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Meditations t~nd Yo-wes. Cent. I. 4: 1--.;...-1 fo ftrong,as roadmit fccurity, (but often checking me in occafion ofpleafure) nor A yet fo weak,as to affiia mecontinually:Amind not fo furoithed with knowledge,that I may boaft ofit; nor yet fo naked,that I 1hoold dcfpair ofobtaining it : My miferies afford me joy, mineenemiesadvaotage; my account is caft up for another world. And ifthou think I have {aid too much good ofmy fi:lfe , either I am thus , or I would be. . 17 The worldlings life is (ofall other) molldifcomfortable. For, that which is his God,doth not alwaycs favoor him:that which1hould be,ncvcr. J8 There arc threemeffengers ofdeath; Cafualty,Sicknelfe, Age. The two firft arc doubtfull;fincc many have recovered them both:thelaft is certain. The two firft are B / fuddcn:the la !I leifurely and deliberate, As for all men, upon fo many fummons, fo efpccially for an oldman,it is a1hame tobe unprepared for death : for where others feetheymaydie,hefeeshemuftdie. Iwaslongagoneoldcnou~:h to die: but ifi live ull age,I will think my felftoo old to live longer. 19 I will not care what I have;whether much,orlitde. lflittle, my account 1hall be leffe;if more,I 1halldoc the more good,:md receive the more glory. 20 I care not for any companion,but fucb as may teach me fomewhat;or Iearnfome- " ·hat of me.Both thefe 1hall much pleafureme1(one as an Agenr, the other as aSubje& to work opon)neither know I,whethermore•For though it be anexcellent thing C tolearn;yet !learn,but to teachothers. ll Ifearth(that is provided for mortality,and is polfeffed by theMakers enemies)have fo much pleafurcin it, thatWorldliogs think it worth theaccount oftheir heaven: fuchaSunnetoenlighrenir, fuch an beayento wall it about, fuch fweet fruits and flowres to adorn it,fuch varietyofcreatures , for the commodious ufe ofit : What muft heaven needsbe, that is provided for God himfelf, and hisfriends! How can it beldfeinworth, then God is above his creatures, and Gods friends better then his enemies!I will not only be content,but dcfirousto bedilfolved• .. It is commonly feen,thatboldnelfcputs men forth before their time, before their 0 ability. Whereinwe have feen many, thar(like Lapwings, and Partridges) have run 1woy with fome part oftheir 1hell on their heads: whence it follows,thatasthey began boldly,fo rhey proceed unprofitably, and conclude not without fi~ame. I would rather be haled by force ofothers togreat duties, then ru1h upon them unbidden. It w~« better aman 1hould want work, then thatgreat works !bould want a man an· fwerable to their weight. . ,3 1will ufemy" friend as M1{ts did hisrod: While it wasa rod, he held it familiatly ia his hand: when once aSerpcnt,he ran away from it. •4 . I have feldome feen much oftentation,and [ljuch learning met together.The Sun, E rifing,and decltning makes long !badowes;atmid.day when he is at higheft, none at all. BeliHes that,skill when it is toomuch !hown,lofeth the grace:as fre1h coloured wares,ifthey be often opcned,lofe their brightndfe,and are foiled with much handling. I had rather applaudmy felf for haviog much, that I 1hewnot; then that others !bouldapplaud me for 1hcwmg more then I,have. 25 An ambitiousman is the greateft enemy rohimfelf,ofany in the worldbefides: for he frill torments himfdfe with hopes,and defires,and cares:which he mightavoid,if he would remit ofthe hcightofhts thoughts, and live quietly. My ooly ambirion 1hall be,to refrin Gods favour on earrb,and to be a Saint in heaven. · z6Thcre