156 \ Ofan Honefl, FaithjuU. L 1 B. I. Ail whJ!e the circumference rfhis dl:~reis drawn~ above. btnc:ath, abour him. fmaiJy, his wit hath eo A: him much;an.1 he= can bothk('ep,and value,:u~d tmp1oyir.Hc lS his I owne Lawyer; rho treafury ofkoowlcdge, the oraclcofcounfdl; blmd in no mans 1 caufc, bdl fightedio his owoe. AAA~AAAA~~·~~·~~4~···~~·~~& -~~-~~*M~-~-~--~-~~~~~~~-~~ Oj11n Honefi man. HE lookes not to what hemight doe, but what he flJOuld. Juflicc is hisfi<ll ~uidc;the f;cond law of his aCtions,ist~pedienc<.H had rather corpplaine dJan offend, and haus fi :1 more forthemdignity ofi•, th•n the danger~ his ftmplc up:-:ghtnc:ffc worksi_n him that confidco~e., whic_h o~c-times wrongs h1m,and giv,·s adVlntage tO the fubtlll, when he rath<r pm<Sthm laithldncs, than r<pcnts of his credulity' he )loth hut one hearr, and that !ICs open to fight; and were 1t not for· difcrcrion, he O<\'<f rhii k< aught wh<reol he would avoid a witnetfe; hiS word rs his parchment,and hisy.<a, h s oath,wh,ch he Wil~not violate f~r feare~or forlolfe. The mif.haps of followmg events, m1y caufe h1m to blame h1s prov1d(!nce, can never caafe him to ea• h•s promtfe:neither lJith he,Thu I {AwnOJ,but,Thit I jdiJ. When he is made h;s friend; Executut,he ddrJis debrs,payrs lrgacies,and fcornerh to gaine by 0· phJns,or to •a r.ckgrav.s;and therdore will be tructo 2 dead friend,bccaufe he fees him not. All h:s .eali.tgs are fquar< &above the boord:hebewr>yesrhe fault of what hefds,& rdlore>the overfeengline of~ falfe reckoning. H dlccmes a bribe vcnomous,thou~h ic corn~ gnildc'd ovcrwirh rhe colourofgratuity.His chct-kes arc nev(!r fiainc:d with chc blu01c:S of recanrauon;ndrher doth his tongue falrcr,to make C good a lye wtth the fecret gloffes of double orreferved fenfes;and when his name is traduced, his innocency brares him out with courage: then,loe,he goes on the pl<inc way oftruth,and Will eithcrrriamph in hi~inregrity,or f"ffcr with it. HIS confcience over.rules his provJdenct;fo as in all things good or ill,he refpetls the norureofthe atlions,not the fcqucll.It he fee what he mu(! doe,let God fee what fhall follow.Hc neverloadetb himfdfe with burdens above his llrength, beyond his will;and once bound,what he can he will doe,ndtherdoth he will but what he can doe. His eare rs the'santluary ofhis abfenr friends n•me,of his prtfent friends fccr<r:neith<rofthem canm if. carry in his trull. H: remembers the wrongs ofhis youth, and repairs them with that ufury which he himfdfe would not take. Hewould rather wnnr,than bor. row, and beg,tban notto pay: his fairecondirions are without ditfcmbling; and he lovesatlionsabovewords.Fmally,hc hates falfltood worfetlundcarh:hc IS afaithful D client oftruth; no mans enemy; ;~nd i t isaqudl:ion, whether mor(! :mother m:tns friend or hisownc; and ifthere were no heaven, yet he would be vertuous. Of the FaithfuU man. His eyes have no other objetls, but abfenr and invifible; which they fee fo cleerly,asrhatto them fer fe is blinde:that which is prcfcnrthey fee not;if I may not rather fay,that what is pafl or future, is prcf<mto them. Herein he exceeds all others, rhot to him nothing i! impof!iblc, nothing difficult, whetherto E bear<,or undertake.Hc Wd!h every day with his MJker,and talks with himf,miliar· ly,and livesevmn heavcn,and fees all emhly things beneath him, when hegoes in, to converfe With God,he weares not hJSown clouhes,butcakes them flill our ofthe rich Wardrobe ofhisl~cdecmcr,ard then dare boldlyprcafe in and challengea bkffing. The cclefltall fpmts doe notfcorr.e hJS company, yea,his fcrvice. He deaks in thef<'worldly affatrcs as allranger,and hath his heart ever at home: without a wrir. ten warrant hee dare doe nothing, and with it any thing. His warre is perpetuall, wnhout