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116 Holy Obfer'tlations. theeye ofhis Parent amerry companionwithout vanity,a friend not changed with A honour a lick rmn chcerefull, a roule departing with comfort and affurance. ' , 6. I have oftobferved in merry meerin~ folemnl¥ made,rhatfome":hathat~ fallen out crofl'e: either in the rime,or rmmed~atly upon lt;to feafon(as I thmk)our tmmoderation in defiring or enjoying our friends: and againe, events fufpet!ed, have proved e\•er bell; God here in bldlingour awfull fubmiflion with good fucceffe. In . all rhefe humane rhinos,indifferency is fafe. Let thydoubts be ever equall to thy defires: fo thy difappoi,;'tment fl1>Il not be grievous, becaufe thy expet!ation was not peremptory. 7· You flull rlrely find aman eminent in fundry faculties ofmind,or fundry manuaB ry trades. If his memory be excellenr,hisfant~fie is but dull : ifhis fancy bee bufie and quicke,his judgement is but !hallow: Ifhts Judgement bee deepe,hrs utterance is harfl1: which alfo holds no ldfe inthe attivities of the hand. And if it happenthat one tmn bee ~ualified with skill ofdivers trades, and prat!ife this variety, you lhall feldome find nch one thriving in his e!late 1 wirh fpirituall gifts it is orherwife; which are fo chainedtogerhc:rJthat who excels in one,harhfome eminency inmore, yea, in all. Looke upon faith: !bee is attended with a Bevy ofGraces: Hee-rhat beIeeves, cannotbut have hope: ifhope, patience. Hee that beleeves and hopes,mu!l needs find joy in God : if joy,lovcofGod; he that loves God, cannot bur Jo,•e his brother: his love to God,breeds pietyand care to pleafe, farrow for offending,feare to offend: his love to men,fideliry and Chriftian beneficence.Vices are fddome fingle; but vertues goe ever in troups: they goe fo thick, that fomttimes fome are hid in the crowd;which yet are,but appeare not. They may be flmt out from fi81it1 they c cannot be fevered. 8. The hea\·en ever moves,and yet is the place ofour re!l.Earrh ever re!ls,and yet is the place ofour trouble. Outward motion can be no enemy to inward re!l; as outward refr maywell !landwith inward unquietneffe. 9· Nonelive fo ill, but they content themfdves in fomewhat: Even the begger likes the fmell ofhisdifl1. It is • rare evill that hath not fomething to fweeten it, dther in fenfe,or inhope:otherwife menwouldgrow defperate,mminous,envious ofothc:rs, weary ofthemfdves. The better that thing i~ .)yhcrein wee place our comfort, the happier we live: and themore we love good things, the better they are to us. The worldlings comfort, thoughit be good to him becaufe hee loves it; yet becaufe it is D not abfolutelyandeternally ~ood, it failes him: wherein the Chrifrian harh ju!l advantage ofhim,while he hat all the fame caufes ofjoy refined and exalred;befides, more and higher, which theother knowes not of: the worldlinglaughs more, but the Chrillian is more delighted. Thefe two are eafily fevered. Thou fee!la goodly pit!ure, oranhcape ofthy gold : thou laugbe!l not, yet thy delight is more than in a jell that fl1akerh thy fpleene. As griefe,fo joy is not Ieffe when it is lea!! exprdfed. l O o I have feene the wor!l natures, and moll depraved minds,notaffetting all finnes: but !!ill feme they have condemned in others,and abhorred inrhemfdves. One exclaimes on coveroufnes,yet he can too well abide riotous good fdlow!hip. Another inveighs againfr drunkenneffe anc!excdfe, npt caring how cruel! he be in ufury and oppreflion.One cannot en<1!1rea ,o~h and quarrdlous difpofirion;yetJives himfelf E evertounclean andlafovi'o\Jscour es. AnOth<;r hates all wrongs, avewronato God.One is a civill Atheifr,another a religious Ufurer,athird an hone!! Drunkat~d,a fourth an unchafre Ju!licer,a lilt-a cha!le Qt;arreller. I know nor whether ever'! Devillexcellin allfinnes: I am fure feme ofthem havedenomination fi·om feme finnes more fpeciall .Let no man applaud himfdfe for rhofe fins he wanteth,bm condemne I himfelfe rather for that fin he hath.Thou ccnfure!lanothermans fin,he thine \ God curfeth both. I 11 Gold