Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

' The l'nconjlant.The Flatterer. who-mnohorfe can pafle by without barking at; yea, in the deep filenee of night the very moone-fhioe opencth his clamorous mour~ : he is the '~he~k of a wellcouched firr-work ; that flies out on all fides, not Without fcorchmg lt fdfe. Every eareislongagoe wearyofhim, and he is now almo!l weary of him[elfe. Give him but a little refpit,and he will die alone; ofno other death,rbro others wdfare. OftheVnconjlant. THe inconltant man rreads upon a moving earth, and keeps nopafe. His proB ceedings are ever heady and peremptory ; for he hath not the patienco to confultwith reafon,but determines meerly upon fancy. No man is fo hot in the purfuitofwhat heliketh;no manfoooer weary.He is fiery in his paffions, which yet are not more violent thetflnomentany : 't is a wonder ifhis loveor hatred b!l fo many dayes as~ wooder.His heart is the Inne o all good motions, wherein if they lodge fo a night,itis well;by morning they are gone,and takeno leave: and iftl;tey come thar way again, they areentertained as gue!ls, not as friends. At firlt like another Eub•li114 he loved fimpletrutb;thence diverting his.eyes, he fell in love with idolatry. thofe heathenifh !brines had never any more doting and befotted diem; and now'of late he is leaptfrom JJ.ome eo MunPtr, and is growne togiddy Anabap. tifme :what he will be next,as yet he knoweth not; but ere he have winrrcd his epiC nion,itwill be manife!l.Heis good to make an enemy of, ill for afriend; b<caufe as rhe"' is no trult in his affcdion, lo no rancor in his difpleafurc. The mulrirude ofhis changed purpofes brings with itforgetfulnelfe; and not ofothers more then ofhimfelfe. He faies,fwearcs,renounces,becaufe what he promifed, hemeant not longenough to make an imprellion. Hereinalone he is good for a common-wealth , that he fets many onwork,with building, ruining, altering ; and makes more hufineffe thenTime it fdfe; neither is he a greater enemy to thrift, then to idlenelfe. Propriety is to himenough caufe ofdillike; each thing pleafes himbetter that is not his own. Even in the bell things, long continuance is a jult quarrell 1 M•nna it felfe growes tedious with age, and Novelry is the highelt ltile ofcommendation to the meanelt offers: neither dorbhe in bookes and fafhions aske H•w g~Dd, but, H1w new. Variety D carries him away with delight, and no uniforme pleafure can be wirhout an iikfome fulnelfe. He is fo transformable into all opinions,maoners, qualities, that he feems rather made immediarely of rhe firlt matter, then ofwell tempered elements ; and therefore is in poffibility any thing,or every thing; norhing in prefent fubfhnce. Finally,he is fervile in imitation,waxey to perfwalions,witty to \vrong himfelf, a guelt in his ownhou[e,an Ape ofothers,and in aword, any rather then himfelfe. Ojthe Flatterer. FLattery is nothing but falfe friendfhip, fawning hypocrilie, difhooelt civility, E bafe '!'erchandize of \~ords, a plaulible d! fcord ofrhe heart and lips. Th~ Flarrerer 1s blear.-eyed tO 1ll;and cannot feev1ces; and his tongue walks ever 10 one rrack of unju!l praifes,and can no more tell how ro difcommend, then to fpeak true. H1s fpeeches aro full ofwondring inrerjeaions; and all his rides are fuperlarive, and both ofrhem fddomr ever but in prefence. his bafe mind is well marched with a mercenary tongue,which is a willing llave to another mans eare; neither regardeth he how true,but ~O\Y pleafing. His Art is nothing buc a delighrfull coo%enage,whofe ~ules ar~ fmoorhmg,and garded with perjury 1 whofe !cope is tomake men fooks, mreachmg them toover-value them!elves, and to tickle his friends to death. This man is a Porter ofall good tales,and mends rhem in the carriaae: OneofFames belt friend~,and his owne1~hat helps to furnifh her with rhofe rumo"urs, that may advanrage h1mfelfe. Confc1ence bath no greater adverfary1 forwhen !he is about to play ~er