PsALMES. ! 146 .AdvAnce thinearme t~g•injl my fo'ne: 7 hattJ.,,fomind'fl h;m, anddojl daint AI Toloolu dt his tmtv#rthyficd! Andwakt for mr, till tho:t frdfiO 5 Th'" haft him {it not much brwwb 7 cMy pmms'dright ,fo foaU gi•.d thr#ngs Thine Angtls bnght; AndwitiJ .c wrtath ofptoplt floc/a ••r• thmt htU. ofgl"J haft adorn'dhiJ htad. FIT t!Jt:r [alus thtn rtvtngt my wrongs, 6 Thou h.t{J him made high (overaigm 8 ..Androu(< thy jil{t. 7 !ty i•<nts be 7 ofall thy worka, and jlrttoflt IJiuaigne O'rt aU thtworfd, Lordjudgt t ""me. Yntotht heards and bt•f/J untame, 8 To fowlts, andlotht(caly train<, .As trttth andhontfl inn~ctnct That glidrth through the watry t.Maine• Thoufind/. in mt,Lord,judgt tho11 mt, 9 l-1 DIV noble tAch-whtre it thy n11me ! 9Scttier ejuftwith(i•rtdefencc' ~~Mii!ili~t11Mi~~~~~~~~~' B Ltt me tht wiCked's malice {tt 10 Broughttoanmd. ForthyjuJitye PsAL"~9. Doth htart an'd im•ardreims dtftry. Il fo f'fttyJl•nds in God noh• fhitiJs 'J'orhttuntofth•t knor•n< {ong, btginning; Thr •••din htart' who(t d01mt day Prderve us, Lord. r 2. To Jufl mtn •ndconttmntrJ yaldJ Ij Thtir dut. Exctpt ht cb•ngehu way, T Hu,awdthy•••ndrotududs,o G•d, Hu[wordu whrr, tobl..dinttndtd. With allmy {oule 1 foundahrtAd .- Hti murdtring Bow i; rtadybtndcd. ~ MJ JDJ,7n] triumph U;»tbu. ofthy drtad n•m< my (ongf/taO k 14 WuponSI{dwh /" h4tb •tidrtjl 13 ohightfl Gad' jinct put t~jlighr, c And arrcwtJ latnt 11 fitrct m7 /Dt, 15 Whoiattbrtdmt(chttfe inhisbrtfl; ..Andfal'nt and vani/bt dlthy fight But whtn kt 4oth on trAvtUgot, 4 Artd!imyf#ts;firth••haflpa.fl 16 Bringsfirth alye; dup pits d•th ddvt, ru.JI {inttncton my cau{i •t iajl .- v{ndfaU tntohis pus htmjilve. I Andjittrng •• thy thr'"' ah•vt, I 7 Back 11 his Ot>nt htadf/>a/1 rt~ound A nghtfuUJudgtthy filfe dofl provt ' Huplotted mifthttft; •ndhu rvrongt 5 Thetr•upsp,.fantthy chtcks kavtjlmd, 1 g Hu crownt JbaU craz e· Bra I /baD found And 1t1Adt tiJtlr nAmt f~r ever v~td. lthiY!Iah's praift with tbanltfuHfowgt, I AndwrO hM gl1riDru name txprtJ!t, 6WhtrtJniW,m] fou,your thrtatntd wrAck AndttU •f a!1 his nghwufmjft. ( ''"'"you, Andhrittgll du{/; fiJhtle thatyt (ay, D i!i~~~~~~~~r.~~m!1H~~il!ll!l.- j Thtir name fhAU dye ,uwtU .u thty. PsA L ME 8. 7 L~t,inthtttrrnaU{IattGodjits.- As the I! 3· Pfai1Nt. I Andhis high Tbr,.t t;;,•flict fits.- Ye children which, &c. 18Whoji rrghtcc"' han the w1rid f/JaiJPtdd And to allf•lkt jujl d"mt{hallyuld. H Ow n•"' it thy mighty Name,(jramr 0 Lord, o're all theworldJ wide 9 Tht f"" from highfindhisrtieeft; Whojiglory is advanc'J on high Tht f"" in needfuUtimts o(gritfe .- Above the f81illrng htavtvJ rAck! • o wh, lmowr the Lord,to thee (haU<4ve, > H•rv for tbtgractlt/Jt ftorntrsJakt, Thatnevtrd•JI thy clttnts itave. T• {lt!lth"•venging tnt1111, E BAjlth#u thy ttndtr infantJ tongttt, 11 oh!flng tht God rhat d.rh abidt, Thepraife •fbygrtat n•m<madtJlrong, On StQn mormt ; and6la'{!11 wrdt While they hanf,(ucking '" tht brtjl! 12. H M w#rthy duJs. F '" htpNrfou 3 But when I fit t ':lt htavtns bright, Thtguiitlej[t bloodwith vtngtdRctdut .- The m"nt •ndflitttringfl•rs •fnight, BJ thine almig ty h•ndaddrefl, Ht minds their cau(t, n~r '"" pajft o"re 4 Oh! wbatism••,p•orefilly man, Sad&/Amours Dfthtwrongtdpoort.. 13 oh!