Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

pSALM I! S. A · thJt Art tofin a·t".Jo!td: 6 Thdymg lips, andwhowuhbl06d art(}llted, Thou dotflailhorre, An·/ wiltfor ever flay: 7 But l111U1 thine-IJOr'.fe JhaUtake the rvay. Andthrbugh thy grace ' .tbund.mt.fha/1 adort, Wuh humble {tare n'lthin thy holy place. .B 8 oh ! leade me, Lord, within thy rigbuow trAct: Evtn for theirfaku that mahct mt fo fore, tJitaktfmoOih thy pa~hs my dtmlfm eyes btfire. 9 Within thtir mouth no truth UtvtrfoNnd: Pure mtfchufi u their h,.rt : • gaping tomoe 10 JstiJttrwidethrDat; C •ndJtt their tongrusjliUfound, 1 1 Wtth (moot,mg words. o Lord givtthtmtheir d11me, Andlet themfall in thofttheir plots profouvd. !11 their txccjft •fmtfchiefe thtm dtjlr~y I 2 ThAt Rthtls Art; fo tb•ft that to tbuJye, Shall aU "1'1" and{ing tttrnaUy : D 13 v!nawhomthoudofl protrfl, anfl who itw tluc, Andth;decrt n11me, • E in t'tt fhaU ever joy; Sincuhou Wtth o!tjft t!tt righuo~ dojl rt.,.ard, And llfHh thy grace, M wtlh •Jhitld himgrmd. ~~~~M~~:lill~,~~artl~~mmlli .. pSALM n 6. v!s tht 5o.P[olmt. The mighty God, &c. LEt mt n6t, LDrd, bt in th; wr.t.tb rtpTivtd: oh! ft•urge me not I when th] jurce wrathi; mlvtd. 2 Pity me, Lord, ·I that doe rvith t.,gt~or pint: '\ Hc./e mt who(i honts withpatntd.ffi!vtd 6111; 3 whoJi wtary (ou!t iJ vtxul Ah~ve mt4fort. ' o Llrd; ho.u/ong I Jba!II bidt thy difPit•fort! 4 TttrNe thee, 0 L~rd, 1 rtftuemy (.ule dtjlrtft; 5 Andftvt mtlfthy gract. 'M•ngfl tho(i that rtjl In Jiltnt dwh Cdn none rtmtm6tr thee · Andinthegrave , hm fh•uldjl thou prai(tdbt? 6 Wwy withftghs 1/1 night! wu' dmy .btd To fwim: 'lltthttartJ, my couch I wattrtd. 7 Dttpt ftrmv hath e~nfom' d my dimmtd eynt, SNnk in rvtthgruft •t thtft /t,.,dfm •fmint : 8 But n1w htntt, /tenet," v•int plotters •f,im iU: Tht LordhAth h'-rtl my LamtnWims foriU; 6 G1dhtardmy {oil Ami JlrUattends the fome: 1 o Bluft> new my fou, ••dJlye withfi•dden fh•me. ~~~~~~i~m~~~~~~~~~~ .. PsALMEy. As tht 1 u. Pfo!me. The man is bldl that God, &c. ONtbtt, 0 Lcrdmy God,rdits MJ ond1 tru;r:. from bloudy fPight Of allmy ragmg entmits Oh! /et th] WJCTCJ 111~ 4C'JNitt. 2 Lefl thty Me greedy Lyo11s rtnd My (ouie whJ/t IJI»t j/MUit diftnd. 3 OLord, iflthistbinghavtnmughe, lftn my hands bt formd fuch ill: +ifinnth mrfthrefewer (ought To pay g10d tttrnu, or drd not {ltlt Dugoodrmtom; caujlt{Jffoe, ThAt thirfted J~r my ovmhrow; 5 Thm let myfotine.ger chaft, Ort./dkt myJoult, andprortdly trtad My lrft below, andwith dr{gr.ct lndujllaydownemint honour dt4d. 6 Ri(iupinragt, 0 L1rd, tft foMt 0 Adr"mc< 145