribes or favours to effe<\. 955 ·956, Prir:co: rbeirperill,or ponion. S46 The Prir.ces fins are a jufl fioptothep:ople. 875 Tbe reciprocall rcfpeCh be· tween princes 8c people. 10 19 Where Pnitce and Prien ----- combine not rogether , fe:e whacfollows. 1033 No Prio:n fafe witltom a Prophet. ib. The neer relation of Prir.tt and people. 1 oR-J Nothing can he worfe then for young Prirtco to meet witb ii!Counfel~ors. 1 100 No difparagemcm to Princes ro rakecounfell ofrbcit Miniltcrs. 1147 Their honour to Mioifiers ancicnr. 1 I p Prhcn and Prophcu both neceffary in Judgmenr. I 177 They can hardly doe good alone. 1318 Fidelity ro Prir.cn is ever both fafe and honourable. qzo ~ Princu fafery Hands much mthe 6delicy of his auen· dancs, 1 337 The gracious re:fpeCh ofPrmces are not ah~ays led by me· m,but by chetr own wi!J. i6. It is their wifdome to look to fore-pall aCtions. 1 346 Princo, their plencifuU ilfne is no fmall hope to the peopl:,yet fometimes fruflrated rhougfl. J 270 The unchanged government ofg_oodPriwcuis the happinene both ofche fubjea and themfelves. I dl3 Two praifes ofa good Prince. ib. T_he ground of Pri1u:u magmflcence. ib, A nocable expofiulalion ofa P!itrce, for a Prie~ s rtproving lum for prophamng the TC· pie. 12.84 TheChara9c:r of Princlfinddible. 1185 Never any Prince fo fouldy Idolatrous, but that he had lOme PrieH to fecond him. 1286 le is an hnmanefrailry in an obliged Prince eo affeCt a free and independern So\'eraignty, J 2.91 Ofthe fuccetlion of good & cv~ll Prmw for the good & ev!ll ofche Church. 1399 Princes infancy happy when it fa!s into the hands offaichfu\1 Couofellors. 1304 A pattern for PrinctJcare of rheTempleofGod. ib. The