Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

.An .AfphabeticaU Table of the Wort The happineOC ofthat Prince whofc Priefis and Peers are ready ro fuggcrl: and cherirh, and cxecurethe devour projc:Ch oftheir Prince. J 305 Priv~tte: 2n excellent rule for priv4umen in rctl:ifying of pcbliquc affaires. 1 26 S "Pr~tli.r,t~U.- he is defcribed. lOI Proftffirs: An e:xtellenr ipcech and caveat ro profeffors. 38o Promi:fts : Gods promifts moO fairhfull. l Yea as if theywere oflone,or debt,ordefen. "10 'We can never rake too fall hold ofthem, , 9 7 Pr,pf:~tr.e:hisCharaCl:cr. 171 E:urerniry will fend the pro· ph11r.ljl umo God. 1 077 Pr,pker:A good prophet is' a common treafure~houfc:. 1070 The k.ducedprophet. 1179 Ofall m hers tbe finne of a "Prophet !hall not go nnrC:Y(Dged. JI81 Prophets: vide Mblijfers, or Prutch"s: bow royally tbey are rewarded that entertain .a Prophet. 1 2 61 How great the honour of Gods Prophets bath been with Pagans. 1264 \Vhzt Cods true Prophets were tolhewicked. u66 The hand ofKing and Priefl mua draw together if th(y mean 10 be lilCceffive. uSr ProfjtrilJ: there is oo more harefullligbt ro the wicked, then to tee the profjeritJ of thegod:y. s.; The wicked in their pr•JPeritJ wit hardly giveGod his own. 83f \Vickedndfe can fddome brag of avy longpreJ}eritJ. 99' No meafuring Religion, by ourward prof}eriiJ. J I 95 Outward prof}erif) a fal(e nore ofthe Church. 1195 How it mifcaries rhC again{} whom no advc:rfaries could prevail. 1198 The proJ}triiJ ofthe Church is a vexation to the wicked. I 316 That work is like ' to profpcr that begins wich God. 1 317 \Vbere pr~f}mfJ makes a man got change, itis a tign ofa noble mind. 1 ~ _;6 Pr•videnct:that Gods pr•vider.ce dOlh over-rule a11d difpofe in the !call aCl ion and nenr~ is . Il?detraB:ingfromhisMajelile. 41 Of reliance Ollt Cods Jrovider.u. 85 Ofprwidenr;~ wbac it is,what are her objects, what her cffe8:s. 19z The comfort ofhis p.vidence Jl90 ProvocRti"u: We mull beware ofthem. Sto Protellors: i.ow eafie it is for Cod ro make the very Pagas prott£ltm of, and benefaCtors tohisChurch. 1318 Pr11knce: vide Wif~me. Pfolrms: rheirufe. 1050 A torment to che Tempter. ;b, P116h/r.!: 1he main care of a good heart is for tbc puMk.! good. 946 PHntfhment': there is no ldfe Charitfthcn Juflice in the ,-..;p........ -Cl':.--·-· S6'\ No policy in a fudden removaHefaj~;~.llp~mi{hmenr. 878 h madnefiC: eo run from pH· nifhment and nor from Gn. ly bro~rn off. 1 o67 l How farce Cod Joob be- · yond ourp~rpofu. 1073 The pur1ofts of Cod cannot be judged by his remote atlia ons. 1336 Q QV4ilts: ofthe Q!Ailuand Manna. 848 !lJI4rre!J: of going inlo the fieid on '}Harrels. 308 An ill qunrreO once Ullderra· .J.:cn~lhal bemaintained even wirh blood. io5 Q•efliom Of a Chort anfwer to a weighty q~tejlioll. 21. Qllitf<!ting: whac qH,&,r.eth dull fpirirs. I3l8 .fl•ittnej[e: what and wherein it conliJh. 6 )' Se~tec,·s rules of cranquillity 01.bcidged. 66 RejeB.etl a.s infufficient. 67 Thecne.mtes or'J.. l~truff'e. •£. The'fubordinace rulesoftran-- quilliry. 83 883 As the fim ofgreat men are excmplary,fo are thcirpHntjh. --------- R menu. 898 Howof£en the infliction ofa lc:tle punifhment bath avoided a greater. 899 Jcistonopurpofeto pray a· RAh.-h:ofher. 905 gainll ptnijhmtnt while rbe The Aotborscenfurc ofher finconcinnc:s. 9' > wherheranharJor inrefpctt AMagillrates pace in pumfh~ offilcbineffe. ;~. "'unsmull be bOEh flow and Herhoufc a token ofthcrrue fure. 91 6 Church. 907 God dorh in juAice-·makc one Her delivery, with the afe of finthcp•nifhmmt ofatotbcr. it. 913 94 r R•~Jh.<k!h' hisrailing pn:nily CodtiJni{hubwhen men Jcall dcfcribcd. 1 2'1 think oF"it. J o 30 And checndoficprognofii· orpuni(hmentdeferrcd. 10"}3 catcd. 1191 There can be no cvjlJ ofpu- How he does ir. 1293 mfhment , wherein God bath Rttremj'e: it caufeth wonder: nor a hand. 1139 witA rhc applicadonofit.-f.; The delay of punifomu;t is Re4Jinef{t: bow ready all Gods neither hindcrance to Gods creamres arc to execute ven• jufiice, nor comfort to our geance on fioners. 1162 miferics. I 151 Rebets:Vengeancc againfl them Face dcxh nor more anfwer may !leep, hue cannoc dye. to face then punifhme~ to J 1 53 linne. 1 269 RefnmAti•n: of hjiAhs ReformA· Pmg«arJ: concerning Romes tt~R. 1304 error in it. 620 '1\sf,_ge where to be had for rhe P•rP•fin Wicked p~~rp<>[o are godly. "9l ealily checkcd,but noz: fo eali1 Regener1ti1n; itmllfi mate wfi!