Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

e.An illphabeticall Table of the Work: forourglorification. 4~8 Rtht1btltt1110 117l His caking coonfell wirh the youngones. 1173 Rejt~]Ct: ho\T eafily we can rti•Jdin that w~ich we fi1all findtbc jufi caulc ofour humiliatioa. 1 ozg ReiAp{t: Yidc revalting: it is dcfpcratc. 85o RtliLim: of the fcding of the power ofit in oar felvcs. 3 t Whoisthcgrcateli c.acmyto religit~n. • 30 A difcourfe of the uialland choiceof triX relitio•. 2 90 DilfentioJls in ref,t_ion an infufficient motiveofunfctlcdndfc in it. 9 r WhatbO<hlprivace& pub· likeperfon is comparedunto that u un!Cclcd in his reiJgim. HJ Nochint ttpated fo fupcrfla· ousasreLg,oiNdutics. 8z.7 A reproof of ®r not being willing eo be at coil wich re. /igit~n. BOJ. The p<>mpous l1•c\V. of the falfe"'f'l.''"• 896 'fhe care of rtligit~n mull: have the 6rtl place. 936 Religit~n gone,humanity will haraly !by long after 0 9 s6 Wbercnorclpedisgiven to Gods MiniUeu 1 rhere is no relig1#11o 987 No mcafurin~ of r~t;g;,, by ounvardglory. 1016 It is no tinall pri\'ilcdge to dwell wherertltgt11¥U, •b. Nmhsn., worfc then to make rehg;1111,~ ilalking·horfe for ~o~~c~ricccsfirfl care t~~~~ vanccrtltgiM. 1093 If Minittcrs be meal·mou· tr.ed in the fcorns of rtlttiow theY may ooc becoumcd pa~ ticnt but 1..calldfc. 1o96 1\JI'g'•" makes noc men uu. civil!. 10.99 w am of re/,gtDn is the way ro difobc<iienct. . 1 174 1{slit.icn & pol1cy hoiV rhcy muflmt:ct. . 1193 God hates nochmg morethen a neutrality in religion. IIJ]f We may noc.: judge ofrdrgio• by particular aClions. 1 1Ci ~ No faithful! fiiendlhip to be foand in the enemies ofre1iQD, '"• The truth of rtligic,., is often I rr:talurcd by the profpc:roos foccdfe. 1173 · He thac cafis oft" Rtligic• cannot be long without a fear:. full revenge. 1 1 ~6 ReligiDif Oat td be defpifc:d for its outward homeliheOe. ,b, That our rell,gi•n hath not laid new foundauons, but lCraped offtheolcf Supcdlitions, 1303 After a common depravation of religion ic i~ hard ro re~ turn to the fidl puri'Y· ib. \Vhen great men have care ofreligion , it cannot fail of an happy perfection. l jOi Howtenderwe lhould beof ourreligion. l l 9+ Rtmembr~tnct: the rnn,n6utn&~ offormer f3.vors how it hear· tens Our faith. 856 Rrprthenfi•n : That there mull not be oocuniform in repre· htnjiollo Rq,,Ju,C.,.h.-rr.-- ~J. .... n.~­ ccry. ib, Corruption checked gtowes mad with rage. 817 A galled hearc impatient of reprr:htnjiqn. 830 Whaca wicked man looks to in hearing reprthtnfttn. lb. Where fln is not aflHimed oflight, God loves nocrhac rrprett11ji.J11 fhould be fmo· tbcred, ~77 'JV!rthtnfio" m~kcs way for confultat ion. 94 5 lC is align of a horle galled, that Hirs too rgqch when he is touched. 1 oco In vain doe we rcprelund thofe flns abroad wh1ch we tolerate at home. t"oo4 Anea.lierept11ojdoth but encourage wickcdnefTC. · ~~. Ofthe choice of feafons for rll"110f. IOJI Rtpr•~erJ i'hould ftriveto be innOCt:m. ib, kcfolute wickednelfe is im. patient ofreprthenft(JIIJ:. 11 78 'Jl...!ptntante:Anexcellcm tDducementtoir. 59 ThtCharaOlerof a truepcn;- l t ut. J61 A univc:rfall Antidote for all rhejudgmenuofGod. M77 In vzio to profdfe r?t~tAnct whileAwe continue in Jdo· latry. 1023 Oh rhe marvellous power of rtpt~rtb;ce. 1106 Rcp~ta.rce cannot alwaycs turn a temporall judgement What i~ the fatisfatlion 1 r 1 h 3 ic mutlorcan be inauu::ptni. tent. IJO,i Nomansfacrifice butaplntWUJ, ib, Rtphidim:IuRock. 8p .Rqro4Cim: Such as are call up· on us in rhc caufet of God may lifely be repaycd. 1096 Gcxh Church ever fubjcct to reprot~cb, 1310 RtprotJf"or Repr11rur: oft· timet men more Jear their 'R.Jpr(f-o Vtrthc:nrheirlin. xz66 A pithy lamcncarion for thi~ maucr. ;b. The bell man bath fametimes in him maner wonhy ofrtprtJtJf, . nKo RtfrfiiJ/~titJn: A fearful! figne of 1(, 1077 R"t'~"'"l'lf: uue picry it model\-, and Hands nor upon terms ofttput.ttioninthe ba· ~neiTc ofGod. J 306 That man cannot be fparino ofa~y thing that is ptOdigail ofh1s rcpm..ri1111, 1 J2i Re~~lltifln : the .rifollttiowr of fauhfull hearu are hetoicaU. 'l{JforrcfliDn:thc miracle o~~:~ being raifed from :m efiate of inward corru;>t:ioo to a lifeof grace. 118:. Rn1bemtcJ: oftheir Alrar. 937 R~vtntr: vide vengt/Pict: God always takes his parr chat leeks n<K to rtvtr::gc him· folf. 876 God can rtvcr.gt with cafe. 88j Every crearure rejoyccth to execute God1 vcngc10ci, 891 There is ilo evaGon where God incendsreve"l'· 936 It 1s fweet to che mal c:iou~ man. 1J41 Revolter: vide rtl.4pfr: much difference benveen him and a man trained upinerrour. 13t An Epifl le to a new rev•lrtr. aMinifier. 15't Rq~•/thcommended. z 62 ~cl·eJ, vide Tlltaftb: Rich men are noc.: Gods treafurers but hiS