Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

I I IH A ~~3.ta~~~$t.~$~r~~~~~~~$~~~$~l ~~~-~~------------~-«~- ~ Sotne fevvof DAvros Pfalmes Metaphrafed. &un·!ll•'"·~·~·i .. ·~ '"·,,•••,,.,. ~ }~' } ~- j.k'tiL.~ • "' ' · ~~~- ~bt' Tbt jafl mAns WA'J :> .ll P sALM E 1. Whtl<jinntrs rate !~the tu•< •[the 143. PJ.Ime. Runs t~dtCAJ, Give laud umo the Lord. ~~~ji~j~~~i~~ vvEI•h.,hmtwalkt aflraJ, In w:ckuJ mtRJ advtct, P s A L M E '2. . NIT {IDDd mflnners '"}; lnth<luneofthe IZ5.Pfalm<. NIT tllthmeD!npar.us h [, · ThAI ftDrntrs Art, T o e that doeput thm confidence. .As thmJt mAtt, "V V HJ tl11l1< GtnllltJ tomults mAke, In fo•f/ng &hAJrt 1 Anti nAttiiJI 11U &1»/}trt 111 v11rm, HAthlvtrfitt. > v/llatArthiJ Prinw <Dun[tUtAk< c AgAtn.ft their c•J;Af.Ai~fltht Zaigne • JIMI ill thJ lanits Jivint, ofhu deAte Chrifl? let m, '"J,f'int, tJ LDrd fits hil tltlight, 3 Br.<Ak< Afl ~htir h•mls: a11d ""' 111 f"•kt Andinsh•fi lawes•ftbi»t Thur ~hr11la1mt, J'*'' t~nJ {tMJile &b11i11e, Jt•Jies AlldalA»d•ight; 4 Whtlts '""' (•la~) they f•ndly (}Ake, Oh, hl'fl' I AI JniiJS 'I'hritt Mtd il ! Ht th.s •l•fi rida on tht stia, A•d (ore allg•lnt LAHghs AO their /twddcviu 11 ficrwt, Ettr••Ohlijfe. 5 Ani J>htn h" wrathfuUTAgt fo•Urift, - Wzth ,PI•guts jb,/1 "' ' lu thtm AU [17117i11, 3 Htf/t•P ~.like the tree A11dzn h# f•rJ thus rtplits; Set lry tilt ••ttr-JiringJ, 6 B•tl~ m7 J.'tng with[Atred h"ne D whieh "'""' hu (eaf..s be lfn_omtJng, {h~tiJ in printtlJ g11ift cM•Jiplt4mt fruttforth brings, Hu he.dw11b "J•U cro,ne.d~rnt, Wh•ft bo•ghs {i gmne VfM 111] SiORJ iloly IP/111111 ShAD neverfaJt, B11t (~vcrtJ Peen1 Hu Empires glmnu fi•tfo•Ubt. With t11nely jlwle,. And Jth111 r.u' d {haUfarrt rmunt The te1JIIIT ofhis true d(gne. SI, 11 thil hapfJ wi~ht, 7 NJ S•nnt '""' art,fatdG•d, I tbu AUhil tltfignts Jl>aU thriv~: BtgAtthi6 day 6y dueau•unt: 4 Where.u them•n •nright, . TbJ Sttpter, dot bNt Mkt ofme, ~ J ehAjft whichwiltds a'~e Jri-re, All t~rthiJ ktngaomts}ball (•rm•unl, With'""'] bl•ft 8 vf Un•tions t• tj. rt,htfuO ("•J · E Is tojJ onbit, Nor &4n ~~ l.cjl !J>i/1 foqeB fr~m urt tj/ end ' In fofttJ lit. 9 of .u thl n>fTid, •ndth•'tl,•ll hr•y 5 W~trtfm in th•t {i.J Joomt, Th•fo.flubb~rnt fm t/111 wi '"' btHd, W<th ms MAtt (like PltttrstiAJ) Th<J dm n•t rift frDma•ft: Io In pttetsfm•U• y.tKings .sttndj N" fhaO n• ftnntr &~mt, And ycc, JTJhQm 1therswDnt 1bcy, Tlgl"J •ftht jujl. L<Arnt .;{lllmt, Andatl.jiAmt»d, t I .Stt,