Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

d n, A!phab~tica/J Table of the Work_; In vain is that forroiV which thing,ic isgood eo begin wich bath no other end then ir fc:Jf. prayer. 1 31.5 13Zf S•Jfir:Inf•Jferingevill wemufl St~Nf: Gods and the worlds pro~ noc Iookrofecond callfes, fer fortb..efl•l,compared. 2. 2. 46 S11ggejJJDnJ : It is Dlore fafe to Qur careleloefi"e for our foul keep our fclves ouc of the fee down. -iOI noiif:offoggejhDI'JJ, then to No almes fo acceprable as fland upon our power ofdethat whereby the foHiis fur- pia !I. 977 thered. 1308 S1#mt : Of iu fianding fl:ill at Spa : DefE:ribed to be· more l•JhuKsprayer, 937 wholfome, then pleafanr, S11perjluifJ: rbe affel\"ation of ic, andmore famous,chen whol- what. 1 30 fome. 1.5 8 Nothing feems fo {t~pufl•o• Spw/ : No common pace will as religious duties. 817 fervewhc:n we goc on Gods Sll!trflitiDn: Itscharal\er. 170 mdfage. rz'r What itdoch. 861 He is prodigaU in ru, cdfe. Itisdevotionsape. I OJ9 char is flow in exec~:~.ion . i/Jitl. Howinjurious ro6od. 101 4 Spuch : the praife of a good Suptrjlilion: How it befoolc:s ffiuch. 9 men. u 11 A good thing to inure youth SMP".flitin, vide U.IAtrJ. ro goodtptuh. 1 o S•fjiri•n : Charity ic felfwhen Thecenfure ofmuch fjuch, itwiUalloiVf•ffiitiDII. 9 17 and little wir. i/J, Where it is good ro be[Nfli~ ~~h~v::J0 °[2h::.V:.:_, rq~;~h~; 'f::jf:rionis quick fighced~, . are to f,ccon!Idered. '3<f 110 9 srn: It is good to try tbeffii· GrearJJeffe is ufually P~JPili· rits. 1079 ous. 1 p 5' Jr breaches freely, not con6niDgir felfeither to time or means. J30-i Spirttllllll: ifoiritiiAII things how foveraigo or hurtfull, 1018 T StMt: Where the remporaii and fpiriruall Stifle combine nor TA!Jtnuclt : Swecr aJlufions together, fee wbar follows, ofthe T..WtnJJU'/twitb healOJ J ven. 430 An excellent demonllratioD T""'"' : ofher and t.Ammo,, of a/fates happinelfe. 13or 110 9 Strngers: we arefo below. if Herbcwailinghervirginity. Stri fe .- t here 2re three: things lhac wife and hondl men neverftri'De fQr. ~~ s • /JjtO: his duty eo Prince and fellow Jt•hjtffs. 2 1 3 The dofc relation becw«n Prin:e and SuhjeEJ. 1084 The Soveraign fmittcn in his(•hJ,II· "93 St«cejfo: WcmuGnormoafure our fpirituall fucceffe by our own power,&c. 87' Good fuccdfe oft lifu up the heart with too mach confi· dence. 91 4 ThecuRomc of[• cttfft what it dorh in fin. 977 The truth of profeffion often gloried in by the good foe·/ up. U 73 To have good["'"[fo 'in any Ill I TeACh" s.- the fins ofu '"h" J.arc the teacher! of fin. 1031. Tt~~ru: Obfervationt ofchem. " f That here oo.r cies are fult of lelfrJ. 1 24 How precious. 415 The world full of caufes of weeping. 41.6 T emperAnce: In diec,words, aaiGns1and affetlio05. IOj r,mple : Both cbe Tabernacle and ir were refcmblances of 1he holy Church ofG od . 4•9 The Tm<plt abufc:d eo Idolatry whether ic may be ufed I to Cods fervice, 50:8 Of their founders and furni. lhert, 569 The Rate of the Temple and our Chnrch in refemblance. le is· good comming to 5th~ . TtpJplehowfoev~. s31. The,building of the T emple, tq6 Four Tem1/u eo be feen in chatone. 1158 The tefcmblances of it with 1he Ttmpl•qfour body, i6. A 6ngular and patheticall dif· fwafion from defiling the Ttmple, J:Z.84 No Air was e\'Cr in Tudah wherein Gods Ttmple (uftCr· ednot. 1304 Sixe times pillaged. ,h, A preny mournful Elegy for iu ovenhrow. 1JIQ The Samaritans.b.ecaufe tbey couldnot be admitted to help to work in building the Tnnpl.,, fc:c:ho'l'rt~y binder ~he long time it was in b!~1~ ding. ;6, Te111p1rAis: they are aU crou. ~lcfome. · -+' Tt"'Jtllli,~s: they a~e more penllous 10 profpemy then in adverlity. 11 Thofe umptlll;.,,s are molt powerfull wbicb fetch their force from pretence of Rcligiousobedience. Jo68 No temptAtion fo dangerou1 as chat which comet under the vail ofholineffe. 1 180 Tht~~~l:jNinefl : A true: token of a thlllllrJull heart. I oo 2 ThroMe: whatic tignifies. 427 TIMu,thts : good thDNlhtJ make bur'a thcrew· fare i.o rhe wicked. 835 T ime: its pretioufne(fe,andreafonsof redeeming it. 41 What to doe thac time may neither Real on us, nor from us. fl Oar wifdome in caking tilmJ for ought wedo, 436 T ,;gllt: the tong11u and hearts correfpondence. 31 The t011gue will ..ardly leave that which the heart is inu· red to. 1;7 A foul t1ng11t punifucd with a foul face. 877 Innocency no fiielter for an evill to,gut. , Eh How lhould men be hypoAa aaaa crires