Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

p SAL ME S, 147 lA I 3. oh! mercy Lord: th1u that ti•:JI fove 5 Thmi; aG1d; Hifruytty<t·prove ,\fy(o•i< fr•m gawofdwh andgr.v<: Ay< pro[pmm: thy jndgtmmts hye Dlt f.crrt furmaunt hu dimm" fight. oh! fierhe wr,.g myfm have done: 6 Thmfore dot/; he aUfm dtjie: I4 That I thy prai{i, tlalltbat g~ne HI! h.artfoith, I foa/i fland m fh:ht, ThroRgh dattghttr Siam btattUom g4tt, Nor ever move; mrdJ.ngtr'hidt. With thankf•ll{ongs may l01ul rtlate; 7!-f i.J ~nDuth tljilfdnuth cnrfts fer~ le, Andmay rej1ycein thy(afe.id. AndM>ith cl•(• fr•t~d' Hi; t•ngutdllh hide I 5 B<hold,the Gentiles rthiles they nMde 8 <Mi(chitfund t/1.- h<ftekrs rh< (ord< A dt.rdly ptt my forlittl drown<, ofbArn<eitjJt mtn in Jtcr<t wait, ltJ!I thur pit Art Jimken dowru; Andin the ClrntrJ oftl:tjlrut B Doth /htd thtir Mood ;wuh fcor~e andhate, In that d ofl (nm thty hidfor m<, Hiuyu t~pon the p1ore are flt. Lse,tluir owne [itt entat~gled6e. 9 As(ome fe/i Lion in hi; dm, I 6 BJ thu ju{l d"m' tl" Lord;, kn•rtne, ThAt th'i/1art punifht Wtth their O/f'1U. H< cio[tly lurks tbt pm< to fP•ylt: I 7 DOivn< fba/i tht wicludbackwATdfa/i H<{f1tlrs tht p10n and IJtlpltffi mm, Whtnonet he(i:am thtt, :nhu toylt. Toduptjl ht/i, andnAtiolfs all 10 He crlnJCJJttb /gw incunningwile I8 Th•t G•dforgtt; n1r fh•llthepoore Andh1wts hu brtf/; r.>btrton wh•lethrongs FIT[.Oittn be for 4Vtrm1Te. ofp1Dre, wh•m hisfairt {htom beguilr, Tht conflant h1p< •ff'ults opprtfl F•/i 11 "'fobjefl to hi; JVrongs. c I 9 sh,ll nil aytdye. Rtf"m thy rejl, II G•d hathfirgDt (;nfoule he (ayu) oh Lord, Ltt not mtn aft .ntimde Ht /,ides his!ace IOnt1.:er fit. , PrevAJie: J•dge th•• the mr~lmutie 12 LordG1 , •rtfl,thi~~e haDdup.r.ifi .- Let nDI thy P'"' forgotten be. zo,Ofl•wleffi Pag••s: Jlrike pale fiare 13 ShaDthtfllnfultm[. wrttches jiorlfe Inlltho{i brejls th61 flubbornt "'"' ' Tluir G1d; ~t1Jd foy, t 'JDU wilt not care ? Andl(tthe Gtnttlts fu!t and find, I4 Thou {it'jl (for all thou h•fl f~rborm) The7 btemb11t mt• •fm•rtall kmd. Th••fle'jl whAt aU thtir mt{chufi, art; ~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~ .. That 11 thint hand ofvmgtanctju.ft p SAL ME I<l. Tho• maijl them tAke: tht poort dtjlre([td As tbe5I. Pfalmr. Rtl]< on tlm rritbconfla•t trtrjl, D 0 God,confider. The htlpeofOrph•ns andopprrffid. 1 5 Ok ! hrtakttht wicktds armt~f might, vVHyJI•nd'(l thlu Lord,a!IO{t(o ling, ....Ana{tArch out All thtircurfrdlr4Jnts, And htdjl tbtt in dut tinm of nttd, And/a themvanrfho•t •fJight. 2 Whiles lewd mm pr~udly offer wr~ng 16 The Lord-a Kmgfortv<r rtignts. Ynto the poore? In thtir otPnt dud, Fr~m forrb hu coajls, tht kwhmfea Awd theirdevite letthtm be caught. 3 For l1t, the wicktd bravts ami boajls I 7 o._4rt rootedq11ite: tb111 LDrd attenrljl In hU vileand lutragious th1ught, T 8 poorememfoits; thou d~'fl dirtfl AndhltjJeth him tlw r.vines •mfl. Their httfrts:tl themthine tAre thou bcndjl; 4 On G1d ht darts tit .. hi; pride I8 -r:hAI thou mayjl re(wefromdt(pight, The w•fuUfathtrlejJe, ami P"": E Sc1rnes 11 enquire 1 p1wers ~tbovt, That (o, the vaint ••d<Arthen ••ight But hi; flout thoughts have jli/idewi'' Onuo»AJ tyrAllni::.t nom~rt. FINIS.